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Assessment Strategies and Reading Profiles

Comparison of the High Intermediate Group Profiles

Silent Reading GE 6-8.9

Acronyms and Abbreviations

GE = Grade Equivalent

NNSE = Non-native Speakers of English

NSE = Native Speakers of English

All members of Profiles 4-6 have Silent Reading Comprehension scores between GE 6 and 8. This page compares these profiles using the information presented in the line graph and tables below. Both the line graph and the table beneath it present the average scores of Profiles 4-6.

A line graph displaying the average scores for Profiles 4-6. This information is also represented in the table below.

Reading Component Profile 4 Profile 5 Profile 6
   Word Recognition 9.8 5.0 5.3
   Spelling 8.2 3.6 4.9
   Word Meaning
7.1 7.9 4.2
   Silent Reading 7.2 7.1 6.5
   Oral Reading Rate 135 wpm 125 wpm 133 wpm

All three profiles above are of high intermediate learners—Silent Reading Comprehension from GE 6-8.9—but there the similarity ends. Profile 4 (blue) learners are the strongest decoders who need more work on Meaning Skills.

Profile 5 (red) gives the opposite picture; their Meaning Skills are much higher than their decoding ability—a typical dyslexic profile. Of particular note is the percentage of people in this group who report hearing problems. These problems coupled with the percentage of those who report early reading difficulties suggest that hearing problems may have interfered with their ability to discriminate phonemes, the first task of reading acquisition. Whatever the etiology, it is a deficit that will affect their adult efforts to improve reading skills. There are very few Non-native Speakers of English (NNSE) in Profile 5.

Profile 6 readers (green) are coming along. Profile 6 is similar to Profile 4 but at lower GEs. Different from Profile 4 is the large difference between Profile 6's word meaning and Silent Reading Comprehension scores. This could be explained by the higher percentage of NNSE in Profile 6 than in Profile 4. NNSE have fewer words and may not know them in isolation well enough to express their meanings, but they do understand them in supporting connected text.

The background information about the members of the profiles given below supports the test scores seen in each profile above.

Fewer Profile 4 readers give a history of reading problems. More readers in Profile 5 have had problems in initial reading acquisition, and more have had difficulty at some point in K-12 (Profile 5 is typical of learners with reading disabilities). Profile 6 is a mixture of NSE with a history of reading problems and NNSE who also report having had difficulty learning to read in their native languages.

Some Key Background Information
Profile Average Age K-12 Reading Problems Reading Problems Manifested Early, Grades 1-3 Others in Family Had Trouble With Reading Hearing Problems
4 33 28% 16% 34% 10%
5 34 67% 43% 44% 21%
6 28 47% 30% 47% 11%

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Last updated: Thursday, 23-Jul-2009 11:49:12 EDT