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[EnglishLanguage 4499] OVAE Thursday Notes 06-18-09

Sarah Young

syoung at
Thu Jun 18 14:37:31 EDT 2009


Here are this week's Thursday Notes from the U.S. Department of
Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education. The text and links
are pasted below in case you have difficulty opening up the attachment.
The blurb on "Do You Want English With That?" includes a link to a great
article about a workplace ESL project that McDonald's is expanding
nationwide. Suzanne Leibman, Associate Professor of ESL at the College
of Lake County in Illinois, is credited with heading up efforts to
develop and implement the course design and curriculum in the pilot

Cummings Leads

Delegation to College Meeting in Middle East

Deputy Assistant Secretary Glenn Cummings is leading a delegation
<> of U.S.
community college presidents and researchers to an international meeting
promoting community colleges this week in Amman, Jordan. Delegates will
join education representatives from the Broader Middle East and North
Africa (BMENA) region to focus on business and education partnerships
that promote workforce development and technological innovations that
improve instruction and expand learning options. "We want to reinforce
the message that the administration values community colleges as a means
to increase the number of college graduates in the U.S. and around the
world," said U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan. Link to press

Ohio Set to Redefine



Ohio is readying a new College- and Work-Ready Skills Certificate
(CWRSC) that will redefine the state's developmental education system.
The new pre-college math and English content will align with the Adult
Basic Literacy Education (ABLE) system and the first credit-bearing
course competencies in math and English. The CWRSC also will include
information technology foundations as well as study and critical
thinking skills. The Ohio State University and the Ohio Board of
Regents are partners in this project. The four content committees held
their initial meeting on June 5. More information is available from
Denise Pottmeyer <mailto:dpottmeyer at> at
dpottmeyer at

Do You Want

English With That?

McDonald's just announced plans to take nationwide its current
partnership with the College of Lake County
<> , Texas, that
teaches English to McDonald's employees. For two years, McDonald's has
worked with the college to pioneer English Under the Arches, and now it
is recruiting community colleges to set up branches of the program paid
for entirely by local McDonald's franchise owners. The company says that
data from its early versions of the program show significant gains in
workers' English skills that ultimately may help participants transition
to postsecondary opportunities.

Link to article:


Sarah Young

Adult ESL Specialist

Center for Applied Linguistics

Washington, DC

syoung at


"Improving communication through better understanding of language and

From: Miriam Burt
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:53 AM
To: CAELA Staff; Michelle Ueland
Subject: FW: OVAE Thursday Notes 06-18-09

Notice article about McDonald's

(Michelle, I know you and Frank already have this from Donna)


From: Donna Christian
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 10:44 AM
To: Miriam Burt; Michelle Ueland; Frank Finamore; Joy Peyton
Subject: FW: OVAE Thursday Notes 06-18-09

From: AEState [mailto:AEState at]
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 9:42 AM
To: 'aestatedirectors at'
Subject: OVAE Thursday Notes 06-18-09

OVAE Thursday Notes 06-18-09

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