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July 21, 2009
Katie Grant
Stephanie Lundberg
(202) 225 - 3130


Health Reform in the House

Wednesday, July 22, 10 a.m.
Markup of H.R. 3200, “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act”
Committee on Energy and Commerce
2123 Rayburn House Office Building

Fact of the Day

Half of adults with Individual Coverage have out-of-pocket and premium costs that equal 10 percent or more of income. (Commonwealth Fund)

Health Resources

Under the Microscope

REPORT: Failure to Protect: Why the Individual Insurance Market Is Not a Viable Option for Most U.S. Families
Over the last three years, nearly three-quarters of people who tried to buy coverage in this market never actually purchased a plan, either because they could not find one that fit their needs or that they could afford, or because they were turned down due to a preexisting condition. People enrolled in employer-based plans are spending larger amounts of their income on health care and curtailing their use of needed services to save money. The findings underscore the need for an expansion of affordable health insurance options, particularly during a time of mounting job losses. [Commonwealth Fund, 7/21/2009]

Health Care Headlines

  • Poll: Confidence Grows for Health Costs, Access
    The survey, conducted by the nonpartisan Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, showed the public overwhelmingly considers President Barack Obama's drive to overhaul health care a crucial weapon in the battle to end the country's economic problems — one of the rationales he has used in his health care campaign.
    [Associated Press, 7/21/2009]
  • Obama: No Time For Delay on Health Care
    Trying to keep the health care debate moving on his terms, President Barack Obama on Tuesday touted the consensus reached by lawmakers so far and dismissed efforts to delay or defeat emerging legislation.
    [Associated Press, 7/21/2009]
  • President Obama Will be at the Cleveland Clinic on Thursday on a Campaign to Reform the Nation’s Health Care System
    President Barack Obama will campaign in Cleveland on Thursday as part of an aggressive White House effort to pump up support for health-care reform legislation being debated in Congress. [Cleveland Plain Dealer, 7/21/2009]
  • Democrats Ready to Deal on Health
    As President Barack Obama's health-care push enters a critical phase, senior Democrats in Congress are scrambling to keep their own party members on board. [Wall Street Journal, 7/21/2009]
  • GOP Focuses Effort to Kill Health Bills
    Emboldened by divided Democrats and polls that show rising public anxiety about President Obama's handling of health care and the economy, Republicans on Monday launched an aggressive effort to link the two, comparing the health-care bills moving through Congress to what they labeled as a failed economic stimulus bill. [Washington Post, 7/21/2009]
  • Obama Aims at GOP Critics
    As he launches a broad offensive to keep health care reform on track, President Barack Obama and his aides for the first time are directly targeting the GOP and specific Republicans, characterizing them as spoilers hoping to delay and sink the legislation for their own political gain. [Roll Call, 7/21/2009]
  • ESSAY: ‘The Cause of My Life’
    By Senator Edward M. Kennedy, (D-MA)
    A look at Ted Kennedy's legislative—and personal—health-care battles. [Newsweek, 7/21/2009]
  • COMMENTARY: Health Care for Dummies
    By Dana Milbank
    "We need to bring new language to this debate," Republican message man Alex Castellanos wrote in a memo to fellow GOP strategists this month. "If we paint the house the same color, no one will notice anything has changed: We will still be the same, outdated Republicans who have no new ideas and oppose everything." [Washington Post, 7/21/2009]
  • OPINION: Health Debate Shaped by the Generations
    By Morley Winograd and Michael Hais, fellows at New Democrat Network, co-authors of the book “Milennial Makeover: MySpace, YouTube, & the Future of American Politics”
    Millennials, Americans younger than 28, provided President Barack Obama most of his popular vote margin over Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in 2008. Millennials are not interested in letting ideological posturing stand in the way of “getting stuff done,” as Obama likes to say, especially in an area as crucial as health care. [Roll Call, 7/21/2009]


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