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Elizabeth Nabel, M.D.

Senior Investigator, Genome Technology Branch
Head, Vascular Biology and Genomics Section

Selected Publications

Boehm M., Yoshimoto T., Crook M.F., Nallamshetty S., True A., Nabel G.J., Nabel E.G.. A growth factor-dependent nuclear kinase phosphorylates p27Kip1 and regulates cell cycle progression. EMBO, 21:3390-3401. 2002. [PubMed]

Nabel E.G. CDKs and CKIs: molecular targets for tissue remodeling. Nat Rev Drug Discov, 1:587-598. 2002. [PubMed]

Boehm M., Nabel E.G. The cell cycle and cardiovascular diseases. Prog Cell Cycle Res, 5:19-30. 2003. [PubMed]

Nabel E.G. Genomic Medicine: Cardiovascular disease. N Engl J Med, 349:60-72. 2003. [PubMed]

Boehm M., Olive M., True A.L., Crook M.F., San H., Qu X., Nabel E.G. Bone marrow-derived immune cells regulate vascular disease through a p27Kip1-dependent mechanism. J Clin Invest, 114:419-426. 2004. [PubMed]

Ganesh S.K., Skelding K.A., Mehta L., O'Neill K., Joo J., Zheng G., Goldstein J., Simari R., Billings E., Geller N.L., Holmes D., O'Neill W.W., Nabel E.G. Rationale and study design of the CardioGene Study: genomics of in-stent restenosis. Pharmacogenomics, 5:952-1004. 2004. [PubMed]

Ganesh SK, Nabel EG. Genomics of in-stent restenosis: early insights into a complex disease. Circulation, 112:2378-2379. 2005. [PubMed]

Nallamshetty S, Crook M, Boehm M, Yoshimoto T, Nabel EG. The cell cycle regulator p27Kip1 interacts with MCM7, a DNA replication licensing factor, and inhibits initiation of DNA replication. FEBS Letters, 579:6529-6536. 2005. [PubMed]

Varga R, Eriksson M, Erdos MR, Olive M, Harten I, Kolodgie F, Capell BC, ChengJ, Faddah D, Perkins S, Avallone H, San H, Qu X, Ganesh S, Gordon LB, Virmani R, Wright TN, Nabel EG, Collins FS. Progressive vascular smooth muscle cell defects in a mouse model of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 103:3250-3255. 2006. [PubMed]

Yoshimoto T, Boehm M, Olive M, Crook MF, San H, Langenickel T, Nabel EG. The arginine methyltransferase PRMT2 binds RB and regulates E2F function. Experimental Cell Research, 312:2040-2053. 2006. [PubMed]

Ganesh L , Yoshimoto T, Moorthy NC, Akahata W, Boehm M, Nabel EG, Nabel GJ. Protein methytransferase 2 inhibits NK-κB function and promotes apoptosis. Mol Cell Biol, 26:3864-3874. 2006. [PubMed]

Nakahira K, Kim HP, Geng XH, Nakao A, Wang X, Murase N, Drain PF, Wang X, Sasidhar M, Nabel EG, Takahashi T, Lukacs NW, Ryter SW, Morita K, Choi AMK. Carbon monoxide differentially inhibits TLR signaling pathways by regulating ROS-induced trafficking of TLRs to lipid rafts. J Exp Med, 203:2377-2389. 2006. [PubMed]

Capell BC, Collins FS, Nabel EG. Mechanisms of cardiovascular disease in accelerated aging syndromes. Circ Res, 101(1): 13-26. 2007. [PubMed]

Crook MF, Olive M, Xue HH, Langenickel TH, Boehm M, Leonard WJ, Nabel EG. GA-binding protein regulates KIS gene expression, cell migration, and cell cycle progression. FASEB J, 2007. [PubMed]

True AL, Olive M, Boehm M, San H, Westrick RJ, Raghavachari N, Xu X, Lynn EG, Sack MN, Munson PJ, Gladwin MT, Nabel EG. Heme oxygenase-1 deficiency accelerates formation of arterial thrombosis through oxidative damage to the endothelium, which is rescued by inhaled carbon monoxide. Circ Res, 101(0):893-901. 2007. [PubMed]

Ganesh SK, Sharma Y, Dayhoff J, Fales HM, Van Eyk J, Kickler TS, Billings EM, Nabel EG. Detection of venous thromboembolism by proteomic serum biomarkers. PLoS ONE, 2(6):e544. 2007. [PubMed]

Merideth MA, Gordon LB, Clauss S, Sachdev V, Smith AC, Perry MB, Brewer CC, Zalewski C, Kim HJ, Solomon B, Brooks BP, Gerber LH, Turner ML, Domingo DL, Hart TC, Graf J, Reynolds JC, Gropman A, Yanovski JA, Gerhard-Herman M, Collins FS, Nabel EG, Cannon RO 3rd, Gahl WA, Introne WJ. Phenotype and course of Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. N Engl J Med, 358(6):592-604. 2008. [PubMed]

Capell BC, Olive M, Erdos MR, Cao K, Faddah DA, Tavarez UL, Conneely KN, Qu X, San H, Ganesh SK, Chen X, Avallone H, Kolodgie FD, Virmani R, Nabel EG, Collins FS. A farnesyltransferase inhibitor prevents both the onset and late progression of cardiovascular disease in a progeria mouse model. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 105(41):15902-7. 2008. [PubMed]

Langenickel TH, Olive M, Boehm M, San H, Crook MF, Nabel EG. KIS protects against adverse vascular remodeling by opposing stathmin-mediated VSMC migration in mice.
J Clin Invest, 118(12):3848-59. 2008. [PubMed]

Cimato T, Beers J, Ding S, Ma M, McCoy JP, Boehm M, Nabel EG. Neuropilin-1 identifies endothelial precursors in human and murine embryonic stem cells before CD34 expression.
Circulation, 119(16):2170-8. 2009. [PubMed]

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Last Updated: June 19, 2009