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Shull Fellowship Charter

The Clifford G. Shull Fellowship Program is aimed at attracting new scientific talent to ORNL and its neutron science programs, making it possible for these outstanding new scientists to continue on the path to excellence while substantially contributing to ORNL and U.S. Department of Energy missions and goals. The Shull Fellowship is open to fields of science and engineering that further advances in neutron science. Shull fellows are expected to provide valuable stimuli to the research efforts of the Laboratory, make available the most recent development of university science and engineering departments, and represent the Laboratory to its sponsors and collaborators in the scientific community.

Shull Fellowship Winners


Oliver Delaire

Olivier Delaire was appointed a Shull fellow in 2008. He received his PhD in Materials Science from the California Institute of Technology. His current work involves investigations of the microscopic structure and dynamics of materials for energy applications with neutron scattering and computer simulations.



Christopher Stanley

Christopher Stanley,
National Institute of Standards & Technology and the National Research Council

Chris received his PhD in polymer science and engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is currently working on protein structure and aggregation related to neurological disorders using small-angle neutron scattering.



Andrew Christianson  
Wei-Ren Chen

The first two Shull fellowships were awarded in 2006 to Andrew Christianson (left) and Wei-Ren Chen (right).

Andrew received his Ph.D. in physics in 2003 from Colorado State University. He is currently working at HFIR. Recent work includes studies of new superconducting materials and the structure and dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles.

Wei-Ren received his Ph.D. in nuclear science and engineering in 2004 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is working at SNS.

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