NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Ask an Astrobiologist
"Was streptococcus actually found in Surveyor 3 after spending 2 and a half years on the Moon or is that just a rumor? "
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  1. Question

    Do we have any current plans for building a ship with artificial gravity?

    No, there are no current formal plans within NASA for building a ship or spacecraft with artificial gravity. While the concept of such a ship may seem simple and even critical for long-term space travel, it actually presents much larger technical and financial hurdles than most people are aware of. We know that the easiest way to build such a spacecraft would probably involve spinning it about its center axis. The rotation would cause a “centrifugal force” pushing all objects within the spacecraft to its outer edges. (for a great artists’ rendering of this idea, see the opening scene of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey)

    However, the physics of a spinning spacecraft are actually more complex and problematic than previously conceived. Likewise, the costs of building such a spacecraft that compensates for these technical problems are so high that formal proposals are currently outside NASA’s financial considerations.
    February 22, 2002