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November 14, 2006

Moderate Democrats Endorse Hoyer

A group of 33 moderate Democrats sent out a Dear Colleague today supporting Steny Hoyer for Majority Leader.  With this letter two-thirds of the Blue Dog Caucus has endorsed Hoyer.  The attached Dear Colleague is from moderate Democrats and Blue Dogs.

November 13, 2006

Dear Colleague:

As moderate Members of the Democratic Caucus, we are writing to express our strong support for Steny Hoyer for the position of Majority Leader.  Steny, who has served in the House since 1981, has set himself apart by truly appreciating and understanding the diversity within our Caucus.  Throughout his tenure, he has served House Democrats in various roles and has always worked tirelessly to ensure that various interests within our party are represented.

While we all share in the glory of our Democratic victory on November 7th, Steny deserves a lot of the credit, particularly for helping to elect candidates in tough districts.  In this election cycle, he contributed more than $1.1 million directly to House Members and candidates.   Additionally, he raised $3.3 million for Members and candidates, on top of the $750,000 he gave directly to the DCCC.  In total, he has given or raised more than $8.2 million for our efforts to take back the House.  Perhaps most significantly, more than 80 percent of his contributions have gone to threatened incumbents and top candidates.

In addition to his superb fund-raising effort, Steny Hoyer traveled to 33 states and campaigned and recruited in 80 Districts in this cycle alone.  He also has participated in more than 315 events around the country in this cycle, and spent nearly 100 days on the road. His commitment to our party is unwavering.

As Members from marginal districts, we represent constituents whose views and interests are often somewhat different than those served by other Members of our Caucus.  As such, it is critical that we have representation in the House leadership that understands what it takes for us to get elected.  Often, this includes casting tough votes and working with our Republican colleagues.  These decisions are not easy but they are the choices we must make to do the right thing for our districts and the country.  Steny understands the challenges we face.  He never questions our loyalty to the Party and he works hard to ensure that we are treated fairly.

While being in the majority brings many opportunities, it will also create additional challenges, particularly for moderate Democrats.

Now – more than ever – we must have leadership that will work with us to restore fiscal responsibility and accountability to our government.  We must have leadership that understands that in order to retain our majority, moderate Democrats need to be heard and well-represented within our Caucus – on everything from committee assignments, to having a seat at the table during critical leadership discussions.  Steny Hoyer has served moderates – and our entire Caucus – with incredible skill as Democratic Whip and it is critical to moderates all across the country that he remains an integral part of the House leadership.

Throughout his 25 years of service to our country, Steny Hoyer has earned the right to become Majority Leader.  But equally important, he is the best candidate to serve in this position as we move forward as the new House Majority.  We urge you to support his candidacy.


John Tanner, Dennis Cardoza, Allen Boyd, Ellen Tauscher, Jim Matheson, Adam Smith, Joseph Crowley, Ron Kind
Melissa Bean, Earl Pomeroy, Bob Etheridge, Dennis Moore, Jim Costa, Jim Cooper, John Barrow, Dan Boren, Mike Ross, Charlie Melancon, Darlene Hooley, Mike McIntyre, Russ Carnahan, John T. Salazar, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Stephanie Herseth, Lincoln Davis, David Scott, Steve Israel, Brian Higgins, Rick Larsen, Leonard L. Boswell, Jane Harman, Jim Marshall, Charles A. Gonzalez


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