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Home > Frequently Asked Questions > Frequently Asked Questions: Adoption

Frequently Asked Questions: Adoption

Questions and answers for prospective and adoptive parents

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Questions and answers for adopted people

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Questions and answers for expectant and birth parents

  • I'm pregnant and thinking about adoption. Where do I start?
    The Child Welfare Information Gateway publication Are You Pregnant and Thinking About Adoption? provides information.

  • What do I do if my child's adoptive family does not live up to our postadoption contact agreement?
    In most States postadoption contact agreements are not legally enforceable, so there may be no legal action for you to take. The Child Welfare Information Gateway publication Postadoption Contact Agreements Between Birth and Adoptive Families has more information.

  • What is a putative father registry? How do I find out if my State has one?
    A putative father is the "presumed" legal father of a child. Some States maintain putative father registries to provide information on presumed fathers. These registries vary but may include:
    • Name, address, social security number, and date of birth of putative father and birth mother
    • Name and address of any person adjudicated by a court to be the father
    • Child's name and date of birth, or expected month and year of birth
    • Registration date
    • Other information deemed necessary
    The Child Welfare Information Gateway publication The Rights of Presumed (Putative) Fathers has more information about these registries.

  • I am a biological father and my partner is thinking about making an adoption plan for our child. What are my rights?
    The Child Welfare Information Gateway publication The Rights of Presumed (Putative) Fathers has information on father's rights.

  • I am a pregnant minor and my parents want me to place my child for adoption. What are my rights?
    State law varies in regard to minor parents' rights; however, in no State could a child be placed for adoption without the minor parent's consent. In some States, minor parents are able to place their child for adoption without additional consent. In other States, the pregnant minor's parents or guardian would also need to consent to an adoption. The Child Welfare Information Gateway publication Consent to Adoption has more information. To determine how these laws would apply in a specific situation, it may be helpful to contact an attorney familiar with adoption law in your State.

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