Atmospheric Science Data Center; Link to Home Page.

MISR Level 1A CCD, 1B1, 1B2, and Browse Products

Global Mode Data: Terrain/Ellipsoid-Projected Radiance, 1B1 Radiance, CCD Science;
Local Mode Data (Hi-Res Target Scenes): Terrain/Ellipsoid-Projected Radiance, 1B1 Radiance

Processing Status

ESDT Product File Name Prefix Current Quality Designations
  • Stage 3 Validated: Geometric Parameters, L1A CCD, L1B2 Terrain Radiance (Global/Local), L1B2 Ellipsoid Radiance (Global/Local), L1B1 Radiance
MISR maturity level definitions | Quality Summary

The RCCM now has a separate version page. All of the information pertaining to the RCCM is now located solely on this new page.

Ver. # Production
Start Date
Product Updates Quality Transition

Data Product Specification Rev M. (and subsequent revisions).

This is the mission-final version of the Level 1 data with updated radiometric calibration. No prior versions of this data should be used.
  1. All calibration files for the life of the mission have been reprocessed using the best available calibration.
  2. Added two additional PGEs in order to improve overall co-registration including removal of the errors introduced by pointing changes in the DA camera.
  3. Fixed a bug associated with the orbit to orbit propagation method.
  • Stage 3 Validated:GRP_ELLIPSOID, GRP_TERRAIN
F03_0023 11/28/2004

Data Product Specification Rev L.

Removed RCCM algorithm to its own PGE. Rebuilt software on Irix 6.5.2 OS.

New ancillary files (Improved Radiometric Calibration):
  • ARP_INFLTCAL_F02_0010
F03_0022 02/04/2004

Data Product Specification Rev K.

Initiated orbit-to-orbit propagation of navigation corrections for the D-aft camera. Two bugs were fixed in Local Mode processing, involving oceanic island site failures and rare missing bands. The format version was incremented because of an overlooked change to NIR fieldnames in the version 0020 products. A new suite of ARP INFLT_CAL files containing a change to the MISR band-to-band calibration is in use.
F03_0021 12/08/2003 Version F03_0021 was removed from the archive because it contained radiometric errors.
Do not use!
F02_0020 09/24/2003

Data Product Specification Rev J.

Not a software Delivery. Config file update. The Orbit Quality flag in the GRP_TERRAIN product now accurately reflects degradations in registration due to spacecraft maneuvers.

New ancillary files:
  • GRP_CONFIG_F08_07
F02_0019 08/13/2003

Data Product Specification Rev J.

Improved DPREP orbit input data used, and orbit quality indicator is now based on DPREP QA. Expanded format of TRP (Transform Parameter) files to support new PGE6 Local Mode L1B2 data processing. Added ProductVersion Attribute to metadata of all products.

New ancillary files:
  • GRP_CONFIG_F08_06
  • RP_CONFIG_F02_04
  • FM_SCI_CONFIG_F01_05
  • Stage 1 Validated: (LM=Local Mode) GRP_TERRAIN_LM, GRP_ELLLIPSOID_LM
F02_0018 04/02/2003

Data Product Specification Rev I.

Added the Transform Parameters (TRP) diagnostic output with ICC information only. Improved utility of Geometric Data Quality Indicator (GDQI).

New ancillary files:
  • GRP_CONFIG_F07_04
F02_0017 12/27/2002

Data Product Specification Rev G.

Transparent robustness upgrade. GDQI values now more reliable.

New ancillary files:
  • GRP_CONFIG_F06_03
F02_0016 11/12/2002

Data Product Specification Rev G.

L0 data is pre-scanned to remove time errors and gaps. PSF (Point Spread Function Deconvolution) is performed in L1B1 to reduce the effects of scattering in the MISR filters. L1B2 files contain new parameters to support conversions of radiance to BRF. They also contain a new QA flag which warns users when the Terra orbit data is unreliable.

New ancillary files:
  • GRP_CONFIG_F05_02
  • RP_CONFIG_F02_03
  • ARP_CONFIG_F03_0003
  • ARP_PRFLTCAL_F02_0005
F01_0015 10/24/2002

Data Product Specification Rev E.

No software change. The Reference Orbit Imagery (ROI) datasets and the linear, off-axis-corrected Ancillary Radiometric Product are now being used by PGE1 in the production chain.

New ancillary files:
  • ROI_F02_02
F01_0014 07/31/2002

Data Product Specification Rev E.

Robustness fixes, including L1B1 Local Mode sitename and AN data, as well as Band-to-Band transform fix. ROI Image Matching improvements to blunder detection algorithm and to Image Coordinate Correction.

New ancillary files:
  • GRP_CONFIG_F04_01
F01_0013 05/21/2002

Data Product Specification Rev E.

No changes to GMP, Terrain or Ellipsoid products.

F01_0012 04/15/2002

Data Product Specification Rev E.

Rebuilt against new PGS Toolkit. Makes use of new camera model CGM 0007, which brings most PGE1 products up to the stage 1 validated quality designation.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_GRP_CONFIG_XCAM_F03_01.ascii
  • MISR_AM1_CGM_F01_0007.ascii
F01_0011 02/05/2002

Data Product Specification Rev D.

No changes to Terrain or Ellipsoid products. Geometric parameters are no longer extrapolated at the swath edges.

F01_0010 12/03/2001

Data Product Specification Rev D.

No changes to GMP, Terrain or Ellipsoid products.

F01_0009 09/27/2001

Data Product Specification Rev D.

Added new Ellipsoid Color Browse product (JPEG) and turned off old L1A browse products.

  • Provisional: FM_SCI
F01_0008 06/14/2001

Data Product Specification Rev D.

Transparent fix to increase PGE robustness to L0 Bit Flip corruption.
F01_0007 03/30/2001

Metadata/filename fixes including correcting FM_SCI_BR jpeg name and putting Fxx into L1B2 QA filenames. HDF file access efficiency updates. Logic to remove Level 0 data corruption that was causing some portion of the PGE1 nsync failures.

F01_0006 12/21/2000

Adds LocalGranuleIDs of all inputs to product annotation. Uses new version string scheme. Provides full local mode site name in metadata. Fixed position of Ellipsoid Transform metadata structure. 1st and last block of L1B2 are now filled cleanly.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_ARP_INFLTCAL_T002_F02_0005.hdf
  • Beta: all
05 10/02/2000

Increase tolerance to occurrence of bit-flips in Level 0 data stream. Add RangeDateTime group to metadata for Browse and QA files. Remove dependency on IMSL math libraries.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_CGM_F01_06.ascii (Used for orbits after 2718)
04 10/02/2000

Same software as version 05, but a different camera model input was used.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_CGM_F01_05.ascii (Used for orbits 995-2718)
03 09/01/2000

Repair out-of-sync time discontinuities which were causing occasional registration errors as large as 10 km.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_CGM_F01_06.ascii (Used for orbits after 2718)
02 08/15/2000

Same software as version 03, but a different camera model input was used.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_ARP_INFLTCAL_T002_F01_004.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_CGM_F01_05.ascii (Used for orbits 995-2718)

Fix handling of out-of-sync packets to increase PGE success rate.

New ancillary files:
  • MISR_AM1_ARP_INFLTCAL_T002_F01_003.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_ARP_CONFIG_F01_001.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_ARP_PRFLTCAL_F01_003.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_ARP_PRFLTCHAR_F01_001.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_AGP_Pxxx_F01_24.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_CGM_F01_04.ascii
  • MISR_AM1_PP_Pxxx_cc_22.hdf
  • MISR_AM1_ROI_SUM_Pxxx_cc_F01_01.hdf
  • Alpha: all

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