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July 22, 2009
Katie Grant
Stephanie Lundberg
(202) 225 - 3130

Will Republicans Vote For PAYGO?

“[T]he real point here is that there is a serious issue about how much spending and how much debt is piling up on the backs of the American people.”
 – Republican Leader John Boehner, 6/17/09
“And for the sake of our children and our long-term fiscal viability, Washington must stop spending money that it doesn’t have.” – Republican Whip Eric Cantor, 7/11/09
“What we need is fiscal discipline for Washington, D.C... That's the Republican prescription for a real recovery, and we ought to get on with it.” – Rep. Mike Pence, 7/13/09
“The Republicans are the champions of fiscal responsibility.” – Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), 6/14/07
“We took it in the shorts with Bush-Cheney, the Iraq War, and by sacrificing fiscal responsibility to hold power.” – Republican Leader John Boehner, 6/11/09
PAYGO is a common sense idea that has historically received bipartisan support:
  • It was originally enacted as part of a budget agreement between a Republican President and a Democratic Congress in 1990
  • It was extended in 1997 by a Democratic President and a Republican Congress
  • The effort to extend the PAYGO rule in the Senate in 2002 was supported by several moderate Republicans, including John McCain
  • When the House adopted the PAYGO rule as part of the House rules package in 2007, 48 Republicans voted for the portion of the package that included PAYGO – 33 of whom are still in the House
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