Global Nuclear Security Technology Division

Research Facilities

GNSTD facilities page opening paragraph...   These facilities contain .... for both S&T development and materials and device testing.

Safeguards Laboratory

GNSTD has assembled a comprehensive set of field-deployable instrumentation for safeguard system development and personnel training. Mockups of real-world situations using reference nuclear materials simulate real world conditions for training, testing, and evaluations. Expanding these capabilities, increasing the number of training classes, coupling this technology with GNSTD's other labs focusing on state-of-the–art nuclear nonproliferation technologies in areas such as material control and accounting, physical protection, Second Line of Defense (SLD), and containment/surveillance (e.g., sealing, tracking and identification), will make ORNL a preferred provider of education and technical support for international safeguards inspectors, federal and state agencies, nuclear facility operators, universities, and private-sector nuclear industry.

Global Safeguards and Security Education Center

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Global Nuclear Security Technology Division and Global Security and Nonproliferation Program Office are proud to introduce the Global Safeguards and Security Education Center (GSSEC), an ORNL Center of Excellence. GSSEC, by virtue of its unique position, is able to offer the intellectual infrastructure and unique capabilities of ORNL for the education of current and next generation workforces.  GSSEC is a broad-based program that integrates multiple training resources with experienced staff to present a cohesive body of workshops, certification courses, specialized training, and seminars for the safeguards workforce of the future.  Current areas of expertise include safeguards, nuclear material control, physical protection, professional development, vulnerability assessment, protection program sustainability, and nuclear material detection.