Publications: A Guide to the Clinical Care of Women with HIV/AIDS, 2005 edition


Table 3-4: Results of Large Randomized Trials of Behavioral Interventions Conducted in the United States
Data National Institute of Mental Health (Multicenter)   Project RESPECT Study Group (Multicenter) University of Texas
(San Antonio)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Houston) University of California
(San Francisco)
Population Inner city clinics in multiple cities/men and women screened with questionnaire(74% African American, 25% Hispanic,58% female) Inner city clinics in multiple cities/men and women screened with questionnaire (59% African American, 19% Hispanic,43% female) Public health clinics/women with nonviral STI (69% Mexican American, 30% African American, 100% female) Medical Center STI clinic (90% African American, 44% female) STI clinic/men and women (46% African American, 16% Hispanic, 37% female)
Sample size 3706 5758 617 964 399
Intervention type Small group Individual Small group Small group Individual
Number of sessions 7 biweekly sessions of 90–120 min each 2 or 4 weekly sessions of 60 min each 3 weekly sessions of 3–4 hr each 4 biweekly sessions and a booster group session at 2 mo 4 weekly sessions of 60 min each
Control group 1 hr didactic AIDS education 2 didactic 5-min AIDS education sessions 1 standard 15-min session 2 standard 20-min sessions 1 standard 15-min session
Adherence rates 63% attended greater than or equal to6 sessions 82% attended all sessions 75% attended all sessions 47% attended greater than or equal to 4 sessions 48% attended all sessions
Number of STI exams 1 (at 12 mo) 2–4 (at 3, 6, 9, 12 mo, 3 and 9 mo optional) 2 (at 6 and 12 mo) 4 (at 2, 6, 9, and 12 mo) 2 (at 3 and 5 mo)
Follow-up rates 82% 81% at least 1, 51% all 4 90% 72% at least 1 visit, 47% all 4 72% at least 1 visit, 52% both
Findings in intervention group compared to control group • Improved self-reported prevention efforts
• Fewer STI symptoms
• No difference in STI incidence 12 mo after intervention, determined by chart review, STI exam
• 30% lower STI incidence after 6 mo
• 20% lower STI incidence after 12 mo
• 2 session and 4 session interventions had equivalent results
• 34% lower STI incidence after 6 mo
• 49% lower STI incidence after 12 mo
• Self-reported risky sexual behavior and incidence of STIs were similar between intervention and control groups • No change in STI incidence
• Improved self-reported prevention efforts in men
• No improvement in self-reported prevention efforts in women
Cited behavioral intervention models • Risk reduction counseling, model not specified • Theory of Reasoned Action
• Social Cognitive Theory
• AIDS Risk Reduction Model • AIDS Risk Reduction Model • AIDS Risk Reduction Model