ORISE Business Areas

Worker and Public Health Communication

Science Education Programs

Occupational Exposure and Worker Studies

Professional and Technical Training

Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site

National Security and Emergency Management

Scientific Peer Reviews

Other Business Areas


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by Oak Ridge Associated Universities
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Home > Worker and Public Health Communication > Public Health Preparedness

Worker and Public Health Communication

Public Health Preparedness

With emerging health threats from infectious diseases, environmental issues, natural disasters, and biological and radiological terrorism, the need for the public to be prepared for and informed about such issues has never been greater. The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) helps agencies better understand and prepare for any of these situations.

Excellence in public health preparedness results from a continuous cycle of improvement in outreach, planning, capability development, training, exercising and evaluation. A recognized leader all of these areas, ORISE fosters innovative solutions tailored to meet your complex preparedness challenges.

Our public health preparedness capabilities include:

Training Exercises and Drills
ORISE improves an agency’s response to health threats through the design, development, execution and evaluation of training exercises and drills.

Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication
ORISE offers expertise on internal and external communication tactics used to assist personnel in delivering the right messages quickly and effectively in the event of a crisis.

Community-Based Planning
ORISE empowers community organizations and government agencies by actively involving them in planning and strategy development for public health preparedness and crisis response.

For more information

Marcus A. Weseman
Vice President and
Program Director

Pandemic Flu tabletop exercise

ORISE has conducted tabletop exercises across the country to help prepare public health officials to address major issues such as pandemic flu, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and small pox.


Request for Participation - Pandemic Influenza Planning Workshop for a Community Alternative Care System