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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Combined Federal Campaign

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Key Dates for LFCCs

January 15

Recommended deadline for advertisement of PCFO application solicitation. (Regulatory deadline is February 1.)

February 15

Recommended deadline for submission of PCFO applications to the LFCC.

March 1

Deadline for submission of local campaign results (online OPM Form 1417). This information is completed by the PCFO.

March 15

Recommended opening date for submission of local charity applications.

March 15

Deadline for PCFOs to send the names and addresses of donors who wish to be acknowledged for their gift to designated agencies.

March 15

Deadline for PCFO to send designation or "accounting" reports to designated charities and federations.

April 1

Deadline for the PCFOs of large campaigns (over $500,000) to begin monthly disbursements to designated charities.

April 15

Recommended closing date for submission of local applications.

May 5

Recommended deadline for LFCC to notify local applicants, in writing, of eligibility decisions.

June 1

Deadline for PCFOs of small campaigns (under $500,000) to begin quarterly disbursements to designated charities.

June 15

Deadline for LFCC decisions on local appeals.

July 31

OPM release of national/international list

July 31

OPM target date for completion of local appeal decisions.

September 1 - December 15

CFC solicitation period

September 15

Deadline for LFCC to submit to OPM copies of its Audit Guide reports and supporting documentation.