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[Technology 1460] Tech List Topics 2008

Mariann Fedele

MariannF at
Tue Jan 15 09:55:38 EST 2008

Hello Tech list colleagues,

At the end of December I asked that list-members forward via the list or
to me directly, the topics you would like to see explored in 2008.
Following is a listing of those topics. If you have other requests
please send them to me or to the list by the end of the week and then we
will begin the job of arranging for discussions.

If you see a topic that is of particular interest please feel free to
"second the motion" for that topic. If you would like to lead a
discussion or know someone who would be valuable to join the list on a
particular topic please let me know.

2008 nominated topics for discussion on the Technology List:

1. Social networking (this received the most requests so will be our
first discussion)

2. Desktop teleconferencing

3. Presentation software

4. Electronic Whiteboards

5. New Google features
6. Digital video

7. Online education games such as Free Rice http:// or
World Map
8. New Web 2.0 products such as Unitedstreaming videos

9. Pod casting sites like Grammar Girl

10. Competitive math sites like ThatQuiz

11. The potential of the XO (The so-called $100 computer, actually $188)
and other inexpensive laptops for students and self-study learners in
adult and family literacy programs
12. Open Office and other Linux-based free software
13. Classroom videos
14. Integrating technology in the classroom

15. New technologies. What new or improved technologies do you think
have promise for adult literacy education? How would you like to see
them used?
16. Student-made slide shows (Power Points)



Mariann Fedele


NYC Regional Adult Education Network

Literacy Assistance Center

NIFL Technology and Literacy Discussion List
32 Broadway 10th Floor
New York, New York 10004
mariannf at

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