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July 24, 2009
Katie Grant
Stephanie Lundberg
(202) 225 - 3130


Leader's Report
majorityleader.house.gov · (202) 225-3130

This week, the House passed one of the most important fiscal discipline measures in recent memory: "pay-as-you-go," or PAYGO. The PAYGO law would hold America to the principle that the government ought to pay for what it buys. PAYGO won’t make fiscal decisions for us or get us out of our deficit hole on its own—but it will push Congress to make the hard choices our fiscal health absolutely demands. Unless we bring down the deficits and debt facing our nation, we cannot sustainably invest in areas that make us such a strong nation, including health care, education, and clean energy.  That’s why President Obama has been a strong supporter of restoring PAYGO into law. Now it’s essential that the Senate pass this bill and get it to the President for his signature.
PAYGO Press Conference
Leader Hoyer joins Speaker Pelosi, Whip Clyburn, and
Democratic Members for a press conference following
passage of House Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act.
The House also continues to work hard on reforming America’s broken health care system. Debate on the details of reform is continuing, and progress is being made.  This is a critical issue that we are undertaking, and the conversations we’re having are an expected and vital part of the legislative process. Democrats remain united in our purpose of passing a health care bill, which does not add to the deficit, and getting it to President Obama’s desk this year. We are all committed to reform that prevents insurance companies from discriminating against patients, expands patient choice of doctors and plans, and ensures that middle-class Americans have the security and peace-of-mind that they have access to affordable, high quality care.
This week, the House also passed two appropriations bills that help lay the foundation for a strong national infrastructure, and offer long-term solutions to help grow our economy. The Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill makes critical investments in our transportation infrastructure to help ensure the safety of all Americans and provides housing assistance to those who need it the most. The Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill provides investments that are critical to our nation’s long-term prosperity, including job training, health care, and educational opportunities.
Next week, we will complete our work in the House on the fiscal year 2010 appropriations bills with the Defense Appropriations bill.  This bill puts our troops first, ensuring that we meet the needs of our troops in the field and their families here at home, as well as making critical investments in the health, well-being and readiness of our forces.
The House will also consider legislation to address executive pay reform at financial institutions, allowing shareholders to have a say in the pay. In addition, we will also take up legislation to further ensure the safety of our nation's food supply.
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

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Hoyer Statement on the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act
This week, the House passed legislation reestablishing statutory “pay-as-you-go” (PAYGO). Democrats understand that restoring our nation’s fiscal health will not be quick or easy, but reinstating PAYGO is an important step toward that recovery.
Hoyer: Americans Need Health Reform That Ends Denial of Coverage Based On Pre-Existing Conditions
On Thursday, Leader Hoyer led a press conference on the importance of passing health care reform that ends discrimination based on a person’s health status.




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