This package includes a group of files written in C which are used to read HDF files. The example provided in the main (ES8_readhdf_daacv3.c) program is written specifically for SDS(s) in ES8 files. Information on the structure of the ES8 file can be found in the enclosed postscript file, Sec2.2_ES8.pdf, and in the enclosed dump file, ES8_HDF_5rec_dump_daacv3. HDF information, documentation, tutorials, libraries, etc. can be found on-line at the URL: A utility (hdp) is provided in the HDF libraries which will extract information about the contents of the HDF file including the index, size, type, order, names, and the data itself. Some examples are: hdp -H - provides "help" on how to use the "hdp" utility hdp dumpvd - lists the options and format for viewing Vdatas hdp dumpsds - lists the options and format for viewing SDSs hdp dumpsds [-options] hdp dumpvd [-options] This package consists of the following files: 1) ES8_readhdf_daacv3.c 2) ES8_readHDFfuncs_daacv3.c 3) ES8_HDFread_daacv3.h 4) compile_ES8_readhdf_daacv3 5) readme_cer_es8_terra-fm1_edition1 6) Sec2.2_ES8.pdf 7) ES8_HDF_5rec_dump_daacv3 8) CER_ES8_Sample_009001.19980101 To read the files, first unzip them with Info-Zip software. Information about downloading and using this freeware is available at the following URL: 'ES8_readhdf_daacv3.c' is the main program which accesses the HDF reading functions. It consists of three examples of accessing SDS and Vdata structures from the included sample ES8 file. Comments are provided throughout the program. 'ES8_readHDFfuncs_daacv3.c' is a file consisting of C functions that are linked with 'ES8_readhdf_daacv3.c' and calls the HDF functions. 'ES8_HDFread_daac_v3.h' is a header file for 'ES8_readhdf_daacv3.c' and the ES8 HDF read functions. 'compile_ES8_readhdf_daacv3' is a sample script to compile the C programs in a UNIX environment. The script must be modified for different platforms to properly compile the programs and correctly link the HDF libraries. 'readme_cer_es8_terra-fm1_edition1' is this information file. 'Sec2.2_ES8.pdf' is a postscript file containing the Data Products Catalog pages describing the ES8 file. 'ES8_HDF_5rec_dump_daacv3' is an ASCII file containing a description of the data in the sample ES8, 'CER_ES8_Sample_009001.19980101' 'CER_ES8_Sample_009001.19980101' is a sample 5-region ES8 file which is used by the examples in 'ES8_readhdf_daacv3.c' To execute 'ES8_readhdf_daacv3.c': 1) Download and install the HDF libraries from the NCSA web site ( ). This code uses version HDF4.1r1. Other versions of the HDF libraries may not work with this code. NCSA uses the gnu gzip compression utility for some packages. If you do not already have this software which is needed to uncompress the file, you can obtain it from one of the Gnu mirror sites listed at 2) Edit the sample script 'compile_ES8_readhdf_daacv3' to link the HDF libraries and compile the C programs. Check the permissions on this file to make sure execute permission is set for the owner: > ls -l compile_ES8_readhdf_daacv3 should display something like -rwxr--r-- 1 OWNER GROUP 1450 Mar 6 14:49 compile_ES8_readhdf_daacv3 where OWNER and GROUP are the file owner and group information. The owner executable permission is the x in -rwxr--r--. To set proper permissions (assuming you are the file owner), type > chmod 744 compile_ES8_readhdf_daacv3 3) Execute the script 'compile_ES8_readhdf_daacv3' to create the executable ES8 read program 'ES8_rd' by typing > source compile_ES8_readhdf_daacv3 or, on some systems you need only type > compile_ES8_readhdf_daacv3 4) Execute the production script by typing the script name, ES8_rd, followed by the name of the ES8 HDF file. For this test, use the file supplied: CER_ES8_Sample_009001.19980101 > ES8_rd CER_ES8_Sample_009001.19980101 If there are questions about using the ES8 read software, please contact the Langley Science, Users, and Data Services (SUDS) Office at: NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center Science, Users, and Data Services NASA Langley Research Center 2 South Wright Street Mail Stop 157D Building 1268C Hampton, VA 23681-2199 USA E-Mail: Telephone: (757) 864-8656 FAX: (757) 864-8807