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[HealthLiteracy 369] Re: Looking for innovative patient ed. programs

Helen Osborne

helen at
Wed Aug 30 09:59:26 EDT 2006

Dr. Lisa Jones asked for examples of innovative approaches to patient
education. Beyond what I posted on this list yesterday, perhaps Dr. Jones
and others would be interested in knowing about the ongoing collaboration
between new readers (adults who are learning to read) and health providers
(doctors, nurses, public health specialists, and others who communicate
health information) in Iowa.

Archie Willard (himself a new reader) is a leader in this collaboration. He
is rightfully proud of their many accomplishments including several health
literacy conferences. I had the pleasure of writing about their 2004
conference, ""Health and Literacy Working Together."

To learn more about the collaboration between new readers and health
professionals, you are welcome to contact Archie Willard directly at
millard at And I will gladly email a copy of this article
to whoever is interested. You can reach me at helen at

Again, thank you for asking about innovative approaches to patient


Helen Osborne M.Ed., OTR/L
Health Literacy Consulting
31 Highland Street, Natick, MA 01760
helen at
----- Original Message -----
From: lisa jones
To: healthliteracy at
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: [HealthLiteracy 364] Looking for innovative patient ed. programs

I am an Ob-Gyn working with ABC News Medical Unit on a story about
innovative approaches to patient education. We are planning to include
group appointments, kiosks in public spaces, and "patient schools" . Would
love to get suggestions on other places to look
Lisa Jones, MD

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