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[HealthLiteracy 461] Re: Health services for new Hispanic populations

Barbara P Clarke/FCS/EXT/UTIA

bclarke at
Fri Oct 20 13:29:00 EDT 2006

Hello Everyone, another barrier is the cultural literacy of the health care
providers and staff. Through a four-year Fund for Rural America Grant to
address health access of these new immigrants, we have found the cultural
and linguistic knowledge/skills of health professionals to be an
overwhelming barrier to working with this audience with limited realistic
strategies for addressing these barriers.. We have developed a Latino
Cultural Reality Workshop and a Survival Spanish Workshop to assist health
professionals working with this audience.

Barbara (Bobbi) P. Clarke, Ph.D., R.D.
Professor & Extension Health Specialist
Co-Director, UT Center for Community-Based Health Initiatives
The University of Tennessee Extension
Family & Consumer Sciences
119 Morgan Hall
Knoxville, TN 37996-4501
phone: (865) 974-8197
fax: (865) 974-5370
e-mail: bclarke at

"Julie McKinney"
<julie_mcKinney at w> To
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[HealthLiteracy 460] Health
10/20/2006 10:33 services for new Hispanic
AM populations

Please respond to
The Health and
Discussion List
<healthliteracy at n>

Hi Everyone,

Here is a link to an article from AMA News:

Growing Hispanic populations present health care challenges

It describes how communities with new and fast-growing Hispanic
populations are ill-equipped to provide appropriate access to services.
I think this is noteworthy in light of the NAAL Health Literacy findings
that Hispanics have significant health literacy challenges (41% below
basic level, and 25% basic level).

Do any of you notice this growth in your communities? Maybe those on
this list with established systems for providing services to Hispanic
populations can advise those with new populations who are needing to
create better systems. Please write in if you want to address this.

All the best,

Julie McKinney
Discussion List Moderator
World Education/NCSALL
jmckinney at

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