



Follow Up On Last Night’s Crime Forum

February 28th, 2006 by Press Staff

Several hundred people turned out at the Civic Center last night to try to find ways to fight crime in Savannah. Former Charleston Police Chief Reuben Greenberg was on hand to discuss his experience in making that city safer. Afterwards Congressman Kingston noted, “He doesn’t pull any punches. As with all great leaders, he can be very frank, he can be somewhat controversial around the edges, but we’re not looking for sappy syrupy stuff at this point.”

You can read more about the event in the Savannah Morning News and at the WTOC TV website HERE , HERE and HERE.

Support Our Troops Project

February 27th, 2006 by Press Staff

The Media Research Center’s “Fight Media” has started a campaign to show the troops in Iraq that despite the media’s liberal bias when it comes to the war, Americans support our men and women in uniform 100 percent.

In order to show the troops your support, you can specially order a “dog tag” with your name and the message “Don’t Believe The Liberal Media — America Supports Our Troops” which will be sent to one of our soldiers on the front line. The goal is to get a dog tag to every man and woman serving in Iraq.

You can order one HERE.

Kingston helping lead the new media revolution on Capitol Hill

February 23rd, 2006 by Press Staff

From the Associated Press:

In a world where cable channels, Web sites and cell phones compete for voters’ attention, politicians can’t afford to let any opportunity go by, says Rep. Jack Kingston.

So the Georgia Republican has created his own blog where he posts his thoughts — as well as his top 10 songs on iTunes. On a recent week, he talked online about the need to cut federal spending. His songs included Ray Charles’ “Georgia on my Mind” and “Love Shack” by the B-52s.

Kingston knows it’s not always easy for politicians to keep up. So he has become something of an evangelist for the blogosphere among House Republicans.

The challenge, he says, doesn’t stop at blogs. Most members of Congress were raised with four TV networks and newspapers. But politicians have to adapt and use new technology — or else. “We can lose our audience if we don’t meet (voters) on their venue.”

Just a few years ago, members of Congress were discovering C-SPAN. From BlackBerrys to e-chats, the need to keep up with voters now is dragging lawmakers into the digital age.

Congressman Kingston, Mayor Johnson, Chairman Liakakis and “Save Our Savannah” To Host Public Forum On Public Safety

February 23rd, 2006 by Press Staff

Congressman Jack Kingston, Savannah Mayor Otis Johnson, Chatham County Commission Chair Pete Liakakis and “Save Our Savannah’ will host a town hall meeting this Monday to address crime in the city. Joining them will be Sheriff Al St. Lawrence and Police Chief Willie Lovett. At the invitation of Congressman Kingston and Mayor Johnson, Charleston, South Carolina Police Chief Emeritus Reuben Greenberg will also be attending.

Chief Greenberg is known nationally for his innovative methods of combating crime. His book, “Let’s Take Back Our Streets,” published in 1989, is used as a reference text for police forces across the nation. He has appeared on television programs such as 60 Minutes, Larry King Live and The Today Show.

“The Mayor, City Council and County Commission have been working to combat crime for many years. Some things have worked well, but we all agree that there is more to do and all ideas are welcome,” Congressman Kingston said. “More importantly, none of us are interested in finger pointing; we’re all in this together.”

Everyone is encouraged to attend the town hall which will be held:

Monday, February 27, 2006
5 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Savannah Civic Center Ballroom
301 Oglethorpe Avenue

Cartoons, Iran, Jihad, Oh My!

February 17th, 2006 by Jack

We need to open our eyes.

There is something very real and very threatening going on in the Islamic community. The red flags couldn’t get much higher.

Just this past week, Danish diplomats were attacked in Iran, Syria, and Lebanon in protest over cartoons which were published in a Danish newspaper more than a year ago. Check out the cover of this week’s Weekly Standard which shows muslim protesters holding signs reading, “Behead all those who insult Islam,” and “Europe, you will pay! Your 3/11 is on its way!” (”3/11″ of course referring to the bombings in Madrid on 3/11.)

I’m a message guy. I get their message.

Adding more fuel to the fire, the Iranian government responded with an attack of its own by suggesting that Holocaust cartoons should be drawn.

You can continue reading the post and comment on this post by clicking here.

(Picture via Michelle Malkin.)

Jack Kingston on Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report

February 17th, 2006 by Press Staff

A few months ago, Congressman Kingston was the first Congressman interviewed for a new show on Comedy Central, The Colbert Report.

As Vice-Chairman of the House Republican Conference, Congressman Kingston understands the importance of using every communication tool available to send a Republican message, including uncharted waters like blogs and satirical comedy shows.

You can watch the video HERE.

Quest For Independence From Foreign Oil

February 14th, 2006 by Jack

We are seeing more signs of progress in America’s quest for independence from foreign oil. This is exactly what my Fuel Choices for American Security Act aims to accomplish. And one of the keys to reaching that goal is to embrace new fuel choices.

Today there are two articles about the use of alternative fuels in Georgia that I encourage you to read HERE and HERE.

Some of Your Comments on Congressman Kingston

February 14th, 2006 by Press Staff

On Saturday, the Savannah Morning News, in their Vox Populi column, published some of your comments on Congressman Kingston:

“Jack Kingston will always get my vote. I have written to him twice about problems I had and each time he took the time from his busy schedule to write a nice answer and to make contacts on my behalf. I don’t know what the outcome will be yet, but I surely do appreciate his efforts.”

“I’ll tell you how Jack Kingston stays so young - he runs half-marathons. He did a great job, too.”

And just so you know, Jack finished 311 out of 974 runners which placed him in the top 35 percent in the Memorial Health Tybee Marathon on February 4th. You can check out the results HERE.

Fleshing out our ideas; Part II

February 9th, 2006 by Press Staff

Congressman Kingston posted part II of his American Renewal Project. You can read it HERE.

America Is Ready For Big Ideas

February 7th, 2006 by Jack

Today I blogged on about the need for Republicans to really focus on an agenda this year because I believe America is ready for big ideas. Here is my opening paragraph:

As some of y’all know, one of my colleagues I admire most is former Nebraska head coach Tom Osbourne. We will miss Tom in the hallways of Congress (and in bible study) when he becomes Nebraska’s next governor, but his presence will never be forgotten. My friendship with Tom has taught me a few things about team work and how those relate to Congress. When it comes to having a successful team, one thing is clear — you need a solid coach. The coach is the guy who is always looking at the big picture, calling plays for the good and glory of the team, and unifying the team. Tom Osbourne’s a humble man - in fact when he spoke to a group of Members at a Theme Team breakfast he said that the only time he ever let himself celebrate after a victory was during his walk off the field. Tom Osbourne’s players respected him because of his love and respect for the game and the team.

That’s a leader. Humble with victory, and always looking toward tomorrow’s challenges.

I encourage you to read the rest of my post HERE.

Kingston: “Show ‘em Republicans Have A Sense Of Humor”

February 7th, 2006 by Press Staff

Newsweek has a story on Stephen Colbert and his new show “The Colbert Report.” Always willing to try out new media opportunities, Congressman Kingston was one of his first guests. He continues to receive praise from the younger generation for being a good sport and is encouraging his fellow Congressman to appear on Colbert’s show.

You can read the Newsweek article HERE.

Radio And Blogger’s Row

February 3rd, 2006 by Jack

I had the chance to stop by Radio and Blogger’s Row before President Bush’s State of the Union speech on Tuesday. I visited some of the bloggers and then sat down with Alan Nathan of Battle Line for a radio interview to discuss what the President was going to talk about and my Fuel Choices for American Security Act.

The Economy Keeps On Growing

February 3rd, 2006 by Jack

With the latest great economic news that was released today, I have to agree wholeheartedly with Speaker Hastert’s declaration that the “economy keeps on roaring.” The Labor Department reported that 193,000 jobs were created in January and the unemployment rate has dropped to 4.7 percent, the lowest level in almost five years.

This is solid proof that Republican policies have spurred economic growth and opportunity.

Congressman Kingston And Bipartisan Coalition Urge President Bush To Support Fuel Choices Legislation

February 2nd, 2006 by Press Staff

Yesterday, Congressman Kingston and Congressman Eliot Engel, along with their Senate cosponsors, sent a letter to President Bush calling on him to support their bipartisan, bicameral legislation to help America realize its energy independence.

In the letter, the Members express their support for President Bush’s call for energy independence and urge him to support their legislation as a solution to our dependence on foreign oil. You can read the text of the letter HERE.