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[EnglishLanguage 4279] Re: Adult Ed students deported at White House visit

Ujwala Samant

lalumineuse at
Sat May 16 10:33:39 EDT 2009

There is a Canadian television series called Little Mosque on the Prairie, written by Zarqa Nawaz about a small community in Saskatchewan, of the interactions between the Muslims (from all over the world - Lebanon, Pakistan, Nigeria etc), which I found was well received by Muslims and has lots of humour, deals with ethnic and religious stereotypes.
Has anyone used this or watched it?
Ujwala Samant

--- On Fri, 5/15/09, Wrigley, Heide <heide at> wrote:

> From: Wrigley, Heide <heide at>

> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4268] Re: Adult Ed students deported at White House visit

> To: "The Adult English Language Learners Discussion List" <englishlanguage at>

> Date: Friday, May 15, 2009, 8:57 PM

















> Exactly, I think the

> “Visitor” , rich in cultural

> issues and cross-ethnic relationships and demonstrating a

> very sympathetic view

> of Muslims and their struggles here in the US would be a

> great movie to watch

> with a class. It can present a spring board discussions for

> a wide array of

> issues related to immigrants and the law, the workings of

> an unsymptethic system,

> the human toll on families and friends, and the frustration

> of US citizens who want

> to help but can’t once deportation procedures start

> rolling.




> And then there’s all that

> wonderful drumming




> Thanks , Linda




> Heide Spruck Wrigley













> From:

> englishlanguage-bounces at

> [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On

> Behalf Of Linda Taylor


> Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 12:44 PM


> To: 'The Adult English Language Learners

> Discussion List'


> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4267] Re: Adult Ed

> students deported at White

> House visit








> I just saw a DVD/movie called

> “The Visitor” that

> addresses the issue of ignoring paperwork in a compelling

> way.




> Linda Taylor, Director of

> Assessment  Development, CASAS


> 858-292-2900, ext.

> 186


> ltaylor at










> From: englishlanguage-bounces at

> [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of

> Wrigley, Heide


> Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 2:30 PM


> To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion

> List


> Cc: Janet Isserlis


> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4266] Re: Adult Ed

> students deported at White

> House visit








> Hello all




> This

> has heavy-handed indeed. I think that now all outstanding

> deport orders are

> classified as felonies so people are on a watch list. So

> these students are not

> simply undocumented students anymore.





> I

> think it is absolutely essential that as teachers we tell

> our students about

> the importance of NOT EVER ignoring any paperwork from the

> government –

> things get worse exponentially. It is of course also hugely

> important for

> programs to advocate for more free legal aid for families

> so they can get their

> questions answered and know what their rights are when they

> face legal

> difficulties.





> I

> wonder if anyone addresses these issues in their PD so that

> teachers know what

> to tell students and know what local resources are

> available to answer students

> questions (no legal questions should ever be answered by

> teachers, by the way).

> Does anyone have a strong piece in the EL Civics component

> of their adult ESL

> classes that speaks to dealing with paperwork from the

> government (immigration,

> taxes)  – not just the importance of keeping

> documents but what to

> be prepared for if you are a non-citizen (authorized or

> not) –Airport

> checks and road checks asking for legal documentation are

> frequent in areas along

> the US-Mexico border  and visitors from other states

> often don’t

> carry their Green cards or visas with them and face long

> delays just travelling

> from one town to another, miles from the border






> I

> would love to hear of training or learner materials that

> address the paperwork

> issues head on





> Best






> Heide

> Spruck Wrigley


> Literacywork

> International


> Non-resident

> fellow


> Migration

> Policy Institute/Center for Immigrant Integration Policy















> From:

> englishlanguage-bounces at

> [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On

> Behalf Of Pichard, Mercedes Dr.


> Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 10:17 AM


> To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion

> List


> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4264] Re: Adult Ed

> students deported for

> visitingWhite House








> Although I was also appalled at

> the RESULT, it seems to me that the

> Adult Ed classroom instructor should have warned his whole

> class –

> without targeting anyone in particular --- that there was

> going to be a

> stringent security check at the gate of the White

> House.   Some kind

> of  “word to the wise” warning would

> probably have prevented

> the undocumented folks from joining that particular

> field-trip.  




> Mercedes Pichard




> Fort Myers, FL














> From:

> englishlanguage-bounces at

> [mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On

> Behalf Of Eugenia Fitzgerald


> Sent: Friday, May 15, 2009 11:52 AM


> To: The Adult English Language Learners Discussion

> List


> Subject: [EnglishLanguage 4262] Re: Adult Ed

> students deported for

> visitingWhite House






> I saw

> this and was

> appalled.  Talk about heavy-handed!  I think they

> need to rethink

> their "protocol."




> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Lynne

> Weintraub <lynneweintraub at>

> wrote:




> Thinking about taking a class to visit

> the White House? Read

> this first:









> — Two people facing deportation from the United

> States have been taken

> into custody at the White House gate.

> They had arrived for a tour of the executive

> mansion.


> The pair

> was part of an adult education

> program, and a routine background check showed they had an

> outstanding

> immigration order against them.


> White House spokesman Nick

> Shapiro says they were taken into custody Thursday morning

> before they entered

> the compound.


> All White

> House visitors are required to

> undergo a U.S. Secret Service background check. Shapiro

> says agents discovered

> the problems and informed immigration officials, according

> to protocol.





> Source: 





> Lynne

> Weintraub


> Amherst MA










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