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Where the public can view, and discuss, the important issues of the day

» THE DAILY LEADER: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2008, September 07, 2008
Suspensions, H.Res. ___ - Expressing the condolences of the House of Representatives on the death of the Honorable Stephanie Tubbs Jones
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» Bush Economy Records Eighth Straight Month of Job Losses, September 05, 2008
The Department of Labor released its August employment report today, which showed a loss of 84,000 jobs in the American economy – the eighth consecutive month of job losses.
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» Hoyer: Eighth Straight Month of Job Losses Adds to Dismal Republican Economic Record, September 05, 2008
But today’s jobs report shows just how disconnected from reality the Republican Party really is. Last month, the American economy lost 84,000 more jobs.
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» THE WEEKLY LEADER: WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 08, 2008, September 05, 2008
Education, Environment and Suspensions.
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» Democrats Commemorate 45th Anniversary of March on Washington, September 02, 2008
Democrats marked the 45th anniversary of the march on Washington on August 28, 1963.
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» Breaking the Congressional Deadlock, September 02, 2008
I'd submit that this Congress, led by a new Democratic majority, belongs in the second category, the category of real and lasting accomplishment. Far from being the victim of deadlock, we are breaking decades-old logjams with regularity.
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» Hoyer Commemorates 45th Anniversary of Civil Rights March on Washington, August 28, 2008
“Forty five years ago today, some 300,000 men, women, and children poured into Washington, DC, to claim their equal rights as citizens...
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» Majority Leader Hoyer: Census Bureau Report Testifies to Republican Economic Failures, August 26, 2008
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on today's Census Bureau annual report on health care, poverty, and income:
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» Majority Leader Hoyer Commemorates Anniversary of 19th Amendment, Women's Voting Rights, August 26, 2008
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» Hoyer: McCain Doesn’t Know His Own Houses, Boehner Doesn’t Know His Own Energy Policy, August 22, 2008
WASHINGTON – House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD) released a statement today in response to a release put out by Minority Leader John Boehner that criticized a Hoyer proposal to promote conservation by encouraging federal agencies to implement existing policies to compress the 40-hour work week into four days:
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» Hoyer Statement on the Passing of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, August 20, 2008
Today we mourn the death of Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, even as we fondly recall her life and accomplishments.
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» Republican False Claims on Energy, August 15, 2008
Republicans have consistently voted against the "all of the above" energy solutions they claim they want.
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» Congressional Leaders Condemn Russian Invasion of Georgia, Call for Removal of Troops, August 12, 2008
The bipartisan leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives stands united in condemning – in the strongest possible terms – the recent Russian invasion of the sovereign state of Georgia.
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» Hoyer: Boehner Remarks Inappropriate, August 11, 2008
I was disappointed to hear of Minority Leader Boehner’s inappropriate comments regarding Speaker Pelosi.
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» Majority Leader Hoyer Calls Russian Action In Georgia “Very Troubling”, August 08, 2008
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» Republican False Claims and Congress Offering Solutions on Energy, August 07, 2008
Republicans falsely claim that drilling in protected areas will provide immediate relief to America’s consumers...
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» Discusses Oil & Gas Drilling on House Floor, August 07, 2008
This bill says, let's drill, let's get american product to american consumers and try to bring down prices...
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» Discussing Energy Speculation Bill on House Floor, August 07, 2008
None of these bills alone is a panacea. We all recognize that and we all recognize that there will be no immediate solution, but all of them together constitute a vital step toward confronting our oil dependency and our energy independence...
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» Discussing Oil Industry and Exploration on Bloomberg, August 07, 2008
While I am sympathetic to the oil companies wanting to drill where they have the most promise, they have taken these leases. They have reserved them. They are not pursuing them, and we believe, and experts believe, there are vast stores of oil in those areas...
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» Hoyer: Republicans Continue Johnny-One-Note Energy Policy of the Past, August 06, 2008
WASHINGTON – House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today:
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» Hoyer: Some in GOP Engage in Stunts, After House GOP Blocks Real Efforts to Combat High Gas Prices, August 04, 2008
WASHINGTON - House Majority Leader Hoyer Steny Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today:
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» Hoyer Statement on House Passage of Military Construction and Veterans Appropriations Bill, August 01, 2008
America has asked for unprecedented sacrifice from its all-volunteer military. Our men and women in uniform have answered with dedication and heroism that will be retold for generations.
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» Hoyer: Bush Administration’s Failed Economic Record Demonstrates Need for New Direction, August 01, 2008
Today’s jobs report is nothing short of disheartening, particularly for those American families who are unemployed and trying to find work. But what is really disconcerting is that this Administration – which has pretended for seven and one-half years that its economic policies were working – has no pro-active strategy to address our economic challenges because it will not admit that its polices have failed.
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» THE DAILY LEADER: FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 2008, August 01, 2008
H.R. 6599 - The Military Construction and Veterans Affairs FY09 Appropriations bill
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