



TUNE IN OR TIVO - Jack to appear on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher TONIGHT!

August 7th, 2009 by Press Staff

Jack will appear on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher tonight at 10:00 p.m. (eastern).  He will discuss health care reform as well as other current events and will be accompanied on the show by Congressman Darrell Issa (R/CA-49) as well as liberal commentator Arianna Huffington.

For more information, visit Real Time’s website or check your local listings.

Czar Amerika Video

July 16th, 2009 by Spokesbloggette

Since taking office just seven months ago, the president has skirted the Senate confirmation process and given unprecedented power to individuals, allowing them to oversee major offices within the federal government. Many of whom operate only under the supervision of the White House itself and do not report to a cabinet secretary or Congress. Congressman Kingston has introduced H.R. 3226 to ban czar funding. For more information visit

Better know a czar

July 9th, 2009 by Jack

To help inform the public about the czars, I’ve created a new page on my website to house all the information.

While it’s in its infancy, we’ll keep updating this page with more information.

To take a look at it, visit

Czars a plenty

July 7th, 2009 by Spokesblogger


It seems that every day the Obama Administration appoints a new czar to cover a major issue.  To date, he’s appointed as many as 33 (there’s so much mystery surrounding who is and is not a czar that it’s hard to tell).  That means, he’s appointed more czars than ever ruled Russia.

This evening, Jack offered an amendment (text here) during a mark up in the Appropriations Committee which would have withheld funding from any czar who has not been confirmed by the Senate.  While that amendment was defeated, we’re going to keep on fighting until we get the accountability and transparency President Obama promised when he entered the White House.

Why should the American people trust these folks be given so much power to affect important policy areas without having to go through the same review we require of hundreds of Administration officials with much less power?

Results are in: Georgians oppose Cap & Tax

July 6th, 2009 by Spokesblogger

As most of you know by know, the House passed Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax (known as “Cap & Tax”) Friday before last.  That legislation is expected to be taken up in the Senate now where, if even one change is made, it will be forced to come back to the House for a vote and Jack will continue his efforts to reform the legislation.

In the meantime, we thought you’d be interested to know the results of the survey Jack recently sent out to those who’ve signed up on his email list (to view the newsletter, click here).

 With 1,519 respondents so far, 97% oppose Cap & Tax.

If you haven’t had a chance to complete Jack’s Cap & Tax survey yet, please do so by clicking here.

Help Stop the Energy Tax: Sign the Petition

June 26th, 2009 by Spokesbloggette

Today, Speaker Pelosi’s plan to implement a national energy tax is set to be on the House floor. The plan would place a devastating tax on all Americans known as “Cap and Tax” with the intent to reduce America’s carbon emission levels in 2050 to the level emitted in 1910.  That’s no easy task when you consider that the population of the United States in 1910 was just 92 million people compared to an estimated 420 million in 2050. 

Join more than 130,000 Americans who have signed the petition asking that Congress reject any and all legislation (or regulatory action by the EPA) that would enact new energy taxes and/or establish a national cap and trade system for carbon dioxide that would, as President Obama has said, cause electricity and other energy prices to “necessarily skyrocket”.

Sign the petition.

A note from Jack on Cap and Tax

June 25th, 2009 by Jack

Dear Friends,

In less than 24 hours, Speaker Pelosi’s plan to implement a national energy tax is set to be on the House floor.

The plan would place a devastating tax on all Americans known as “Cap and Tax” with the intent to reduce America’s carbon emission levels in 2050 to the level emitted in 1910.  That’s no easy task when you consider that the population of the United States in 1910 was just 92 million people compared to an estimated 420 million in 2050.  However, I believe it’s a laudable goal but one that should be achieved through tax incentives and alternative energy research.

Consider that the only nations in the world that currently emit at that level are Belize, Jordan Haiti and Somalia.  In order to reach that level, emissions from the transportation sector would have to drop to zero, as would those from all electricity generation, and we would still need to reduce all other sources of greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent.  Theoretically, if all the countries did so it would work but without them following suit, large energy-consuming industries will simply relocate to countries without these same restrictions.

Read the rest of this entry »

Cantor video - #1 Priority

June 25th, 2009 by Spokesblogger

If you haven’t had a chance yet to watch Republican Whip Eric Cantor’s new web video, “Number One Priority,” check it out below:

He’s just being Miley…

June 24th, 2009 by Press Staff

As reported in today’s “Heard on the Hill,” Jack was an extra in Miley Cyrus’ new film “The Last Song” which is in production right now on Tybee.  From today’s Roll Call:


Heard on the Hill: Congressional Cameo

Teenage crooner Nick Jonas might be breaking hearts on Capitol Hill this week, but Rep. Jack Kingston spent his Monday hanging out with the singer’s even more famous rumored girlfriend — and it could turn into the Georgia Republican’s big break in showbiz.

Kingston got paid $8 an hour to appear as an extra in the new Miley Cyrus movie, “The Last Song,” which is being shot in Kingston’s district. For about 16 hours Monday, Kingston, his wife, son, niece and nephew hung around with the teenage superstar and about 600 other extras on Georgia’s Tybee Island, portraying typical beach-goers.

They needed tons of untalented, unattractive, non-special extras,” Kingston joked to HOH. “I was the extra of the extras.”

Kingston described the filming as just “a normal day at the beach,” complete with a carnival set built specifically for the film. “We were walking around as tourists, looking at the rides, getting popcorn,” Kingston said of his role.

Kingston didn’t end up even meeting Cyrus, he said, although his 18-year-old son did. “I didn’t try, either,” he admitted.

And perhaps trying to prove that his life isn’t a beach, Kingston noted that he tried to get some Congressional work done during the filming, but his plans were foiled.

“I took with me a whole bunch of Congressional reading, and at one point a wave washed up on the beach and soaked and ruined all my papers,” Kingston said. “Which was a good thing. It’s one way to process it.”


Details on Cap and Tax Agreement

June 23rd, 2009 by Legislative Staff

As reported below, House Democrats have reached a deal on instituting their national energy tax known as “Cap and Tax”.The agreement makes two changes to the original version:

  • The USDA, not the EPA, will be in charge of managing an offset program that pays farmers and other landowners to conduct environmentally friendly projects
  • The EPA is blocked for at least 5 years from calculating “indirect” greenhouse gas emissions from land-use changes in implementing the federal biofuels standard

Democrat staff on the House Energy and Commerce Committee is expected to draft the legislative language overnight for release tomorrow morning.  This will give us less than 24 hours to go over a bill which will institute a national energy tax on almost every America.  Stay tuned for updates.If you’d like to weigh in on global warming and the national energy tax, click here to take Jack’s survey.  After completing the survey, please take time to provide additional thoughts by clicking here.


June 23rd, 2009 by Jack

Roll Call is reporting that House Democrats have reached a deal on their national energy tax legislation and that the bill will be on the floor this Friday.  To read the article, click here.If you haven’t done so already, click here to take a survey to let Jack know where you stand on global warming and the national energy tax.

JACK ON THE FLOOR - Dim Energy Agenda

May 19th, 2009 by Legislative Staff

Jack spoke on the floor of the House regarding the Democrat’s dim energy agenda. As they prepare to institute a national energy tax, known as “Cap and Tax,” to combat global warming, they are shying away from the term and trying to rebrand it as global climate change. Jack, who rides his bike to work, noted that it was a balmy 49 degrees on his way to the Capitol this morning even though it’s the middle of May. He goes on to note that Democrats seek to exclude nuclear energy from America’s energy portfolio even though it’s safe enough for 4 in 5 households in France.

UGA Graduation

May 11th, 2009 by District Staff

A few pictures from UGA’s Commencement Ceremonies at which Jack was the keynote speaker:

TUNE IN OR TIVO - Jack to appear on MSNBC @ 2 p.m. TODAY!

April 1st, 2009 by Press Staff

TUNE IN OR TIVO - Congressman Jack Kingston to Appear on MSNBC Live at 2:00 p.m.


Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) will appear today on MSNBC Live at 2:00 p.m. (eastern).  He will discuss the Republican Road to Recovery and the government’s efforts to revitalize the economy.

For more information, check your local listings or visit MSNBC.