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[HealthLiteracy 383] International Health Conference at Stanford - Early Bird Rate Deadline

Jennifer Staple

Jennifer.Staple at
Sun Sep 3 16:05:06 EDT 2006

_*Innovation, Advancement, and Best Practices To Achieve Global Goals
**Unite For Sight's Fourth Annual International Health Conference*_
***Please also feel free to forward this message to anyone who may be
interested in attending or presenting.**

*Register Today For A Reduced Rate! (Current Rate is $45 Students/$65

*When:* April 14-15, 2007
*Where:* Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California, USA
*Theme:* "Innovation, Advancement, and Best Practices To Achieve Global
*Who should attend?*Anyone interested in eye care, international health,
medicine, health education, health promotion, public health,
international service, nonprofits, or microenterprise
*Conference Goal: *To exchange ideas across disciplines about best
practices in public health, medicine and research, and international
health and development. Conference topics range from/ "The Right to
Health: Towards Social Inclusion and Universal Health Care in Latin
America"/ and /"Antiretroviral Drugs and Issues of Drug Access and
Quality in the Developing World"/ to /"Global Progress in Preventing the
Burden of Blindness and Other Diseases Caused by Measles and Rubella"/
and /"Once I Was Blind....The Challenges of Eye Care in Ghana"/**

* Join over 1,500 leaders, doctors, professionals, and students from
5 continents
* More than 230 speakers about eye care, public health,
international development, entrepreneurship, microfinance, policy
and advocacy, bioethics, and medicine
* Exchange ideas about best practices to achieve global goals in
health and development


· General Topics With Conference Sessions

a. Global Health and Development

b. Overseas Volunteering

c. Health and Human Rights

d. Microfinance and Social Entrepreneurship

e. Refugee Health


g. Infectious Disease

h. International Health and Development By Region

i. Global Eye Care

j. Glaucoma Symposium


_Partnerships in Public Health_

*"Partnerships in Public Health"*, Jacob Kumaresan/, MD, MPH, Dr.PH,
President, International Trachoma Initiative/
*"International Trachoma Initiative - Public/Private Partnership To
Eradicate Blinding Trachoma"*, Joe Feczko/, MD, Chief Medical Officer;
President, Worldwide Development, Pfizer Inc./
*"Public Private Partnerships to Provide Safe Drinking Water in
Africa"*, Greg Allgood/, PhD, Director, Children's Safe Drinking Water,
Procter & Gamble/
*"Public Private Partnerships to Advance Technologies for Neglected
Disease"*, Christopher Elias/, MD, MPH, President of PATH/

_Health As If People Mattered_

*"Health As If People Mattered: Development With A Human Face"*, John
Hammock/, PhD, The Alexander N. McFarlane Associate Professor of Public
Policy, Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science
and Policy and The Fletcher School, Tufts University; Former Executive
Director, Oxfam America; former Executive Director, ACCION
International; Founder and Former Director, Feinstein International
Famine Center, Tufts University; Consultant, Women's World Banking and
*"To Replant the Uprooted: Toward a Shared Vision of Healthy
Communities"*, George Rupp/, PhD, President and CEO, International
Rescue Committee/

_Health and Development in the 21st Century_

*"Young Leaders In Action: Tomorrow's Leaders But Also Today's"*,
William Reese/, President and CEO, International Youth Foundation/
*"Critical Health Issues in the 21st Century"*, Susan Blumenthal/, MD,
MPA, Former US Assistant Surgeon General, Clinical Professor of
Psychiatry at Georgetown School of Medicine and Tufts University Medical
*"Challenges in Public Health: From Smallpox and Polio Eradication to
SARS and Avian Influenza"*, David Heymann/, MD, MPH, Former Executive
Director for Communicable Diseases, World Health Organization/

_Global Health, Economic Unions, and The State_

*"Global Health and Economic Unions"*, Stephen Bezruchka/, MD, MPH,
Senior Lecturer, University of Washington School of Public Health and
Community Medicine/
*"Global Rationalities and Local Disasters: Reconsidering the Role of
the State in Global Public Health"*, Craig Janes/, PhD, Associate Dean,
Education, Faculty of Health Sciences Office of the Dean, Simon Fraser

_Humanitarian Emergencies_

*"Title To Be Announced"*, Stephen Tomlin/, Vice President of Program,
Policy and Planning, International Medical Corps/

_International Community Health_

*"Community Programs With Vision"*, David Werner/, PhD, Co-Founder,
Director of HealthWrights (Workgroup for People's Health and Rights);
Visiting Professor at Boston University International School of Public
Health; Author, "Where There Is No Doctor"/
*"The Philosophies of International Care: Do No Harm"*, Cliff
OCallahan/, MD, /PhD, Middlesex Hospital Family Practice Program

_Perspectives on Global Health_

*"Traingulation: Using Existing Data For Program Improvement and Policy
Recommendations - The Case of Botswana and Malawi"*, Karen White/, MBA,
MPH, Senior Researcher, Institute for Global Health, UCSF/
*"Title To Be Announced"*, Farshad Rastegar/, MD, President and CEO,
Relief International/
*"Title To Be Announced"*, Jim Smith/, Executive Director, American
International Health Alliance Inc./
*"Title To Be Announced"*, Sarah Shannon/, Executive Director, Hesperian

_Innovative Programs and Organizations_

*"The Emergence of a New Type of Physician: Lessons Learned From
International Experiences"*, Andre-Jacques Neusy/, MD, DTM&H, Associate
Professor of Medicine; Director of Center for Global Health, New York
University School of Medicine/
*"From Strong Innovative Programs to Strong Innovative Organizations"*,
Bjorg Palsdottir/, MPA, Consultant, Co-Founder and Associate Director of
the Center for Global Health at New York Unive/

_Beyond Firewood: Basic Needs in Developing Countries_

*"Solar Cooking and Solar Water Pasteurization - Addressing Two Basic
Needs in Developing Countries"*, Robert Metcalf/, PhD, Professor
Biological Sciences, California State University, Sacramento; Treasurer,
Solar Cookers International/
*"Addressing The Reproductive Health of Women and Girls Displaced By
Conflict and Natural Disasters"*, Sandra Krause/, MPH, BSN, Reproductive
Health Project Director, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children/

_Childhood Diseases_

*"Expanding Community Case Management for Childhood Diseases in
Conflict-Affected Countries: Scale and Impact in Rwanda and South
Sudan"*, Emmanuel dHarcourt/, Senior Child Survival Technical/
*"Tears of a Dying Child: An Insight into Child Mortality From Disease
in Ghana"*, Samuel Edusa/, MD Candidate, University of Ghana Medical
School; Chairman, LifeSavers Initiative NGO/
*"Global Epidemiology of Childhood Blindness: Challenges for Public
Health Ophthalmology"*, Mohammad Muhit/, MD, Clinical Research Fellow,
International Centre for Eye Health, London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine/
*"Childhood Blindness in Sri Lanka"*, Habiba Rawoof/, MBBS, DOphth,
M.Sc.CEH, Ophthalmologist, Sri Lanka/

_Children, Global Health and Development_

*"Challenges of Partnering to Achieve Global Health Goals Impacting
Children"*, Andrea Gay/, MA, MCP, Director, Children's Health Program,
United Nations Foundation/
*"How To Help Children in Humanitarian Emergencies"*, Marisa Herran/,
MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University;
Co-Director, Rainbow Center for Global Child Health/

_Education and International Development_

*"Education in Africa: Foreign Aid to the Rescue?"*, Joel Samoff/,
Consulting Professor, Center for African Studies, Stanford University/
*"Creating a Real Learning Environment in a Rural School in South
India"*, Mason Byles/, former executive, Hewlett Packard/

_Leadership of Youth-Led Global NGOs: A Special Workshop_

*"Leadership of Student-Led Global NGOs"*, Derek Yach/, MBChB, MPH,
Director of Rockefeller Foundation's Program on Global Health/

_Technology and Telemedicine: New Innovations in Health Care_

*"Case Studies of the Interactions between Governance and Healthcare
Technology Solutions"*, Kathryn McDonald/, Executive Director and Senior
Scholar, Center for Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes
Research, Stanford University/
*"Deploying a Low Cost, Long Distance WiFi-based Teleophthalmology
Network in Rural India: The Aravind Experience"*, Sonesh Surana/, PhD
Candidate, University of California at Berkeley/
*"Project ECHO: Telemedicine Extension For Community Healthcare
Outcomes"*, Sanjeev Arora/, MD, Executive Vice Chairman, Department of
Medicine, University of New Mexico School of Medicine/
*"RICE: Remote Interaction, Consultation, and Epidemiology - A New Use
For Cell Phones"*, Eliot Grigg/, MD Candidate, George Washington
University School of Medicine/

_Global Health Ethics_

*"Global Health Ethics in the New Millenium, Evolving Concepts"*, Anvar
Velji/, MD, Co-Founder and Treasurer, Global Health Education
Consortium; Chief of Infectious Disease at Kaiser Permanente, South
Sacramento; Clinical Professor, University of California at Davis/
*"Socially Responsible and Financially Just Global Health Electives"*,
Evaleen Jones/, MD, Founder, President and Medical Director, Child
Family Health International; Clinical Assistant Professor, Stanford
University School of Medicine/

_Community Health and Activism_

*"Advocacy and Community Health"*, Gabriel Garcia/, MD, Professor of
Medicine, Associate Dean of Medical School Admissions, Stanford
University School of Medicine/
*"Jade Ribbon Campaign: Uniting The World To Eliminate Hepatitis B and
Liver Cancer"*, Samuel So/, MD, Lui Lac Minh Professor of Surgery;
Director, Asian Livery Center; Director, Liver Cancer Program, Stanford
University School of Medicine/
*"The HIV/AIDS Pandemic, Community Response and Disease Specific
Activism"*, David Katzenstein/, Professor of Medicine, Infectious
Disease, Stanford University School of Medicine/
*"Bringing Public Health's Voice to Sustainable Trade and Development"*,
Ellen Shaffer/, PhD, MPH, Co-Director, CPATH; Assistant Clinical
Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of California at
San Francisco/

_Global Food Systems_

*"Global Food Systems: Does How We Eat Threaten Food Security For
Low-Income Countries?"*, Robert S. Lawrence/, MD, Edyth H. Schoenrich
Professor of Preventive Medicine and Associate Dean for Professional
Practice and Programs; Director, Center for a Livable Future, Johns
Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/
*"Title To Be Announced"*, Cathy Skoula/, Executive Director, Action
Against Hunger-USA/

_Engaging in Community-Based Health Programs I_

*"Bridging The Gap Between Providers and Vulnerable Groups: Reducing
Stigma and Discrimination in VCT/STI Services"*, Rebecka Lundgren/, MPH,
Director of Operations and Behavioral Research, Institute for
Reproductive Health, Georgetown University/
*"Implementation of Adolescent Sexual Health Education in El Salvador"*,
Gabriel Brat/, MSc, MD Candidate, Stanford University School of Medicine/

_Engaging in Community-Based Health Programs II_

*"Engaging a Participatory Process for the Development of an Integrated
Microcredit Program in Nogales, Mexico"*, Eva Shaw/, MPH, Research
Technician, University of Arizona's Southwest Institute for Research on
*"Project Bokonon: Public Health in Action"*, Rosita Najmi/, Co-Founder,
Project Bokonon/

_Global Health Workforce and the Brain Drain Problem_

*"Globalization and the Health Workforce: Historical Perspectives,
Future Challenges"*, Tom Hall/, MD, DrPH, Department of Epidemiology and
Biostatistics, UCSF School of Medicine/
*"The African Brain Drain: Creating Solutions to the Problem One Mission
at a Time"*, Constance Nduaguba/, MD, Clinical Instructor, Glaucoma
Service, University of Pennsylvania Scheie Eye Institute/

_Sanitation and Water Use_

*"Ecological Sanitation in Rural Haiti: An Interdisciplinary Approach to
Sanitation, Public Health and Soil Fertility"*, Sasha Kramer/, PhD,
Postdoctoral Researcher, Stanford Collaboratory For Research on Global
Projects, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Visiting Scholar,
Stanford University Department of Biological Sciences/

_Global Cardiovascular Health_

*"Cardiovascular Risk Factors in South Asian Immigrants: Apo A-I Gene
Mutations"*, Sunita Dodani/, MD, MS, FCPS, PhD, Department of
Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pitts/
*"Hypertension Control in Primary Control Settings in the Republic of
Georgia"*, Fred Tavill/, MD, DpH, Senior Program Consultant, Center for
International health/
*"Social Capital and Hypertension in Rural Haitian Women"*, Cris
Malino/, MPH/

_Strategies to Sustainable Healthcare_

*"Pursuing a Ghost: Fostering Sustainable Health Care in Developing
Countries"*, Salvador Baldizon/, MD//, MA, MPH, Health Protection
Specialist, Free From Hunger/

_Surgery and Global Health_

*"Interplast: Using Innovative Technology to Improve Surgical Care in
Developing Countries"*, Susan Hayes/, President and CEO, Interplast/
*"Surgery and Global Health: A Mandate for Research, Training, and
Service"*, Doruk Ozgediz, MD, MSc, Chief Resident in General Surgery,
University of California at San Francisco/, and William P. Schecter, MD,
Professor of Clinical Surgery at UCSF, Vice Chair of the Department of
Surgery at UCSF, and Chief of Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital/


_Real-Life Lessons in Cultural Competency_

*"The Ground Meat Parable: Real-life Lessons from Africa for
International Volunteers"*, Valda Ford/, MPH, MS, RN, University of
Nebraska Medical Center/
*"Hold Your Breath: A Film on Cultural Competency"*, Maren
Grainger-Monsen/, MD, Senior Research Scholar, Center for Biomedical
Ethics, Stanford School of Medicine/
*"Cultural Competence in Global Health: Linguistic Solutions to
Cross-Cultural Complications"*, T.S. Harvey/, PhD, Assistant Professor
of Linguistic Anthropology, Case Western Reserve University/

_Engaging Students in International Health I_

*"Engaging Students in International Health: A Case Study"*, Robert
David Siegel/, MD, PhD, Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
Program in Human Biology, and Center for African Studies, Stanford
*"Phacos, 115 Degrees, and Marriage Proposals? Stories and Lessons >From
Volunteering in Bihar, India"*, Anna Cooper/, MPH Candidate, University
of Rochester School of Public Health/
*"Perspectives on Tamale From A Unite For Sight Volunteer"*, Nicholas
Greene/, Unite For Sight Volunteer in Tamale, Ghana/

_Engaging Students in International Health II_

*"Teaching Health Profession Students Global Health: Resources, Methods,
Opportunities"*, Tom Hall./, MD, DrPH, Department of Epidemiology and
Biostatistics, UCSF School of Medicine/
*"Innovations in Global Health Education"*, Thomas Novotny/, MD, MPH,
Director of International Programs; Professor in Residence, Epidemiology
and Biostatistics, UCSF School of Medicine/
*"Title To Be Announced"*, Ana Carolina Victoria/, MD Candidate, Albert
Einstein School of Medicine/

_Preparing To Volunteer Overseas_

*"Travel Medicine: Preparing For A Trip & Evaluating The Ill-Returned
Traveler"*, D. Scott Smith/, MD, MSc, DTM&H, Chief of Infectious Disease
and Geographic Medicine, Kaiser Redwood City Hospital/
*"Preparing To Volunteer in Ghana"*, Nicholas Greene./, Unite For Sight
Volunteer in Tamale, Ghana/

_An Eye Opener in Chennai, India: A Unite For Sight Film_


_Health and Human Rights_

*"The Right to Health: Towards Social Inclusion and Universal Health
Care in Latin America"*, Arachu Castro/, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor
of Social Medicine, Academic Director; Program in Infectious Disease and
Scoial Change, Harvard Medica School / Partners in Heath/
*"Health and Human Rights: The Impact of War on Vision and Ocular
Health"*, Derek Mladenovich/, OD, FAAO, MPH Candidate, Fellow, World
Council of Optometry; External Examiner, International Rescue Committee,
*"Infectious Diseases and Human Rights: Making Research Matter"*, Daniel
Bausch/, MD, MPH,&TM Associate Professor, Tulane University School of
Public Health and Tropical Medicine/
*"Is Women's Health a Human Right?"*, Mini Murthy/, MD, MPH, MS,
Assistant Professor of Practice,New York Medical College School of
Public Health/

_Children, Blindness, and Human Rights_

*"The Human Rights of Blind Children in India"*, Mini Murthy./, MD, MPH,
Assistant Professor, Behavioral Science and Community Health, New York
Medical College School of Public Health/
*"Confidence Building Measure in a Blind Girls School in Bihar, India"*,
Ajit Sinha./, MBBS, Founder and Director, AB Eye Institute; Former
President, All India Ophthalmological Society/
*"Improvement of the Quality of Life of the Blind Children in West
Bengal India"*, Sudipta Dey/, Director, Eye Micro Surgery and Diagnostic
Center, Kolkata, West Bengal, India/


_Global Youth Entrepreneurship_

*"Global Youth Entrepreneurship"*, James Toole/, PhD, President, Compass

_Microfinance and Sustainable Development_

*"Title To Be Announced"*, Alex Counts/, President, Grameen Foundation USA/
*"An Effective Model of Rural Microfinance"*, Brian Lehnen/, Executive
Director and Co-Founder, Village Enterprise Fund/
*"Social Investing and Entrepreneurship in the Business of International
Development"*, Philip Berber/, Founder, Chairman, A Glimmer of Hope

_Microfinance, Fair Trade, and International Development_

*"Fair Trade and the Dignity of Work in Rural African Communities"*,
Lindsay M. Harris/, Managing Director, A Bridge for Africa Foundation/
*"Passing on the Gift: Heifer's Approach to Sustainable Development and
Program Expansion"*, Jim DeVries/, MD, Senior Vice President of
Programs, Heifer International/
*"Workshop Title: Increasing Income, Confidence and Business Growth
Through Effective Business Education for Low Income People"*, Fiona
Macaulay/, Founder and President, Making Cents/

_Entrepreneurial Social Innovation_

*"Atrocities and Social Entrepreneurship"*, Zachary Kaufman/, MPhil,
DPhil, JD Candidate, Yale University Law School/
*"Cinepolis: A Vision For Social Responsiblity"*, Alejandro Ramirez
Magana/, Director General, Cinepolis/
*"Healthcare Needs and Opportunities in Afghanistan - Collaborating
Across The Sectors"*, Kulsum Janmohamed/, MD, MPH/
*"Priming Entrepreneurial Social Innovation to Stem the Tide of Penury
and Epidemics in Africa"*, BT Costantinos/, PhD, MBA, Chairman,
Ethiopica Infrastructure and Tunnelling Holdings; President and Chief
Research Consultant, Ceter For Human Environment/

_Entrepreneurship and Health_

*"Global/Social Entrepreneurship"*, Kamran Elahian/, , MS, Chairman,
Co-Founder, Global Catalyst Partners; Co-Founder, Global Catalyst
Foundation and Schools Online/
*"Social Impact Through Public Private Partnerships in Entrepreneurship
and Health"*, Georgia Sambunaris/, Financial Sector Specialist,
USAID/EGAT, Office of Economic Growth/

_Social Learning and Civic Engagement_

*"The Role of Indigenous Faith-Based and Civil Society Organizations in
Health Services Development in East and Southern Africa"*, Mark E.
Anderson/, President and CEO, Center For International Health/
*"Social Learning and Civic Engagement: Global Applications and
Experiences Using A Faith-Based Model"*, Daniel J. West/, PhD, Professor
and Chairman, Department of Health Administration and Human Resources,
University of Scranton/
*"Preparing Undergraduates to Address Global Public Health Needs: The
Development of a Multi-national, Interdisciplinary Comparative Study
Program"*, Christina T. Holt/, Assistant Clinical Professor, University
of Vermont Medical School/


_The Health of Refugee Women I_

*"Exploring Reproductive and Sexual Health with Liberian Refugee
Women"*, Rena Patel/, MPhil, BA, MD Candidate, Stanford School of Medicine/
*"Addressing Psychosocial Needs of Refugee & Immigrant Women: >From
Surviving to Thriving"*, Lorrie L. King/, MPH, Founder, Executive
Director, Just Cause, Inc./

_The Health of Refugee Women II_

*"Addressing The Reproductive Health of Women and Girls Displaced By
Conflict and Natural Disasters"*, Sandra Krause/, MPH, BSN, Reproductive
Health Project Director, Women's Commission for Refugee Women and Children/
*"Listening to Women's Voices: Lessons Learned from Congolese Refugee
Women in Rwanda"*, Carol Pavlish/, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, UCLA
School of Nursing/
*"Demonstration of a Reproductive Health Assessment Toolkit for
Conflict-Affected Women"*, Marianne E. Zotti/, DrPH, MS, FAAN, Lead
Health Scientist and Team Leader, Services Management, Research and
Translation Team, Division of Reproductive Health at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention/

_The Health of Refugees_

*"Community Based Rehabilitation Projects in Politically Volatile
Regions: Setting the Foundations for Peacebuilding"*, Kathryn Azevedo/,
PhD, ATRIC, CMP, Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Research, Stanford
University School of Medicine/

*"Mobilizing War-Torn African Communities to Improve Public
Health,"*/Cornelius Pratt, MA, PhD, Presidential Professor and Strategic
and Organizational Communication, Temple University, and E. Lincoln
James, PhD, Washington State University/


_Disease Control Strategies in the Developing World_

*"Trends and Successes of the Global AIDS Epidemic"*, Peter R. Lamptey/,
MD, DrPH, President, Family Health International Institute for HIV/AIDS/
*"Insecticide-Treated Bednets in Mass Disease Control and Elimination
Campaigns"*, Brian Blackburn/, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor,
Infectious Diseases, Stanford School of Medicine/
*"Global Progress in Preventing the Burden of Blindness and Other
Diseases Caused by Measles and Rubella"*, Stephen L. Cochi/, MD, MPH,
Senior Advisor, Global Immunization Division, National Immunization
Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/
*"Logistics of Mass Drug Administration, The Case of Azithromycin For
Trachoma Control"*, Sam Abbenyi/, MD, MSc, Director, Program Planning
and Analysis, International Trachoma Initiative/

_Malaria Prevention and Treatment Strategies_

*"Preventing Malaria During Pregnancy: Intermittent Preventative
Treatment on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea"*, Josephine Czechowicz/,
MD Candidate, Stanford University/
*"Protecting Border Security and Health: Effective Strategies for
Monitoring and Treating Malaria among Burma's IDPs"*, Emily Whichard/,
Program Officer, Global Health Access Program, Berkeley School of Public

_Towards Disease Eradication_

*"Is Global Elimination of a Bacterial Disease a Feasible Goal? Trachoma
3000 Years Later"*, Bruce Gaynor/, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor of
Ophthalmology, FI Proctor Foundation and Department of Ophthalmology,
University of California at San Francisco/
*"The Polio Eradication Partnership: Some Lessons Learned"*, Carol
Pandak/, Manager, Division of PolioPlus, The Rotary Foundation of Rotary


_HIV/AIDS in Low Resource Settings_

*"Advances and Ongoing Challenges in HIV Therapy"*, Paul Volberding/,
MD, Professor and Vice Chair, UCSF Department of Medicine; Chief,
Medical Service SF Veterans Affairs Medical Center; Co-Director,
UCSF-GIVI Center for AIDS Research/
*"Antiretroviral Drugs and Issues of Drug Access and Quality in the
Developing World"*, Terry Blaschke/, MD, Professor of Medicine and
Molecular Pharmacology, Stanford University/
*"Global HIV Prevention From Mother To Child: Challenges for Low
Resource Settings"*, Landry Tsague/, MD, William H. Foege Fellow,
Department of Global Health at Emory Rollins School of Public Health/

_HIV/AIDS Community Needs and Strategies_

*"Kasensero: The Forgotten Village Coming Out of the Shadow"*, Kiran V.
Patel/, MD, Resident, Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University
School of Medicine/
*"Acceptance of and Barriers to Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing
Among Adults in Guizhou Province, China"*, Wei Ma/, MS; PhD Candidate,
UCLA/Fogarty AIDS International Training and Research Program, UCLA/

_Important Perspectives on HIV/AIDS_

*"The HIV Pandemic in the Developing World"*, John McGoldrick/,
Executive Vice President, Bristol-Myers Squibb/
*"The War on AIDS - Integration Equals Impact"*, George Guimaraes/,
President and CEO, Project Concern International/
*"Pediatric AIDS: Worlds Apart"*, Mark Kline/, MD, President, Baylor
International Pediatric AIDS Initiative; Professor of Pediatrics; Head,
Section of Retrovirology, Baylor College of Medicine/
*"Healing through Laughter - An Innovative Psychosocial Response to the
HIV/AIDS Crisis in Southern Africa"*, Jamie McLaren Lachman/, Project
Njabulo Director, Clowns Without Borders/

_HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care_

*"AIDS, Eyes, and Africa: A View of Zambia Health Care Through The Eyes
of an American Ophthalmologist Working For CBMI at the Lusaka Eye
Hospital, Zambia"*, Tom Beggins/, MD, Former Medical Director and
Surgeon, Lusaka Eye Hospital, Zambia/
*"Delivering HIV Prevention and Care Services to Rural African Villages
Through Christian and Muslim Religious Groups"*, William W. Rankin/,
PhD, President, Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance/
*"With Women Worldwide: Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Health to End
HIV/AIDS"*, Adrienne Germain/, President, International Women's Health
*"HIV/AIDS in China"*, Jessica Haberer/, MD, Research Advisor, Clinton

_Community HIV Prevention Programs_

*"Arm's Reach Care: A Community Network Model for Pediatric HIV Care and
Treatment"*, Joy Amulya/, EdD, AM, EdM, Research Associate and Lecturer,
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center/
*"Optimizing Prevention: A Comprehensive PMTCT Program in Mombasa,
Kenya"*, Lara Christine Bishay and Nicholas Gavin/, MD Candidate, New
York University School of Medicine/

_Community Strategies for HIV/AIDS_

*"Rapid Skill Transfer Through Clinical Mentoring: A Universal, Fast
Approach To Scaling Up HIV Practical Expertise in Developing
Countries"*, Marie Charles/, MD, MIA, Founder and President,
International Center for Equal Healthcare Access; Adjunct Professor,
Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs; Henry
Crown Fellow, The Aspen Institute/
*"Building Foundations for Sustainable Local Response to HIV/AIDS"*,
Debra Miller/, MSN, Country Director - Kenya, CHF International/


_Examining Women's Health_

*"Women and Health"*, Ana Langer/, MD, President and CEO, EngenderHealth/
*"The Challenge of Treating Complex Obstetric Fistula in Eritrea"*,
Amreen Husain/, MD, Assistant Professor of Gynecologic Oncology,
Stanford University/
*"Women and Eye Disease"*, Ilene Gipson/, PhD, Professor of
Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School; Chair, Women's Eye Health Task
Force Executive Committee/
*"A Comparative Study of Sociocultural Factors Contributing to Maternal
Mortality in Urban and Rural Areas of Southern Part of Edo State,
Nigeria"*, Chinwe Lucy Marchie/, PhD, MEd, MHPM, School of Nursing,
University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Nigeria/

_Perspectives on Reproductive Health_

*"Cross-Cultural Partnerships for Reproductive Health"*, Dian Harrison/,
President and CEO, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate/
*"Quality of Care Gives Bolivian Indigenous Women Opportunities for a
New Future"*, Lynn Johnson/, Bolivia// Country Director, EngenderHealth/

_Growing Big, Healthy Babies_

*"Ensuring Equitable Access to Skilled Maternity Care"*, Jill
Sheffield/, President, Family Care International/
*"Growing Big Babies: A Positive Deviance Approach to Nutritional
Support for Pregnant Women in the Republic of Guinea"*, Jennifer
Peterson/, Country Director, Guinea and Sierra Leone, Helen Keller

_Preventing Obstetric Emergencies_

*"Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO)"*, Lee T. Dresang/, MD,
Associate Professor, Department Maternity Care Clinical Coordinator,
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health/
*"Training Nigerian Health Workers on the Use of Non-Pneumatic
Anti-Schock Garment For Obstetric Hemorrhage"*, Shola Olorunnipa/, MD
Candidate, Stanford University/
*"Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage: Training Indigenous Health Workers
To Use Misoprostol in IDP Settings"*, Susan Tuddenham, MSc IR; MD
Candidate, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA and Catherine Lee, MPH

_Obstetric Fistula Film Campaign_

*"Love, Labor, Loss Film Campaign on Obstetric Fistula"*, Lisa Russell/,
MPH, Filmmaker/

_Cervical Cancer_

*"Cervical Cancer"*, Harshad Sanghvi/, MD, Medical Director, Maternal
and Neonatal Health Program, JHPIEGO Corporation/
*"Partnering For Prevention: The "State" of Cervical Cancer in the US"*,
Sarah Wells/, Senior Director of Public Policy, Women in Government/


_Community-Based Medical Care in Africa_

*"Title To Be Announced"*, Jessie Stone/, MD, Director, Soft Power
Heath, Uganda/
*"Emergency Medical Care Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries"*,
Scott Sasser/, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency
Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine/
*"Developing A Regional School of Nursing in South Africa"*, Tanya
Whitehead/, PhD, University of Missouri - Kansas City/
*"Healthcare in the Horn of Africa: Reaching Somalis through Interactive
Radio Instruction"*, Kit Yasin/, EdD, MS, Center Director, Center for
Latin America, the Caribbean and the Horn of Africa, Education
Development Center/

_Public Health in Latin America_

*"Honduran Health Alliance: Blending Community-Oriented Primary Care
with Public Health in Rural Honduras"*, Bonzo Reddick/, MD, Clinical
Instructor, Department of Family Medicine, University of North Carolina
- Chapel Hill/
*"Stemming the Rise of Type 2 Diabetes in Rural Amazon"*, Betsy Fuller
Matambanadzo./, Program Director, Child Family Health International/
*"Making Mental Health a Priority in Belize"*, Cheryl Killion/, PhD, RN,
Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University/
*"Emphasis on Empowerment: The Evolution of a Flexible Approach for
Improving Maternal and Child Health"*, Kristen Kanerva Richards, RN, and
Mary Fifield/, Executive Director, Global Pediatric Alliance/

_Health Care in the Caribbean_

*"Addressing the Root Causes of Disease in Haiti"*, Ian Rawson/, Hopital
Albert Schweitzer Haiti/
*"The Dominican Bateyes: Humanitarian Crisis on the Sugar Cane
Plantations"*, Ulrick Gaillard/, JD, CEO, Batey Relief Alliance/
*"Project SCENE (Sister Congregations Enjoying New Eyesight)--Building
on a Sister Diocese Relationship To Foster Eye Care Collaboration in the
Caribbean"*, Kevin Treacy/, MD, Chief of Ophthalmology, St. Luke's
Hospital; Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota Medical
*"Title To Be Announced"*, Ken Onu/, MD/

_Health Care in Uganda_

*"The Impact of Health Care Costs on Household Spending in Uganda"*,
William Herrin/, MA, PhD, Senior Economist, Federal Housing Finance
Board; Professor of Economics, University of the Pacific/
*"A South-South Strategy to Achieve 'Health for All' in Uganda: Building
human resource capacity to implement the Ugandan National Minimum Health
Care Package (UNMCHP)"*, Marion Billings/, MSc, Executive Director,
Global Health Through Education, Training and Service/

_Healthcare in Thailand_

*"Reproductive Health Knowledge and Gender Equality in a Thai Ethnic
Minority: Revelations and Reflections"*, Romeo Arca Jr/, MA, Senior
Program Officer, Asia Regional Office, Planned Parenthood Federation of
*"HIV Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, and Behavior Among Migrant Workers
Living on the Thai-Burma Border"*, Meghan Gallagher/, MPH/
*"Cultural and Behavioral Precursors to "Severe" Malaria on the Thai -
Myanmar Border"*, Peter Kundstadter/, PhD, University of California, San
Francisco (retired)/
*"Prevalence of Refractive Error in a Refugee Population in Thailand"*,
Alex Ilechie/, OD, Department of Optometry, Faculty of Science,
University of Cape Coast/

_Healthcare In Vietnam_

*"Medicine in Vietnam: Past, Present, and Future"*, Peter A. Singer/,
MD, Chairman, East Meets West Foundation; Professor of Clinical
Medicine, Chief, Clinical Endocrinology, Keck School of Medicine,
University of Southern California/
*"To Save Newborn Lives"*, Quynh Kieu/, MD, Assistant Clinical Professor
of Pediatrics, University of California at Irvine/
*"Title To Be Announced"*, Daniel Schainholz/, MD/

_Public Health in Eastern Europe_

*"The Ukrainian Eye Project: A 14-Year Effort To Rehabilitate Vision
Care Capabilities in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine"*, William Selezinka/, MD,
Retired Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, UCSD/


_Vision2020: Needs, Challenges, and Solutions_

*"Title To Be Announced"*, Gullapalli N. Rao/, MD, President,
International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness; Distinguished
Chair of Eye Health, L.V. Prasad Eye Institute/
*"Once I Was Blind....The Challenges of Eye Care in Ghana"*, James Afful
Clarke/, MD, Ophthalmologist and Medical Director, Crystal Eye Clinic,
*"Eye Care Services in Northern Region, Ghana: The Role of NGOs"*, Seth
Wanye/, MD, The Eye Clinic of Tamale Teaching Hospital, Ghana/
*"Forty Years of Community Ophthalmology in India"*, Ajit Sinha/, MBBS,
Founder and Director, AB Eye Institute; Former President, All India
Ophthalmological Society/

_Leprosy: The Disease, Ocular Effects, and Rehabilitation_

*"Basic Pathology and Immunology of Leprosy"*, David M. Scollard/, MD,
PhD, Chief, Research Pathology, National Hansen's Disease Programs,
Louisiana State University/
*"Ocular Leprosy: Results From A Seven Year Longitudinal Study"*,
Ebenezer Daniel/, M.B.B.S.M.S.D.O.M.P.H.M.A.M.S, Division of Ocular
Immunology, Department of Ophthalmology, The Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine/
*"Leprosy Rehabilitation in India"*, Robert A. Chase/, MD, Emile Holman
Professor of Surgery, Emeritus, Stanford University School of Medicine/
*"Leprosy & HIV/AIDS: History Repeats"*, Betsy Fuller Matambanadzo/,
Program Director, Child Family Health International/

_Eye Care in the Developing World_

*"Optometric and Ophthalmological Cooperation in Education in the
Developing World"*, Jay Enoch/, OD, PhD, Professor of the Graduate
School; Dean Emeritus, School of Optometry, Berkeley School of Optometry/
*"Improving Surgical Eye Care in Ecuador: Corneal Transplantation,
Cataract and Pterygium Surgery"*, Ronald N. Gaster/, MD, Adjunct
Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, University of California, Irvine/

Unite For Sight Worldwide: A Film and Discussion With Eye
Clinics Worldwide

_Examining Needs and Solutions in International Eye Care_

*"International Ophthalmology: Structure and Function"*, Bruce Spivey/,
MD, President, International Council of Ophthalmology/
*"Education of Ophthalmologists and Allied Eye Care Providers: A
Cornerstone of Preservation and Restoration of Vision Worldwide"*,
Bradley R. Straatsma/, MD, JD, President International Council of
Ophthalmology Foundation; Professor Emeritus, Jules Stein Eye Institute,
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA/
*"Eye Care in Ghana, the Challenges and the Way Forward"*, Thomas Tontie
Baah/, MD, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Hospital, Ghana/
*"Achieving Vision2020 Targets In The Midst of Poverty - Experience
>From The Bawku Eyecare Program in Ghana"*, Michael Ekuoba Gyasi/, MD,
Ophthalmologist and Director of the Bawku Eye Care Program, Ghana/

_Globalization of Community Ophthalmology_

*"Continental Diversities in Community Ophthalmology"*, Satyajit Sinha/,
MBBS, Ophthalmologist, AB Eye Institute, Patna, India/
*"Cataracts in Developing Countries: A Humanitarian Emergency"*, Harry
S. Brown/, MD, Founder and President, SEE International/
*"The Globalization of Ophthalmology"*, Dunbar Hoskins/, MD, Executive
Director, American Academy of Ophthalmology/

_Himalayan Cataract Project; Repeats Every 1 Hour_

*"Himalayan Cataract Project"*, National Geographic Film

_Cornea Transplants in the Developed and Developing World_

*"Advances in Cornea Transplantation"*, Shachar Tauber/, MD, Director of
Ophthalmology Research, Cornea and Refractive Surgery, Department of
Ophthalmology and Optometry, St. John's Hospital and Clinics/
*"Cornea Transplant Needs and Barriers in Ghana"*, James Clarke/, MD,
Ophthalmologist and Medical Director, Crystal Eye Clinic, Ghana/
*"Corneal Blindness in the Developing World: Impact and Therapeutic
Challenges"*, Stephen McLeod/, MD, Theresa M. and Wayne M. Caygill MD
Endowed Chair; Associate Professor and Interim Chairman, Department of
Ophthalmology, University of California San Francisco/
*"A Safe and Inexpensive Artificial Cornea for the Developing World? The
Boston Initiative"*, Claes H. Dohlman/, MD, PhD, Professor of
Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts Eye and Ear Institute/

_Eye Care in Post Conflict Settings_

*"Mission Impossible: A Day in the Life of a West African Mission Eye
Clinic"*, Cathy Schanzer/, MD, Medical Director and Chief Surgeon,
Southern Eye Associates/
*"From Enthusiasm to Effectiveness - Moving Forward in Liberia, West
Africa"*, Glenn Strauss/, MD, Vice President of International Health
Care and Programs, Mercy Ships International/
*"Eye Health Promotion in Southern Rwanda"*, Egide Gisagara/, Medical
Student, National University of Rwanda/

_Eye Diseases of Artists_

*"Eye Disease and Art"*, Michael Marmor/, MD, Professor of
Ophthalmology, Stanford University/

_Assistive Technology for Developing Countries_

*"Title To Be Announced"*, Ralf Hotchkiss/, Co-Founder, Chief Engineer
and Principal Instructor, Whirlwind Wheelchair International/
*"Operation Catalyst: Action Research Concerning The Use of Assistive
Technology To Increase Independence and Improve Attitudes Toward
Disability in Developing Countries"*, Emily Moore/, PhD, Adjunct
Professor, Sociology, San Diego State University/

_The Interface Between Research and Communities_

*"One Earth: The Interface Between Biomedical Research and
Communities"*, Anna Cooper./, MPH Candidate, University of Rochester
School of Public Health/
*"RPE Transplantation in Macular Degeneration"*, Boris Stanzel/, MD,
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Ophthalmology, Stanford
University School of Medicine/
*"Patterned Scanning Laser Photocoagulation: a New Approach to Retinal
Treatment"*, Yannis Paulus/, MD Candidate, Stanford University/

_The Retina: Research For Developed and Developing Countries_

*"Role of Retinal Evaluation in Cataract Surgery"*, Pooja Sinha/, MBBS,
Ophthalmologist, AB Eye Institute, Patna, India/
*"Statins and Diabetic Retinopathy: A Study in Patna, India"*, Rajen
Desai/, MD Candidate, Stanford University School of Medicine/
*"Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Retinopathy of
Prematurity"*, William Good/, MD/
*"Inheritance of Blinding Disease: Pathways to the Cause of Glaucoma and
Macular Degeneration"*, R. Rand Allingham/, MD, Professor of
Ophthalmology; Director, Glaucoma Service, Duke University Eye Center/

_The Aravind Model of Eye Care in India_

*"Infinite Vision - The Story of Dr. V(enkataswamy) and the Aravind Eye
Care System"*, Pavithra Krishnan/, Filmmaker/
*"Beyond Screening Camps in Southern India/Telemedicine-Assisted Vision
Centers: Aravind's New Rural Community Eyecare Strategy"*, Christine
Melton/, MD, MS, Friends of Aravind Association/

_Corneas and Artificial Corneas_

*"Histology of the Eye"*, Pat Cross/, PhD, Professor and Associate Dean
for Medical Student Research and Scholarship, Stanford School of Medicine/
*"Biominetic Artificial Cornea"*, Christopher Ta/, MD, Assistant
Professor of Ophthalmology, Stanford University/

_Visioning Tibet_

*"Visioning Tibet"*, Mark Lieberman/, MD, Founder and Medical Director,
Tibet Vision Project/

_Providing Eye Care Where There Was None_

*"Examining Glaucoma at Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana"*, Sally Ong/,
BS Candidate, Duke University/
*"Remote Eye Care in the Himalayas"*, Vinay Yagnik/, BS Candidate,
University of California at Berkeley/

_Ophthalmic Training in Developing Countries_

*"To Visit or to Stay?" That is the question! Ophthalmic Education at
King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital and aboard the Orbis DC-Flying Eye
Hospital"*, Rosalind Stevens/, Professor of Surgery (Ophthalmology),
Dartmouth Medical School/
*"Principles in Training for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Care
in Developing Countries"*, T. Otis Paul/, MD, Oakland's Children Hospital/

_Lions Club and Eye Care_

*"Special Olympics Lions Clubs International Opening Eyes - A Model For
Increasing Access to Eye Care Through Education and Screening"*, Sandy
Block/, OD, MEd, Illinois College of Optometry/
*"Glaucoma and Volunteerism"*, Roger Martin/, Allergan/Lumigan Glaucoma
Screening Activist/

_Perspectives on Eye Care in India_

*"Eye Care in Chennai, India"*, Pradeep Mettu/, MD Candidate, University
of Kentucky College of Medicine/
*"Unite For Sight in Patna, India"*, Kristin Ow

_Cataracts in India_

*"World Bank-Assisted Cataract Blindness Control Project in India"*,
Eirini Iliaki/, MD, MPH, Harvard School of Public Health/
*"Title To Be Announced"*, Muralidharan Krishnamurthy/, President,
Sankara Eye Foundation/

_Building Sustainable Eye Programs_

*"Leadership Development For Blindness Prevention: Building Programs
That Deliver Results"*, Jonathan D. Quick/, MD, MPH, President and Chief
Executive Officer, Management Sciences for Health/
*"Sustainability and Eye Care Programs: Development of a Global
Resource"*, Kovin Naidoo/, BSc, BOptomOD, MPH, Director International
Centre for Eyecare Education in Africa/

_Technology For Eye Care_

*"Progress Towards Affordable Vision Correction; New Appropriate
Technology and Clinical Methodology"*, Ian Berger/, M.D., M.P.H. Dr.PH,
Founding President, InFOCUS/
*"Low Cost Lenses and Instruments For Eye Camps"*, Rizvi Rawoof/, Ed in
B Mgmt, MBA, FBIM, Director, Optiquip Surgical, Sri Lanka/

_A New Vision For The Future, Eye Health Integration: A Federal,
State, and Organization Perspective_

*"Eye Health Integration; "A New Vision For The Future""*, Michael R.
Duenas/, OD, Health Scientist/Project Officer, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention
and Health Promotion, Division of Diabetes Translation and National
Vision Program; Christopher Maylahn, MPH, Epidemiologist, Chronic
Disease Division of New York State Department of Health; Jeff Todd, JD,
Vice President Programs and Public Health, Prevent Blindness America/

_Nutrition and Eye Care_

*"An Epidemic of Blindness in Cuba: Lessons on Nutrition and
Mitochondria"*, Alfredo A. Sadun/, MD, PhD, Floral Thornton Chair of
Vision Research, Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurological Surge/
*"Nutritional Factors in the Development of Cataracts"*, Heskel Haddad/,
MD, New York Medical College/

_Eye Care Services: Dilemmas and Successes_

*"Title To Be Announced"*, Satya B. Verma/, OD, Pennsylvania College of
*"Title To Be Announced"*, Mohammed Kabir/, Optometrist, Kumasi School
of Optometry, Ghana/
*"Eye Care Services to Malnourished Tribal Children in Tribal Belt of
Western Part of India: A Success Story of an NGO"*, Nagesh S. Tekale/,
PhD, President, Navdrushti/
*"Mobilizing a Profession Toward Philanthropic Giving: The Patient
Giving Program To End Global Refractive Error"*, Pamela Capaldi/,
Director of Operations and Development, Optometry Giving Sight/

_Eyes and Infectious Disease: Combatting River Blindness_

*"River Blindness Disease - Past, Present, and Future
Control/Elimination Strategies"*, Moses Katabarwa/, BSc, MPH, MA, PhD,
Program Epidemiologist, River Blindness, Lymphatic Filariasis, and
Schistosomiasis Programs, Carter Center/
*"River Blindness Control and Elimination Programs"*, Ken Gustavsen/,
Manager, Global Product Donations, Merck & Co, Inc/
*"The Strategic Reorganization of Community-Directed Treatment with
Ivermectin (CDTI) in Post-Conflict Settings: The Case of Sierra Leone"*,
Mustapha Sonnie/, Eye Care Technician, Sierra Leone, Helen Keller
*"Using the Successful Onchocerciasis Control Program Model for Planning
and Implementing Vision 2020 Initiatives"*, Jeffrey Watson/, , MS,
Director of Overseas Operations, Christian Blind Mission International -

_Strategies For Community Eye Health_

*"Eye Care in India: A Bird's Eye View"*, Vasudev Kanade/, MD, St.
Raphael's Hospital/
*"Unite For Sight in Chennai, India"*, T. Senthil/, MBBS, Consulting
Ophthalmologist, Uma Eye Clinic, India/
*"A UK Ophthalmologist's India Eye Care Experience"*, Jasvir Grewal/,
MD, Ophthalmologist, UK/
*"Sustainable Eye Care in the Developing World with ORBIS"*, Gordon
Douglas/, MD, Medical Director, Orbis International/


_Glaucoma in Ghana_

*"Glaucoma in Africa: What We Know and What We Need To Know"*, Donald
Budenz/, MD, MPH, Professor of Ophthalmology, Epidemiology, and Public
Health, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine/
*"What I Have Learned About Glaucoma Management in Ghana"*, Peter
Egbert/, MD, Professor, Stanford Department of Ophthalmology/

_Glaucoma Research_

*"Title To Be Announced"*, Syril Dorairaj/, MD, Glaucoma Service at New
York Eye & Ear Infirmary/
*"Identification of Pathogenic Mechanisms of Glaucoma By Systems
Analysis of Diverse Types of Genome-Wide Data"*, Val Shestopalov/, PhD,
Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute/

_Making A Difference in Glaucoma_

*"Caring For Glaucoma Globally: Five Important Issues"*, M. Roy Wilson/,
MD, MS, Chancellor, University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences
*"Current Challenges in Glaucoma Management"*, Andrew Iwach/, MD,
Glaucoma Research & Education Group, American Academy of Ophthalmology
Secretary for Communications/
*"Screening for Glaucoma Among a Predominantly Mexican American Urban
Population"*, William Sponsel/, MD, Professor, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, Texas/
*"The Glaucoma EyeCare Program: How Do You Make a Difference in
Glaucoma?"*, Richard Wilson/, MD, Gaucoma Service, Wills Eye Hospital/

_Glaucoma in the Developing World_

*"Title To Be Announced"*, Alan Robin/, MD, Associate Professor of
Ophthalmology, Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Hospital/
*"Does Screening for Glaucoma Make Sense in the Developing World?"*,
Kuldev Singh/, MD, MPH, Professor of Ophthalmology, Director of Glaucoma
Service, Stanford University/
*"Title To Be Announced"*, Bradford Lee/, MSc, MD Candidate, Stanford

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