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Archive for the ‘Resource Sharing & Document Delivery’ Category

HHS Seeks Comments on the Preliminary Definition of “Meaningful Use” of Electronic Health Records

Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

HHS’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is seeking comments on the preliminary definition of “Meaningful Use” of electronic health records (EHRs) as presented to the HIT Policy Committee on June 16. The meaningful use preamble and matrix give more details.

Comments on the draft description of “Meaningful Use” are due by Friday, June 26, 2 p.m. Pacific Time (1 Alaska, 3 Mountain), and should be no more than 2,000 words in length. Please click the link to access instructions for submitting comments.

New Copyright Tools

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

by Michael Brewer - Team Leader for Undergraduate Services, University of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ

With the support and expertise of the ALA OITP Copyright Advisory Subcommittee, Michael Brewer, University of Arizona Library, has developed two new tools that are now available online.

The first “108 Spinner” is specifically targeted to assist librarians with questions about when section 108 of the copyright code (the library and archives provision) applies. In general, this section allows for libraries or archives (under specific circumstances) to:

make copies of portions of works from their collections for users
make copies of entire works for users
make replacement copies of published works in their collections
make preservation copies of unpublished works in their collections.

The second tool “DitgitalSlider” helps you determine the copyright term of a work or whether it has fallen into the public domain. The URLs are:

This notice originally appeared in SEA Currents published by the Southeastern/Atlantic Region in Baltimore, MD

EFTS Saves Money, Streamlines Procedures

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

New participants in the Pacific Northwest Region in the Electronic Fund Transfer (EFTS) System for interlibrary-loan and document delivery include: 


     Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
     Seattle, WA (WAUFHC)


     Providence Portland Medical Center
     Portland, OR (ORUPRO) 

     Washington State University
     Spokane, WA (WAUSPC)

EFTS virtually eliminates the need to create invoices and write checks for re-imbursement for interlibrary loans and document delivery between participants.  Among the advantages are monthly detailed transaction based reports, the ability to handle variable charges and the ability to handle non-DOCLINE transactions.

Interested in participating? See the demo on the EFTS home page , or contact Patricia Devine for assistance,, 206-543-8275.

DOCLINE Holds for the Holidays

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Is your library closing for the holidays? If you’ll be closed for two or more consecutive working days, please remember to deactivate your DOCLINE account by using the feature within DOCLINE:

Go to Institutions, Update, then Out of Office. Enter the date range when requests should not route to your library and click REQUEST APPROVAL.

This notifies your RML to review your Out of Office request. The message “Out of Office request is awaiting approval” will appear in your “Activity and Status” area of the Home page. Out of Office requests do not take effect until your RML approves them. Once approval has occurred, the message on your Home page will be removed.

Deactivation of your account will prevent DOCLINE requests from routing to your library. If you are a Loansome Doc provider and provide a resume date on the Out of Office request, your patrons will be warned that their requests may not be acted upon until that date, but can place requests. If you do not provide a resume date, patrons will not be able to send Loansome Doc requests to your library.

Note:On the last day prior to your library becoming inactive, please process as many requests as possible as ‘Filled’ or ‘Not Filled’. At the end of the day, please receipt any new requests and process all outstanding requests as ‘Not Filled’ so they will immediately route on to the next potential lender. Need help? Contact your DOCLINE Coordinator, Patricia Devine, by email, or phone 206-543-8275.

Cut Costs, Increase Resources with FreeShare

Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Are you facing budget cuts in your library?  FreeShare is one way to save money on document delivery costs and expand your access to resources. FreeShare is a cross-regional DOCLINE Library Group whose members agree to fill DOCLINE requests free of charge on a reciprocal basis. FreeShare participants provide free ILLs to any other FreeShare group member. There are no charges for the material, the delivery method, or the service level. The loan is totally free to the requesting library.


A New Old Shoe … Or an Old New Shoe?

Friday, October 10th, 2008

It depends on how you look at it.

Picture of Neil Rambo

If you’ve been around for a while (since before 2004 or thereabouts) you may recognize the name, if not the older face. If you are newer than that, then allow me to introduce myself: I’m Neil Rambo, acting director of the University of Washington Health Sciences Libraries and acting director of the NN/LM Pacific Northwest Region. I assumed this role at the beginning of September upon the resignation of Sherrilynne Fuller after 20 years of groundbreaking leadership. I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve in this capacity.
