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[HealthLiteracy 159] Multilingual web-based health information videos


magillispie at
Thu Mar 30 13:26:27 EST 2006

Most of our multilingual Healthy Roads Media health information
materials ( are now available in a
video-type format that runs directly from a web page. The settings
have been adjusted so that these videos should work even if someone
has a slow Internet connection. This has meant some trade-off in
window size and graphics resolution but if larger images and text is
needed, then the multimedia format can be used. We still also have
most content in written and audio formats that. All formats can be
downloaded and used off-line except the new web-page video.
Also, several new topics (now about 60) have been added recently
and our website has been revised. Thank you to everyone for the
continued helpful feedback and suggestions.
- Mary Alice

Mary Alice Gillispie, MD
Healthy Roads Media, Director

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