Injury Control Resource Information Network

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A global network The Global Internet Road Map for Injury Control!

CIRCL - University of Pittsburgh

ICRIN is sponsored by the:
Center for Injury Research & Control (CIRCL)
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.


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Updated: 05/27/09


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WELCOME Human voice welcome (60K human voice)Computer voice welcome(50K computer voice).
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, a dynamic list of key Internet accessible resources related to the field of injury research and control. The resources are in the form of annotated clickable hyperlinks to other Internet sources and documents. New users may want to look at the Instructions and the online ICRIN slide show (also available in a MS PowerPoint format, viewer available) that presents an overview of ICRIN's structure, content, and benefits.

If you know of other Internet resources that would be appropriate, please fill out an Add Form with the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address and a short description of the resource. We kindly ask that this form not be used as a means to request information on topics unrelated to adding links. ICRIN  has been rated in the top 5% of Web sites.

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Last updated: 05/27/09 -

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CIRCL - University of Pittsburgh ICRIN is sponsored by the:
Center for Injury Research and Control (CIRCL)
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

Author: Hank Weiss MS, MPH, PhD Visiting Research Professor
Co-WebMaster: Gerald McGwin Jr. MS, PhD
Initial posting:1/1/95, Acknowledgments

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© 2003 Harold (Hank) Weiss