Jim DeMint
U.S. Senator, South Carolina
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Press Releases  

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July 2009  
13th -  Health-Care Freedom (Op-Ed)

June 2009  
4th -  'We the People' vs. 'I Won' (Op-Ed)

May 2009  
21st -  Two Views of the Constitution and Supreme Court Nominations (Op-Ed)
15th -  Beware of the 'Public Option' (Op-Ed)
4th -  How Republicans Can Build a Big-Tent Party (Op-Ed)

April 2009  
15th -  Freedom will work - if we let it (Op-Ed)
8th -  Silencing Political Dissent a Dangerous Idea (Op-Ed)
6th -  Political Greed (Op-Ed)
4th -  Sept. 10 Mindset Raises U.S. Vulnerability to Terror (Op-Ed)
2nd -  Serve America Will Be a Charitable Disaster (Op-Ed)

March 2009  
15th -  Let's Not Forget the Human Cost of Health Care Reform (Op-Ed)

February 2009  
12th -  About That Anti-Freedom Stimulus Bill (Op-Ed)
10th -  Congress Turns Toy Story Into Nightmare for Small Business (Op-Ed)

January 2009  
22nd -  A Jobs Plan That Will Work (Op-Ed)
14th -  Positive Change in Schools Is Possible (Op-Ed)

November 2008  
10th -  Republicans Must Fight for Freedom to Regain America's Trust (Op-Ed)

October 2008  
16th -  Unions' un-American activities (Op-Ed)

September 2008  
18th -  Dawn of Energy Independence? (Op-Ed)
8th -  Let's Declare 'Energy Freedom' on Oct. 1 (Op-Ed)

July 2008  
21st -  Nuclear Power Must Be Revisited (Op-Ed)

Office Locations
112 Custom House
200 East Bay St
Charleston, SC 29401
P: 843-727-4525
F: 843-722-4923
1901 Main St
Suite 1475
Columbia, SC 29201
P: 803-771-6112
F: 803-771-6455
105 North Spring St
Suite 109
Greenville, SC 29601
P: 864-233-5366
F: 864-271-8901
Washington, D.C.
340 Russell
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
P: 202-224-6121
F: 202-228-5143
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