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[HealthLiteracy 272] Communicationns

Archie Willard

millard at
Wed Jul 19 08:24:59 EDT 2006

I recently attended the Symposium,” Health Literacy: The Foundation for
Patient Safety, Empowerment, and Quality Heath Care,” put on by the
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. The event
was held June 26 and 27.

I came away from the symposium with good feelings. I felt good because
two of us were former adult literacy students. We were invited to speak
as part of the program and our voices were heard! When we are seen and
heard this can brings a message of hope to others outside the health
field-the message that we are, and we should be, involved in our own
health care.

A lot of things were discussed and a lot of different things will happen
because of this symposium, but the thing that I took away from the
symposium was how important doctor and patient communication is. One of
the things that was encouraged was not to suppress patient questions,
but to create a climate to get the patient to express themselves.
Another thing that was encouraged is for patients to be open right at
first part of their visit. Not wait until the end of the office visit to
ask the most important question.

After attending the symposium when I got home I had a visit set up to
see a doctor. I was looking forward to this visit after being at the
symposium. I had never been seen by this doctor before. He appeared to
be a very pleasant and a nice person. He asked me some questions then
handed me a prescription and when I ask him a question he was out the
door before I got an answer. All the good things I had taken in at the
symposium now had disappeared in my mind and I realized we, as doctor
and patient, did not communication.

Where do we go from here? Two of the things we need are more patient to
be willing to advocate for themselves and more health care professions
to advocate for the better patient communication with their colleagues.

Archie Willard

Adult Learner

Health Literacy Advocate



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