Red Book Archive

Information This content is no longer updated, but has been preserved for reference.

Red Books

2005 Red Book (PDF)

2004 Red Book (PDF)

2003 Red Book (PDF)

2002 Red Book (PDF)

2001 Red Book (PDF)

2000 Red Book (PDF)

1999 Red Book (PDF)

1997-1998 Red Book (PDF)

1996 Red Book (PDF)

The “Red Book” is a compendium of significant Office of Inspector General (OIG) cost-saving recommendations that have not been fully implemented. Full implementation of the recommendations in the "Red Book" could produce substantial savings to the Department.

For each recommendation, we summarize the current law, the reason that action is needed, the estimated savings that would result from taking the recommended action, and the status of actions taken. In addition, the type of action needed (legislative, regulatory, or procedural) is indicated.

The savings estimates for these unimplemented recommendations are updated from time to time to reflect more current data as it becomes available. These estimates have varying levels of precision, and the actual savings to be achieved depend on the specific legislative, regulatory, or administrative action taken. However, the estimates provide a general indication of the magnitude of savings possible.

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