Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration News
September 2002 Number 21

Region 1

In This Issue...

This is the fourth of a four-part series presenting an in-depth look at each of the four regions defined in Coast 2050. Each issue offers a casebook for a single region providing a historical overview, articles on current and future interests, and a detailed look at a regional project. This issue covers Region One.

Locator map for Region One


For more information about Louisiana's coastal wetlands and the efforts planned and under way to ensure their survival, check out these sites on the World Wide Web:

www.lacoast.gov www.savelawetlands.org
www.btnep.org www.crcl.org


For current meetings, events, and other news concerning Louisiana's coastal wetlands, subscribe to the Breaux Act Newsflash, our e-mail newsletter, at: www.lacoast.gov/newsletter.htm