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November 10, 2003

Week of November 10, 2003

» Please view "The Weekly Whip" for the week of November 10, 2003.

Floor items that you may want to do press on:

  • H.R. 6 - Energy Conference Report
  • H.R. 2754 - Energy & Water Appropriations Conference Report

Energy Conference Report

The House is expected to consider the Energy Conference Report on the Floor next week.  Democratshave been completely shut out of the process.  Poll after poll shows that the United Statesis a fifty-fifty nation, and Democratscontrol nearly half the seats in both the House and Senate.   Yet an arrogant Republican leadership continues to shut Democratsout of deliberations on the most important issues facing our nation, including energy policy.

Attached is information on the Energy Conference Report and the process in which it was written:

  • Dear Colleague from Energy and Commerce Ranking Democrat John Dingell
  • Letter from Democratic WhipSteny Hoyer to Majority Leader Tom DeLay on the conference process
  • Talking points on the Energy Conference Report from the Office of the Democratic Leader
  • Recent Editorials on the Energy Conference Report from newspapers around the country

» View Attachments Bundled Together in a PDF File


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