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Preserving Bulgarian Cultural Traditions

The summary below was provided by the Peace Corps Volunteer and the community administering this project.



This project takes place in a village which has a rich history and still preserves many of the traditions on which the village was founded. However, some traditional have declined or were unable to be maintained. Bulgarian folklore dancing is a tradition that has been passed down since the 16th century, but one that has been lost to our community. The complexity of the dances and the cost of folklore costumes have prevented the village from continuing this tradition.

The objective of this project is to promote the preservation of Bulgarian folklore traditions with a 2-day workshop in conjunction with the community and local partners. Through the implementation of this workshop leadership and performing skill will be instilled in the youth and local capacity will be increased as knowledge is passed on to younger generations. With the support of the community and donors, folklore costumes will be purchased. These skills and resources will provide opportunities for the youth to perform at festivals and feel a sense of pride representing their town. The development of a local historical museum, with help and materials provided by the community, will also ensure cultural preservation and be an educational tool.

The community has an interest in preserving the local traditions. They have expressed support for the project by offering materials for the workshop and museum. Local women will work with the professional choreographer from a nearby city to teach folklore songs, dances and how to sew traditional Rhodopian socks. The project request funds to pay the choreographer and to purchase the traditional costumes, an integral part of the folklore tradition.

If you have questions about this or other projects, email our office.

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Project Details

Volunteer Coordinator
Newton S. of TX
Project Number
Community Contribution
(25% of total budget)
Original Request
Funds Still Needed
