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Training and Educational Opportunities

The Pacific Northwest Regional Medical Library (PNRML) staff offer classes and other educational opportunities to both network members and other organizations. These further our mission to promote awareness of and access to health and biomedical information. The RML also encourages network members to use these resources when providing training to others.

RML Rendezvous

RML Rendezvous is a series of web-based presentations and talks with PNRML network members. Find out what is coming >

Upcoming Classes and Presentations in the Region:

The Calendar of Events includes a list of classes and other training and educational opportunities at the regional and national level that would be of interest to network members. If you know of such an educational event contact us to have it put on the calendar.

NN/LM PNR Lending Library

The RML maintains a library of professional development resources for network members to borrow. The library includes audio and video tapes, CDs, books and MLA DocKits. This is a list of items in the Lending Library.

Training Resources You Can Use

These resources support training activities you may be planning. More resources are at the National Training Center and Clearinghouse (NTCC) Educational Clearinghouse. It may also include classes, Web tutorials,handouts and other training materials on your topic.

Classes You Can Take

The Regional Medical Library and the NN/LM offer a variety of classes of interest to network member staff and those in other organizations. These and other training and educational opportunities are listed.

Distance Learning

The Regional Medical Library is working to provide distance learning solutions for network members and others. This section points to various technologies and distance learning resources being tried in the RML.

NLM Update

Update on NLM programs and activities from Dr. Angela Ruffin, Head, National Network Office. Presentation given at the Western MLA Chapters Annual Meeting, October 2006 in Seattle, Washington (MPEG-4 movie, 18 minutes long).

Request Training

The staff of the RML offer classes, workshops, and presentations, especially highlighting NLM databases and NN/LM resources. If you would like to explore having someone teach or speak at your organization contact us at or call 1-800-338-7657 (in WA, OR, AK, MT, ID).