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Digital Beat Blog

Benton Foundation Chairman and CEO Charles Benton and others offer their unique perspective on communications policy. Read the latest postings:

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The Benton Foundation works to ensure that media and telecommunications serve the public interest and enhance our democracy. We pursue this mission by seeking policy solutions that support the values of access, diversity and equity, and by demonstrating the value of media and telecommunications for improving the quality of life for all.

Recent comments

It's weird reading WSJ commentary calling for... read more
Kodjo 6 days 2 hours ago
Ads on blogs are just fine. Its... read more
fijiA 6 days 9 hours ago
Please also see read more
Benton Foundation 6 days 22 hours ago
I was nice to see the Benton... read more 1 week 1 hour ago
"Flush with cash." Perhaps Ms. Kang missed... read more
Benton Foundation 1 week 3 days ago
I live in the northwoods without broadband... read more
freshh20 1 week 4 days ago
Anyone who complains that this'll slow down... read more
Benton Foundation 1 week 4 days ago
The complexities associated with a tracking stock... read more
hanah 1 week 5 days ago
In short, the plan must increase broadband... read more
indiaseo 1 week 6 days ago
Interesting, but some further context would help.... read more
Kodjo 2 weeks 3 hours ago

National Broadband Plan Workshops

To inform the National Broadband Plan and more directly involve the American public, the FCC is hosting a series of workshops in August and early September 2009. Learn more

Broadband Deployment's "Best-in-Breed"

With the potential to jumpstart the massive investment needed to build America's information infrastructure for the next century, the $7.2 billion for broadband contained in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act merits great attention. On Thursday, May 7th, the Benton Foundation highlighted innovative deployment and sustainable use projects already at work to bridge the broadband divides between rich and poor, urban and rural.

The event featured presentations from experts in the field of broadband, and included question and answer sessions.

Community Media

The foundation’s history in the arena of Community Media has been twofold: 1) educating funders and nonprofits about the potential of new media to address issues of civic and cultural importance and 2) stimulating innovative uses of the technologies by example.

Benton Foundation work featured in GrantCraft Case Study

View the "What is Community Media?" series which examines the voices, the content, and the potential of community media to serve basic human and community needs.

Policy Initiatives

Tracking Legislation

Congress is poised to make a number of critical yet irreversible decisions this year and next that will shape our communications future for decades to come. Learn More

Universal Affordable Broadband For All Americans

America is on the verge of vast new broadband-driven digital transformation that promises to make life more livable, businesses more productive, jobs more plentiful, and the Internet more accessible. Learn More

Public Interest Obligations

A key principle of federal communications law is that in exchange for free use of the public airwaves broadcasters agree to take actions to benefit the public. Learn More

Media Ownership

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 fundamentally changed US broadcast ownership law. The 1996 Act directs the Federal Communications Commission to reexamine its broadcast ownership rules every few years and repeal or modify any regulation it determines to be no longer in the public interest. Learn More

Woody Wickham

Woody Wickham The Benton Foundation is sad to report the passing of our colleague and Board member, Woodward “Woody” Wickham. Woody was both brilliant and cared deeply about the causes that he chose to support. Fortunately for us, the Benton Foundation was one of those causes and we benefited from the in-depth contributions that Woody has made over the years to our Foundation’s progress and stature. We will miss him very much. Read more about Woody