NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  1. Content with the tag: “mer

  2. Spirit Stuck but Still Sleuthing

    NASA’s Mars rover Spirit is having traction trouble in the martian soil. Although stuck, the rover is taking advantage of the situation by learning more about Mars’ environmental history.

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  3. A New Way to Keep Clean

    It is almost impossible to get a spacecraft completely clean before launch. Therefore, missions to other planets carry some risk of forward contamination – where microorganisms from Earth travel along with the spacecraft to its destination. This is a big problem in the search for life on planets like Mars, because you don’t want to contaminate the site you’re going to be studying. To help combat this problem, a team of scientists funded by a NASA ASTEP award have developed a new cleaning protocol that could be used for future missions to Mars and beyond.

    Source: [Astrobiology Magazine]

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  4. Windy, Wet and Wild

    The team behind NASA’s Mars Exploration Rovers has released new results from the two years that Opportunity spent exploring Victoria Crater. Opportunity’s instruments have revealed more evidence for a windy and wet past on Mars. The findings further our understanding of the habitability of ancient Mars.

    Source: [Astrobiology Magazine]

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