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[EnglishLanguage 3268] Re: Children's lit... learning, motivation & content question

Judy Frost

jfrost at
Mon Dec 8 11:36:57 EST 2008

I haven't heard of a study on that subject, but there is definitely a need for one. It is much more effective to study what one is interested in, and certainly helps retention of the material, at least from my perspective as a later-in-life college student.

>>> stephen churchville <schurchville at> 12/6/2008 9:35 AM >>>

Very interesting threads about children's lit: my own experience leads me to agree with Phyllis and Pamela, that every class is different. I have morning classes filled with mother's where children's books work well, and evening classes (how's that for a schedule?) where the students come after work and prefer more practical, real world material.

Carol and a few other people spoke of letting students choose the materials and it definitely makes for more engaged classes when the students are interested.

Does anyone know of any online studies or reports that measure the importance of student interest in content?
Stephen J
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