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Where the public can view, and discuss, the important issues of the day

» Hoyer Statement on Karl Rove's Shameful Remarks, June 23, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding White House political strategist Karl Rove’s shameful comments last night:
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» Hoyer Statement on Karl Rove's Shameful Remarks, June 23, 2005
Hoyer Remarks on Karl Rove's Shameful Remarks
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» Hoyer: "Exhibit A" in Republicans' Misguided Priorities, Fiscal Recklessness on House Floor Today, June 23, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD), who also is a senior Member of the Appropriations Committee, made the following statement on the Floor today during consideration of the Fiscal Year 2006 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Bill:
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» Hoyer: 'Exhibit A' In Republicans' Misguided Priorities, Fiscal Recklessness, June 23, 2005
...the political party that exploits every opportunity to talk about the ‘Culture of Life’ virtually ignores and dismisses what I call the ‘Culture of the Living’...
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» Proposed federal anti-drug cuts decried, June 23, 2005
Local law enforcement officials decried Thursday huge budget cuts proposed by the Bush administration to a national network of drug-interdiction task forces, including one that provided more than $12 million to the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area this year.
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» Equal Raise for Civil Service Workers Sails Through House Panel, June 22, 2005
The House Appropriations Committee yesterday approved a 3.1 percent pay raise next year for civil service employees, continuing a long-standing practice of providing a raise equal to that planned for the military.
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» Hoyer and Blunt Honor Jack Valente on Capitol Hill, June 22, 2005
Majority Whip Roy Blunt (MO) and Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) hosted a Capitol Hill lunch today in honor of Jack Valenti, former long-time Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Motion Picture Association of America. Earlier today, MPAA President and CEO Dan Glickman announced that the Association’s Washington, DC, headquarters would be dedicated as The Jack Valenti Building.
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» Hoyer: Republicans’ Latest “Plan” on Social Security Is a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing, June 22, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement this afternoon:
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» House Committee Moves Forward With Federal Employee Pay Parity, June 21, 2005
The full House Appropriations Committee included a Federal Employee Pay Parity amendment in the FY 2006 Transportation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban Development bill today.
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» Hoyer Proposes Changes to Military Assistance to Egypt, June 21, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) proposed an amendment today to the FY 2006 Foreign Operations Appropriations bill during the Full Committee markup, which would mirror a change adopted by the House International Relations Committee two weeks ago in the State Department Authorization bill.
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» Hoyer Statement on Intelligence Authorization Act , June 21, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today regarding the Intelligence Authorization Act:
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» Fair pay raise needed to recruit, reward work force , June 20, 2005
Today, the United States possesses the most efficient public sector in the world, one whose mission is to execute the public policies of the nation without regard to politics or party, serve and protect the American people, and save taxpayer money.
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» Hoyer on Defense Appropriations Bill, June 20, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on the FY06 Department of Defense Appropriations Act, which is expected to pass the House later today:
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» Week of June 20, 2005, June 20, 2005
Appropriations (Leg. Branch, Labor/HHS), Flag Desecration
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» Hoyer Statement on the United Nations Reform Bill, June 17, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) made the following statement on the House floor today in opposition to the Republican U.N. Reform Bill and in favor of the Democratic substitute:
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» Hoyer: Decision to Delay Tax Reform is Disappointing and Unwise, June 17, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD), a leading proponent in the House for tax reform and simplification, released the following statement today in response to the Bush Administration’s announcement on Thursday that it push back the deadline for the President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform to issue recommendations:
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» Top Ten Republican Abuses of Power, June 16, 2005
Top Ten Republican Abuses of Power
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» Hoyer Recognizes Men's Health Week, June 13, 2005
Facts, Suggestions, and Information Regarding Men's Health Week.
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» Week of June 13, 2005, June 13, 2005
SSJC Appropriations, Defense Appropriations, United Nations Reform
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» Hoyer Statement on the Ethics Committee Impasse, June 09, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after House Republicans voted down a Democratic Resolution ordering the Ethics Committee to hire non-partisan staff and move forward on pending business:
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» Hoyer: House Republicans Are One Again Obstructing Real Intelligence Reform, June 09, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) issued the following statement today after the House Republican leadership pulled the Intelligence Authorization Act from the Floor schedule for today. The bill was pulled from consideration after Republican leaders failed to agree on a measure that would allow the Director of National Intelligence to transfer personnel within the intelligence community:
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» Defense Appropriations: House Panel's Bill Rearranges Some Pentagon Priorities, June 07, 2005
A $408.9 billion Pentagon spending measure including an additional $45.3 billion for war costs was approved Tuesday by the House Appropriations Committee.
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» Hoyer Statement Urging Action Against Anti-Semitism by U.N. Members, June 07, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) made the following statement on the House floor in favor of an amendment urging action against Anti-Semitism by U.N. Members:
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» Hoyer, Rangel, Emanuel On Tax Reform, June 07, 2005
House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Ways and Means Ranking Democrat Charles Rangel (D-NY), and Ways and Means Committee Member Rahm Emanuel (D-IL) released the following statements today in anticipation of tomorrow’s House Ways and Means Committee hearing on tax reform.
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» Out of Touch and Out of Step, June 07, 2005
Out of Touch and Out of Step
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