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March 28, 2007
Stacey Farnen Bernards

Hoyer Statement in Support of Wounded Warriors Bill

Bill a Response to Deplorable Conditions at Walter Reed, Other Military Hospitals

WASHINGTON, DC - House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer released the following statement after the House passed the Wounded Warriors Assistance Act with broad, bipartisan support:

"Today, the United States Congress took action to ensure that our country fulfills its responsibility to those Americans who have been injured while answering our nation's highest calling.

"By passing the Wounded Warriors Assistance Act, the People's House has taken concrete steps to spare our veterans the kind of deplorable and inexcusable treatment that was recently uncovered at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and other military hospitals throughout the country.

"This important legislation achieves three key goals.  First, improves access to quality medical care for wounded service members who are outpatients at military health facilities.  Second, it begins the process of restoring the integrity and efficiency of the disability evaluation system and taking other steps to cut bureaucratic red-tape.  And third, it improves the transition of wounded service members from the Armed Forces to the VA system.

"Our soldiers are willing to give the ultimate measure of sacrifice in order to keep us safe.  Those who are wounded on the field of battle deserve the best treatment that money can buy - and that is precisely what this Congress will act to provide."



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