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[EnglishLanguage 4483] Re: Communication online

Isserlis, Janet

Janet_Isserlis at
Tue Jun 16 08:16:57 EDT 2009

adding to Michael's comment, discussions, themselves, by their very nature, present opportunities for the exchange of ideas.

Like Sally, I very much look forward to Heide's comments, and generally appreciate everyone's respectful contributions to whatever it is we're discussing at the time.

Sometimes a 'lack' of cited research might prompt one or another of us to search something out; at other times, the ideas themselves, give us food for thought - and action.

Janet Isserlis

-----Original Message-----
From: englishlanguage-bounces at on behalf of Michael A. Gyori
Sent: Mon 6/15/2009 6:12 PM
To: 'The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List'
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4482] Re: Communication online

Hi everyone,

I think it's appropriate to cite research when it expounds upon a position
was is taking and/or defending and makes the poster's job easier. At the
same time, discussion lists aren't designed to produce theses or
dissertations, and if one hastily looks for research to support what one
believes, it becomes an unnecessary burden and easily lends itself to undue
bias, in my opinion.


From: englishlanguage-bounces at
[mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of Sally Bishop
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2009 8:46 AM
To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4475] Re: Communication online

When I see Heide's name, I look forward to reading anything she has to say.


On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 9:50 AM, Miriam Burt <mburt at> wrote:

Heide (and all),
There is no reason for your apology. As we know threads change and become
more complex as they play out. There is no reaon to be sorry for adding good
information - in your case from experience as well as research - to a

A reminder to the list - it is always useful to post information to the list
that is informative and informed by research and evidence. But: we know that
people have different styles of expressing themselves: Some state opinions
as if they were facts - with or without backup -- others qualifiy their
statements. But online it is especially important to be kind and respectful
to one another - especially as there are no nonverbals cues to work from in
this medium.

So, get back to your work if you must, Heide, but please weigh in again when
you want to!

And let's be professional and respectful, everyone, and remember this is not
a dueling match but a discussion list.
Discussion list for practitioners working with adult English langauge
mburt at


From: englishlanguage-bounces at on behalf of Wrigley, Heide
Sent: Fri 6/12/2009 5:25 PM
To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4465] Re: audio=lingualism andlanguage
learningmethods used in other countries

I apologize

Never a good idea to jump in the middle of a thread and just respond to a
message that is part of a much larger discussion with many sub points

Lesson learned and back to work for me



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