Saving Lives and Building Healthy Communities


Project Concern International is a non-profit health and humanitarian aid organization dedicated to preventing disease, improving community health, and promoting sustainable development. 


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The 'One Rupee' Project
In the remote villages and hamlets of India’s Salem district the ringing of a phone has become a sound of hope for many suffering from and living with HIV/AIDS.

PCI Awarded Grant to Help Ensure Safe Delivery of Newborns in Guatemala
The Izumi Foundation continues its support of vital programming designed to reduce infant and young child morbidity and mortality.

San Diego Women Return from Life-Changing "Vision Trip" to Africa
A group of San Diego-based mothers and their daughters recently returned from an inspiring week-long trip to witness first-hand PCI’s programs in Zambia.

PCI's Spotlight Feature

Although rich in natural resources, over half the population in the Mimika District of Indonesia’s southern West Papua Province live in extreme poverty. With little access to health care, PCI is engaging communities here to become ‘agents of change’, empowering villages through education and training. > Read more


Driver Alliant Insurance

Hands Across Borders: One Night, One World

Chapter 01: Africa

Experience PCI's Programs Through Powerful Photography
Chapter 01: Africa (Right-click to download PDF - 5 MB)

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