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Retirement Information & Services

Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act

Information for Payroll Personnel

Which types of retirement coverage errors can we process?

You can go ahead and process any error that lasted for less than 3 years of service after December 31, 1986 with one exception. If the error is one where the employee was erroneously put in FERS during the time that the employee could have voluntarily elected FERS (these are sometimes called "deemed FERS" errors), then you should not correct these types of errors. Do not correct the deemed FERS errors even if the error lasted for less than 3 years of service.

In the coming months, OPM will issue detailed instructions for correcting each type of error that is affected by FERCCA. Please do not begin correcting coverage errors affected by FERCCA until you receive OPM's instructions.

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