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[EnglishLanguage 2809] Re: citizenship

Martin Senger

MSenger at
Fri Sep 19 08:17:42 EDT 2008

Pax Stephen!

I am a civics teacher for adults here in the US. I always stress that by
learning about their new country, they are more apt to become involved
in that environment, which is the best language classroom ever. Most of
my students have limited access to an English-language environment,
since they speak their L1 at home with family, and their social circles
are often restricted to that L1. I always tell my students that if the
only time they speak English is in my classroom, I will require them to
buy me a nice retirement gift, because they will be in my class for the
next 40 years!

I also teach that diversity has been, is, and (hopefully) always will be
the bond that unites us as a nation. So it is perfectly acceptable to be
completely different than everyone around you, just like everyone else!
Viva le difference! (I hope my English is better than my French!)


Martin E. Senger
Adult ESL Teacher
GECAC / The R. Benjamin Wiley Learning Center
Erie, Pa

-----Original Message-----
From: englishlanguage-bounces at
[mailto:englishlanguage-bounces at] On Behalf Of Stephen Woulds
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2008 12:50 AM
To: englishlanguage at
Subject: [EnglishLanguage 2808] citizenship

This website was created to help those teaching/learning English develop
an understanding of citizenship as it relates to the United Kingdom. <> There are however
many people in the UK who are opposed to the teaching of 'citizenship'.
It is becoming a hot political issue, particularly as language ability
and cultural knowledge are being used as gate-keeping processes for
entry into the UK. I'm wondering what other people's thoughts are on the
teaching of citizenship to migrants, asylum seekers, etc, particularly
within their own national contexts.
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