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House Leaders Release America's Affordable Health Choices Act   Jul 20, 2009

Comments on House Leaders Release America's Affordable Health Choices Act

1. I am a health policy analyst and have independently reviewed every page of the legislation. I am deeply concerned about all of the short and long term problems this bill will create for all Americans. I am also very concerned about the desire to rush this legislation through just to appease the President's agenda. For some reason, my voice is not heard. First, the short and long term costs associated with this legislation is more than our declining economy can bear. The states, employers and American citizens are financially struggling. Almost all states are functioning with deficits. Employers are forced to eliminate jobs to remain afloat. Individuals are losing their jobs and their homes. This bill will compound the problems we are already facing and it will make economic recovery even more difficult to achieve. Second, government-sponsored and government-run health care in this country is failing the very people it should be helping. Providers do not want to take on patients with Medicare and Medicaid because of the low reimbursement rates. Patients can't see the doctors of their choice or get the treatment they want or need. Most appalling is the VA, with 50% of the VA facilities failing inspections and thousand of veterans being infected with HIV because of poorly cleaned colonoscopes. Before the government expands or takes over health care, these programs should be fixed. Even though advocates of the reform bill say that rationing won't occur, historically this has prove false. Under government programs, low income women lost their right to choose because the religious right and right-to-life groups were successful in preventing tax-payer money used for abortions. These are the women who need the financial help with their choice the most, but they were forced to bear children they could not afford; thus, making their situation more difficult to rise above. Finally, millions of Americans will be faced with job losses resulting from the burden this legislation will create. As a 55 year old individual with 35 years of experience as a health policy analyst, I cannot afford to be among those who will lose everything. Somehow, I need to make my voice heard. Mr. Hoyer has turned his back on people like me and there are millions of us, who are currently insured and employed. This legislation will not create a level playing field with insurers. The government will tax insurance benefits and insurers and force them out of business. When the government plans need money, they continue to impose taxes. They do it now with every aspect of our lives. The insurance industry does not have the same luxury of taxing the government. That is not a level playing field. The legislation creates even more government entities/agencies for the taxpayers to support. We don't need more government running our lives and taxing us into poverty, we need less. Please Mr. Hoyer, stop playing politics and start examining the short and long term negative impact this legislation will have on the 150 million Americans who have health insurance today. We are the ones who will be hurt in your effort to give coverage to the 43 million who don't. Say NO to a government plan.

Posted by Kathy F on Jul 20, 2009 at 11:16 AM

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