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[EnglishLanguage 2518] Re: teaching comprehension stragtegies for higher level learners (ABE and ESL)

Emma Bourassa

Ebourassa at
Thu May 15 18:55:51 EDT 2008

I just used the first page with a low intermediate ESL class, drawing out their understanding of the behavior and connecting it to what they already know about their reading skills. As well, as we started reading some text, I related back to the habits that were relevent.
This worked quite well, and it will be something students can use to assess their reading effectiveness. It also gives them some metalanguage.

Thanks! emma

Emma Bourassa
English as a Second or Additional Language/ Teaching English as a Second Language Instructor
ESAL Department
Thompson Rivers University
900 McGill Road. P.O. Box 3010
Kamloops, B.C. V2C 5N3
(250) 371-5895
fax 371-5514
ebourassa at

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