ORISE Business Areas

Science Education Programs

Occupational Exposure and Worker Studies

Professional and Technical Training

Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site

National Security and Emergency Management

Scientific Peer Reviews

Worker and Public Health Communication

Other Business Areas


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Home > Science Education Programs > Participant Experiences

Science Education Programs

Participant Experiences

Faculty members, undergraduates, graduate students, and recent graduates in research participation programs administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) experience first-hand the excitement and motivation of performing world-class science. Enjoy some of their stories and see how their involvement has helped shape their futures and professional goals.

Undergraduate Student Profiles

Graduate Student Profiles

Postdoctoral Fellow Profiles

Recent Graduates Profiles

Faculty Profiles

K-12 Teacher and Student Profiles


DHS Scholarship and Fellowship Profiles

For more information

Wayne Stevenson
Director, Science Education Programs

Video Video Profiles

Chelsea DeCapua
A participant in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Scholarship and Fellowship Program using geographic information systems to identify new ways to improve emergency response.

Kristen Lancaster
A DHS Scholarship and Fellowship participant writing code for specialized software that will gather safety information, including details about radioactive materials carried by trucks, at interstate weigh stations.

Colleen Iversen
Tennessee doctoral student and Wesely award winner pursuing research that considers how excess carbon dioxide affects plants.