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[Technology 1581] "Literacy and Learning Differences" Breakfast

Fanning, Robbie

fanning at
Fri Mar 21 18:39:10 EDT 2008

Anyone in the San Francisco Bay Area is invited to the 12th Annual Literacy Breakfast sponsored by the San Mateo County and Peninsula Library Systems on Thursday, April 3, 2008, at 7:30 am in San Mateo.

This year's theme is "Literacy and Learning Differences." Keynote speaker is Dr. Marshall Raskind, speaking on the six attributes of people who have made a success of their lives, despite learning and attention problems. This is based on his 20-year longitudinal study of people with learning difficulties.

A three-person panel will discuss various aspects of learning differences, including Jim Fructerman of talking about their $13 million grant to make print available in digital form to people with learning disabilities and low vision; Gloria Moskowitz-Sweet talking about her work with families at Parents Place; and Ben Foss, filmmaker of "Headstrong Nation," which chronicles how he got through law school and business school, despite severe dyslexia. MC is Jackie Speier, who recently declared for US Congressman Tom Lantos's seat.

Cost is $30 for the continental breakfast. Deadline for reservations is Monday, March 31, 2008.

Call 650.356.2128 or email nagler at

Best wishes,


Robbie Fanning
Community Program Specialist

San Mateo County Library System
San Mateo County READS
2415 University Ave
East Palo Alto, CA 94303-1164

fanning at
office: 650.323.0362, Ext. 224
cell: 650.906.9367
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