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CERES Examples: Spatial Extent and Scan Modes

Image representing the CERES project; Link to CERES home page.

The following images show the areal coverage for each satellite the CERES instrument(s) flies on. In particular, the images show top of atmosphere all sky longwave measurements. CERES ERBE-like instantaneous ES-8 and monthly averaged ES-4 global browse images are available from the CERES Browse Products page.

Examples of Satellite-Instrument Coverage
TRMM-PFM Terra-FM1 Aqua-FM3
TRMM-PFM All Sky Longwave. Terra-FM1 All Sky Longwave. Aqua-FM3 All Sky Longwave.

The following images show the areal coverage and characteristics of particular CERES scan modes performed by the CERES instruments. The Cross-Track mode, a Fixed Azimuth Plane Scan (FAPS), are cross-track swaths which overlap to generate complete global coverage in 24 hours. CLAMS-Scan is the instrument initially in Rotating Azimuth Plane Scan (RAPS) and switching to a Programmable Azimuth Plane Scan (PAPS) to collect measurements over the Chesapeake Lighthouse and Aircraft Measurements for Satellites (CLAMS) site. The Special-Scan image is an example of a PAPS mode used to collect measurements for an Angular Directional Model study. CERES instrument scan modes are provided from the CERES Operations in Orbit web page.

Examples of Satellite-Instrument Scan Modes
Cross-Track scan mode; link to demonstration movie opens in a new window. CLAMS-Scan mode; link to demonstration movie opens in a new window. Special-Scan mode; link to demonstration movie opens in a new window.

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