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Literacy and Computer Center

The summary below was provided by the Peace Corps Volunteer and the community administering this project.



The Literacy and Computer Center will be located at an elementary school in a small fishing and agricultural community on the northern coast of Ecuador. The goal of the Center is to increase literacy and improve computer skills among children, youth and adults in the community.

The school has allocated space for the development of the Center and will be contributing two computers that were recently donated by the local government.

The Peace Corps Partnership funds will be used for the purchase of books for all ages and reading levels. The funds will also be used to build bookcases, tables, and chairs for the Center.

The Center will be staffed by school teachers, the director of the school, and other local school staff members. The teachers at the school will use the books and computers to improve literacy among the students. An adult literacy class will also be implemented with the assistance and instruction of the 5th grade teacher that lives in the community.

Other community groups, such as, the Youth Group and Women's Group will also improve their computer skills through group computer sessions at the Center.

During the summer vacation when high school students are in the community they will also help run the Center and help with the instruction of computer classes.

If you have questions about this or other projects, email our office.

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Project Details

Volunteer Coordinator
Aldinger C. of OR
Project Number
Community Contribution
(76% of total budget)
Original Request
Funds Still Needed
