GCN/Swift GRB Notices


  1. Introduction
  2. Notice types, Content, and Purpose
  3. Instruments, Positions, and Time_delays
  4. Sequence of Events
  5. Formats
  6. Filtering
  7. Error Boxes
  8. Test Notices
  9. Observing Strategy
  10. Subthreshold
  11. Recognition
  12. Further Help
  13. E-mail Examples
  14. Pager Examples
  15. Short-form Pager Examples
  16. Subject-only Pager Examples
  17. Test Notice Example


The GCN system has been modified to incorporate the distribution of positions of GRBs detected by the Swift spacecraft (all 3 instruments) plus the images, spectra, and lightcurve information.

About 2 times a week, there will be a GRB in the FOV (field of view) of the BAT instrument that is bright enough to be localized. Swift transmits these BAT localizations through the TDRS system (Tracking & Data Relay Satellite) to the ground within ~20 sec after the BAT trigger (there can also be an XRT Position ~100 sec later). If that burst position meets the site's filtering criteria, then it gets that Notice.

Like all the other sources of GRB information within the GCN system, users can elect to receive (or not) each of these Swift Notice types.

There are 25 different types of of information from the Swift mission -- this is about an order of magnitude more than any previous mission. And since some of these Notices are of a sufficiently different type of content than previous missions (ie images, spectra), people may need to study this web page carefully to determine which types are suitable for their specific operation. All the GCN/Swift Notices are archived within the GCN website in the Table of Swift GRBs.

Post-Launch Notice Availability Plan: The positions will not be immediately available. The Swift team will be performing an on-orbit check-out, during which the positions will not be made available to the public in real time. There are numerous cross-checks and calibrations that must be performed to guarantee the safety of the s/c & instruments and the accuracy of the burst positions. After this check-out period, the positions (& the other information types) will be available and distributed through GCN. (The official check-out interval is 135 days; the distribution of positions may happen sooner if the various instrument teams develop confidence in their instruments sooner.) During the 135-day check-out period, if a burst is determined by the science team to be of high enough confidence, then it will be distributed (with delays ranging from about a day in the beginning to as short as an hour in the later stages of the 135-day check-out period). After the 135 days, all Notice Types will be distributed immediately (no human delay).

Notice Types, Content, and Purpose

There are 25 (15 raw + 7 processed + 1 special + 2 misc) GCN/Swift Notice types.
They are:

1) BAT_Alert Notice starts the sequence of messages.
It occurs when the BAT instrument first triggers
(either a rate trigger or an image trigger).
It does NOT contain an RA,Dec location of a burst;
only a date, time, and trigger criteria & trigger detection significance.
It is issued only once per trigger, (but may not be present for all triggers
if there is TDRSS bit/frame sync-up delay -- that's the reason the Alerts exist,
to start the TDRSS sync-up process so it's ready by the time
the BAT_Pos Notice comes along).
Since they are available 6-30 sec before the BAT_Position Notice,
they can be used by robotic telescopes
as a heads-up to abort any on-going observation activity.
The SWIFT_BAT_ALERT is currently NOT being sent to the TDRSS transmitter,
so there is never any to receive and distribute through GCN.
This is because the original motivation for it no longer exists.
Swift is now operating the TDRSS transmitter in a 24/7 mode, so the transmitter is always "warm".

2a) BAT_Position Notice contains the RA,Dec location for the burst detected by BAT.
They are issued only once per burst.
The time delays are about 7-30 sec after the Trigger Time (only 1 sec of that is due to GCN).
If the on-board flight software cannot locate a burst,
then this Position Notice will be replaced with a Pos_Nack Notice (see 2b).
The Position Notice comes second in the sequence of Notices on the triggers/bursts.
Since the position is based on the least-possible amount of data in the processing
(just a small initial portion of the burst's lightcurve),
it has the lowest significance in the localization process. Even so,
the uncertainty in the position is 3arcmin for the at-threshold bursts
and 1arcmin for the bright bursts. (Both the 'at-threshold' and 'bright'
refer to only the amount of photons in the time interval of the trigger-sampling interval
of the burst lightcurve.)
The trigger time listed in the Notice (ie the GRB_TIME) can be off by +/- 320 msec
for events that have a trigger duration less than 64 msec. This has to do with the way
that the flight software is optimized for execution speed for evaluating the shortest trigger criteria.
It should be noted that even though this Notice type is called the
BAT_GRB_POSITION, it does also contain detections of hard x-ray transients.
There is both flight- and ground-software in place to correctly identify
bursts from transients, but this identification is not 100% perfect.
There is also a RETRACTION form of the BAT_POS Notice. If, after ground-processing
with humans-in-the-loop, the initial "burst" identification is determined to be incorrect,
then a Retraction will be issued.
The combination of the flight s/w identification code and the ground-processing identification code
is 98% accurate (i.e. only 2% false positives: said it was a real GRB when it was not).
SubThreshold Variation:
After 4 years of on-orbit operations, a new Notice type was added: the SubThreshold Position.
The content and function of this type is identical to the regular BAT_Position type.
The only difference is that these notices result from triggers with S/N levels
below the normal 6.5 sigma (image domain) threshold level.
The motivation for this new type is to lower the BAT threshold to see if fainter bursts
can be found (at the cost of an obviously higher false-positive rate).

2b) BAT_Position_Nack Notice does NOT contain an RA,Dec location for the burst.
If the BAT on-board software can not determine a location
(even after repeated attempts, trying many different trigger criteria)
then a Pos_Nack Notice will be sent (in place of the Pos Notice).
This type of Notice comes second in the sequence of Notices on the trigger/burst.
This is the last Notice in the sequence -- the sequence stops with BAT_Pos_Nack.
Currently, BAT does not forward this message type to the TDRSS transmitter,
so these are not received on the ground and GCN can not distribute them.
This is OK, because it turns out that in practice they have no value
for the follow-up community -- only for the instrument operations team.

2c) BAT_Position Update Notice Under rare circumstances, an updated RA,Dec position.
Notice can be issued. If, after ground-processing with humans-in-the-loop,
the location moves by more than 2-3 arcmin from the on-board location
and no XRT_Position notice was available,
then an UPDATE Position Notice will be generated and distributed.
(Note it has been 36 months into the mission and no Updates have been issued,
so this subtype is rare indeed.)

2d) BAT_Transient Notice BAT does not always trigger on GRBs. Sometimes
it triggers on other type of astrophysicals sources (eg LMXBs, HMXB, Flare stars, etc).
Each location is compared to both on-board and ground catalogs of known sources.
When there is a match (with in 0.3 deg) to a known source, then the trigger
is reclassified as a Transient (instead of a GRB) and a BAT_Transient Notice is issued.
(Note that the same trigger also goes out as a "BAT GRB Notice" with the catalog ID
noted in the Comments section.)

3) BAT_Lightcurve Notice contains a 209.92-sec interval of the count rates
from the Detector Array (in 4 energy bands). The time-sampling varies throughout
the lightcurve -- finer sampling around the trigger and coarser well before the trigger and
well after the trigger.
The email-form of delivery method can also optionally have the lightcurve
as an attachment (see the Table in the Formts section below).
They also contain the exact same RA,Dec location as the BAT_Position Notice.
They are issued only once per burst.
An example of a BAT Lightcurve.
This lightcurve can be used to determine the length of the burst,
and the complexity (eg single vs multiple peaks, FREDs, spikes, precursors, etc).
Caution should be used in interpretting these TDRSS Lightcurves, because
background has NOT been subtracted and because steady sources are coming into
and out of the BAT FOV as the s/c slews to the new burst position.

4) FOM_Observe Notice indicates whether or not the Figure of Merit (FOM) calculation determined
if this burst was worth observing (ie becoming the next Automated Target (AT)).
If so, then a slew_request is sent to the spacecraft.
(The FOM_OBSERVE is only a merit-based decision;
the slew-decision is communicated in the next Notice Type.)
They contain a copy of the burst BAT_Position RA,Dec location, time, etc.
They are issued only once per burst.

5) SC_Slew Notice indicates whether or not the spacecraft determined
if it was safe to slew to this burst.
If none of the 4 observing constraints are violated during the projected slew path,
then the s/c will slew,
else the slew may be delayed (1-2500 sec; until the burst RA,Dec location comes out of constraint), or
else it may never happen (it is technically possible for BAT to detect a burst that is not observable
by the NFIs).
They contain a copy of the burst BAT RA,Dec location, time, etc.
They are issued once or twice per burst. The second occurance happens when the initial detection
is violating an observing constraint for the NFIs (about 1 in 10 bursts have this occurance).
Then a second SC_Slew Notice will be issued just when the location comes out of observing constraint
and the s/c slews to the new target.

6a) XRT_Position Notice contains an RA,Dec location for the burst/afterglow as determined by XRT.
They are issued only once per burst (or never -- see XRT_Pos_Nack).
The time delay is 80 to 150 sec.
The position comes from the XRT flight software
scanning the initial quicklook image taken immediately after the slew to the new AT burst.
If the on-board determination was a Nack, then ground-processing with humans-in-the-loop,
an XRT_Position Notice can be generated and distributed (time delay ~10-30 min).
There is also a RETRACTION form of the XRT_POS Notice. If, after ground-processing
with humans-in-the-loop, the initial "burst" identification is determined to be incorrect
(eg ob-board s/w locked onto a cosmic ray hit or a known steady state source),
then a Retraction will be issued.

6b) XRT_Position_Nack Notice does NOT contain an RA,Dec location for the burst.
If the XRT on-board software was not able to find a point source in its initial image,
it will try up to 11 more times (11 more images and scannings for a point-source);
if after the 12th attempt and still no point-source, then it issues this Pos_Nack message.
In the total Swift message sequence, there will be either an XRT_Pos or an XRT_Pos_Nack, but never both.
When the XRT_Pos_Nack is issued, there will be no XRT_Image Notice in the sequence,
but there will still be XRT_Spectrum and XRT_Lightcurve Notices issued.
(This XRT_Pos_Nack is called the Centroid_Error message within the XRT documentation.)

6c) XRT_Position Update Notice contain an updated/improved RA,Dec position.
Notice can be issued. If, after ground-processing with humans-in-the-loop,
the location moves by more than about 3-4 arcsec from the on-board location,
then an UPDATE Position Notice will be generated and distributed.
Initially these wre rare, but after a couple years of operations,
the occurance rates is about 1 in 4 bursts. The position uncertainty
usually shrinks significantly as well.

7) XRT_Image Notice contains a 2x2arcmin (51x51 pixel subarray)
of the full 23.6x23.6arcmin FOV centered on the position found in the XRT_Pos Notice.
(This subarray comes from the actual CCD integration that was used for the XRT_Pos determination.)
The integration duration can be 0.1sec or 2.5sec.
They are issued only once per burst, but will not be present if no XRT Position was found
(ie XRT_Pos_Nack).
The email Notice contains the actual image only if the recipient has elected to receive
the image as an attachment to the email format -- the image can always be obtained
from the URL contained in the body of the email Notice.
An example of an XRT Image.

8) XRT_Spectrum Notice contains a raw spectrum of the photons collected across the FOV
ie point-source photons plus non-point-source photons are also included.
There are 2 types of spectra: LRPD (Low Rate PhotoDiode, mode 5), and
WT (Windowed Timing, mode 6). The amount of time that goes into the accumulations
depends on the intensity of the source (and therefore the readout mode of the CCD).
The pair of spectra are issued only once per burst; even the ones that result in an XRT_Pos_Nack.
The XRT flight software issues two seprate spectral messages, and
there is only one spectum per Notice, so the typical burst will have two XRT_Spectrum Notices;
but on some occassions, there will only be one spectrum Notice.
Each Notice contains the actual spectrum only if the recipient has elected to receive
the spectrum as an attachment to the email format -- the spectrum can always be obtained
from the URL contained in the body of the email Notice.
An example of an XRT Spectrum.

9) XRT_Lightcurve Notice contains a lightcurve (starting at s/c_settle & after the initial image).
The duration of the lightcurve depends on (a) the afterglow flux and therefore what collection mode
the CCD is operating (LRPD, WT, or PC), and (b) any of the pre-emptive termination conditions:
(1) time, (2) snapshot end, or (3) entry into the SAA.
The nominal length is 100 samples which translates into a 106.2 to 826 sec duration,
depending on the actual flux of the afterglow and the mode-switching sequence
used by the instrument (eg LRPD, WT, PC).
They are issued only once per burst, even the ones that result in an XRT_Pos_Nack.
The email Notice contains the actual lightcurve only if the recipient has elected to receive
the lightcurve as an attachment to the email format -- the lightcurve can always be obtained
from the URL contained in the body of the email Notice.
This is called the Prompt Lightcurve message within the XRT documentation.
An example of an XRT Lightcurve.

10) UVOT_SourceList Notice contains a list of thresholded pixel clusters
derived from scanning the initial 100-sec image immediately after the slew settles.
A pixel cluster is either a single pixel, or a 5-pixel cross, or a 5x5 subarray.
The limitation in the telemetry bandwidth (and therefore the data product size is limited)
means that not all the stars in the FOV above a given level will be contained
in the list. The upper and lower regions of the FOV will be truncated.
Initially, they are issued only once per burst, but later in the mission
they are issued 1 to 4 times during the AT burst response (it depends on observing constraints).
The email Notice contains the actual source-list only if the recipient has elected to receive
the source-list as an attachment to the email format -- the source-list can always be obtained
from the URL contained in the body of the email Notice.
An example of a UVOT Source List.
(In the early days, this "source list" used to be called "finding chart",
that name was too confusing given the other UVOT Notice was much more like a finding chart.)

11) UVOT_Image Notice contains subarray of the full 17x17 arcmin FOV
on the best known position. That is 80x80 pixels covering 40x40arcsec if using an XRT Postion
and 80x80 pixels covering (40x40arcsec if an XRT position is available, or
320x320arcsec if using a BAT Position).
Unlike the SourceList, this subarray has all the pixels (not thresholded clusters).
Initially, they are issued only once per burst, but later in the mission
they are issued 1 to 4 times during the AT burst response (it depends on observing constraints).
The email Notice contains the actual image only if the recipient has elected to receive
the image as an attachment to the email format -- the image can always be obtained
from the URL contained in the body of the email Notice.
An example of a UVOT Image.
(In the early days, this "image" used to be called "dark burst" or "neighbor" or "genie",
that name was not too conotive.)

12a) UVOT_Position Notice contains an RA,Dec location for the burst
as determined by ground-processing software.
They are issued only once per burst, or not at all (see Nack).
The time delay is about 10 to 30 min.
Once a human has processed the UVOT data and a new source object found,
a position may be issued, if the confidence is high enough.
There is also a RETRACTION form of the UVOT_POS Notice. If, after even more ground-processing
with humans-in-the-loop, a prior burst identification is determined to be incorrect
then a Retraction will be issued.

12b) UVOT_Position_Nack Notice does NOT contain an RA,Dec location for the burst.
If the ground-processing software and human analysis was not able to find a point source
then a Nack Notice is issued.
The time delay is about 10 to 30 min.
This Nack Notice contains an limiting magnitude for the UVOT observation
of the XRT error circle (or BAT error circle if XRT not available).

12c) UVOT_Position Update Notice Under rare circumstances, an updated RA,Dec position.
Notice can be issued. If, after ground-processing with humans-in-the-loop,
the location moves by more than 2-3 arcsec from the on-board location,
then an UPDATE Position Notice will be generated and distributed.

The next 5 Notices are ground-processed versions of some of the "raw" versions listed above:

BAT_LIGHTCURVE_PROC: Same as the "raw" Lightcurve Notice except that the changes
in the background due to steady-state sources leaving and coming into the BAT FOV
have been removed. The cos(theta) effect has also been removed.
This processed version of the Lightcurve Notice will not be available
for the first year of the mission -- it will take the BAT Instrument team time
to determine the proper correction algorithms.
An example of a processed BAT Lightcurve.

XRT_IMAGE_PROC: ....?????......
An example of a processed XRT Image.

XRT_SPECTRA_PROC: ....something about bias subtraction (using the bias value in the header)....
An example of a processed XRT Spectrum.

UVOT_SRCLIST_PROC: The raw image converted into 4 "processed" data products:
a) ???some form of the original image????
b) the list of source objects found in the Source List,
c) the list of source objects correlated (matched up) with the Hubble GuideStar Catalog (HGSC).
d) a "prettified" image containing the HGSC objects labeled and RA,Dec gridlines drawn in, and
the BAT and XRT error circles overlayed.
If you elect to receive the email form and to receive attachments, this Notice
will have 4 attachments per email Notice.
An example of a processed UVOT Source List.

UVOT_IMAGE_PROC: The raw image converted into 4 "processed" data products:
a) ???some form of the original image????
b) the list of source objects found in the Image,
c) the list of source objects correlated (matched up) with the Hubble GuideStar Catalog (HGSC).
d) a "prettified" image containing the HGSC objects labeled and RA,Dec gridlines drawn in, and
the BAT and XRT error circles overlayed.
If you elect to receive the email form and to receive attachments, this Notice
will have 4 attachments per email Notice.
An example of a processed UVOT Image.

The next Notice type is in the special category:

BAT_Slew_Pos Notice is identical in format and content to the BAT_Pos Notice
except that they are detections of bursts and transients found in the BAT Slew data.
The Harvard group (Antonio Copete and Josh Grindlay) have developed automated
pipeline processing on the BAT event-by-event data captured during the intervals
when Swift is slewing (~75 slews per day, 100-250 sec per slew).
Burst and Transient detections are sent to GCN for distribution.
Time delays are 1-14 hrs.
There will be about 1 "gold plated" detection per 3 months, and
about 4(tbr) "silver plated" detections per month.
The location uncertainties will range from 1-7 arcmin (brightest to dimmest).
The BATSS processing looks for point sources in three energy ranges:
Soft (15-50 keV),
Hard (50-150 keV), and
Broad (15-150 keV).
There are 10 Trigger Criteria:

INDEX  CRITERIA                                                         COMMENT
1      Undef                                                                 Undef
2      Undef                                                                 Undef
3      Undef                                                                 Undef
4      Undef                                                                 Undef
5      S(15-50) > 6.5 sigma OR H(50-150) > 6.5 sigma                         High confidence of reality (silver-plated).
6      Non-simultaneous detections > 4.0 sigma over more than an orbit       Transient (ie too long for a GRB)
7      Non-simultaneous detections > 4.0 sigma within an orbit               Transient (ie too long for a GRB)
8      Simul (S(15-50) OR H(50-150)) > 6.0 sigma AND B(15-150) > 4.0 sigma   High confidence of reality (silver-plated).
9      Simul (S(15-50) OR H(50-150)) > 4.0 sigma AND B(15-150) > 6.0 sigma   High confidence of reality (silver-plated).
10     Simul S(15-50) > 4.0 sigma AND H(50-150) > 4.0 sigma                  Very high confidence of reality (gold-plated).

The next 2 Notices are in the miscellaneous category:

BAT_Pos_Test Notice is identical in format and content to the BAT_Pos Notice
except that they contain a computer-generated RA,Dec location and all the other fields.
These "test" Notices are generated by the GCN computer every ~2.8 hrs.
They allow the receiving site to "practice" on the BAT_Pos Notice.

SWIFT_Pointing_Dir Notice contains the next pointing direction of the s/c (bore-sight of the NFIs & BAT).
It is issued ~30 seconds before the actual slew.
Obviously, only the PrePlanned Targets (PPT) targets can be "announced" with this type of Notice
(the Automated Targets (ATs) can not be predicted).
This allows the recipient site to "track" the pointing direction of the s/c and
therefore be that much closer to any burst detected by BAT (thereby minimizing the site's slew times).

Positions and Time_delays

The automated on-board Swift flight software will generate GRB notifications, positions, lightcurves, spectra, and images in real time. (In addition, human-involved analyses of the data may sometimes result in a revised position within a few hours after the burst.) There is an important change from the past to be noted: the Swift socket packets that contain RA,Dec positions are now in J2000 epoch (whereas all the previous missions contained Current epoch). The timescales and localization precisions of the various Notice types are as follows:

               TIME SINCE    LOCATION
=========      ============  ========== ========
Flight-generated versions:
=========      ============  ========== ========
BAT_Alert      ~7sec         n/a        First Notice, Timestamp Alert
BAT_Pos        13-30sec      1-3'       First Position Notice, the BAT Position
BAT_PosNack    30-60sec      n/a        Only if no position was found
BAT_SubThresh  13-30sec      1-4'       Sub-threshold triggers (Position)
BAT_LC         ~220sec       1-3'       Lightcurve (also has the position)
FOM_Obs        14-41sec      1-3'       FOM decision: Observe or Not
SC_Slew        14-41sec      1-3'       Spacecraft decision: Slew or Not
XRT_Pos        30-80sec      <7"        XRT afterglow location
XRT_PosNack    30-80sec      n/a        Could not find an XRT afterglow location
XRT_Image      31-81sec      <7"        2x2 arcmin FOV (5-30sec integration)
XRT_Spectrum   40-81sec      n/a        Spectrum (few-to-100 sec integration)
XRT_Lightcurve 141-910sec    n/a        The x-ray lightcurve (106 to 826 sec)
UVOT_SrcList   ~260sec       n/a        Thresholded pixel clusters
UVOT_Image     ~320sec       n/a        All pixels from an 80x80 pixel subarray
UVOT_Pos       1-3 hrs       <2"        UVOT afterglow location (Gnd-generated only)
UVOT_PosNack   1-3 hrs       n/a        Could not find an UVOT afterglow location
=========      ============  ========== ========
Ground-processed versions:
=========      ============  ========== ========
BAT_LC         ~225sec       1-3'       Lightcurve (also has the position)
XRT_Image      40-70sec      <6"        2x2 arcmin FOV (~10sec integration)
XRT_Spectrum   50-90sec      n/a        The spectrum from that integration (~10 sec)
UVOT_SrcList   ~280sec       n/a        Thresholded pixel clusters
UVOT_Image     ~340sec       n/a        All pixels from an 80x80 pixel subarray
=========      ============  ========== ========
Special versions:
=========      ============  ========== ========
BAT_Slew_Pos   1-6 hrs       1-7'       Bursts & Transient found in the slew data (BATSS)

Sequence of Activities

The sequence of activities for a typical burst follows:
1) The BAT instrument detects a "trigger" (either a "rate trigger" or an "image trigger").
Since many trigger criteria are evaluated every 64 msec,
the one with the largest signal-to-noise significance
(above a minumum acceptable threshold, in that evaluation cycle)
is the one used to select the data interval sent
to the DSP for the image calculation (FFT, Mask_Convolution, InvFFT).
2) This image calculation takes 6-7 sec (or multiples thereof).
3) The image is calculated and scanned for a point-source.
If a point-source is found (and it is not a known source (in the BAT on-board catalog)),
then a BAT_POS Notice is sent to TDRSS (and on to GCN and the World).
If a point-source is not found, then the trigger-search task is notified,
and it continues to process more rate data to find a higher-significance trigger criterion.
If it finds one, it sends that data set to the DSP for the same image calculation and pt-source search.
If after ~30 seconds, no position is found, then a BAT_Pos_Nack Notice is generated.
and the BAT instrument goes back into staring and waiting-for-a-new-trigger mode.
This ends the sequence.
In addition to these "rate increase plus image-domain point source" triggers,
there are also image-domain-only triggers. Every 64 sec, a non-background-subtracted image
is made and searched for point sources tht do not match anything in the on-board catalog.
If one is found, then a BAT_POS Notice is sent to TDRSS (and on to GCN and the World).
4) For all successful triggers, a lightcurve in the standard 4 energy bands
is formed and transmitted through TDRSS. This is done 3 separate time ranges.
The last one to arrive on the ground (at ~T+186sec) is combined within GCN
with the other 2 previous time segments and distributed.
5) Meanwhile, the FOM has been deciding if the burst is worth observing, and
if the s/c thinks it is safe to slew to the new burst position.
If both are found to be true, then the s/c slews for about 20-75 sec (depends on slew distance).
6) After the slew has settled on target, the NFIs start their standard new_burst
observing sequence. The XRT takes a quick 0.1or2.5-sec integration
and processes that image on-board looking for a point source.
Any point source in the FOV is assumed to be the burst/afterglow.
It sends that position through TDRSS as the XRT_Position Notice.
If no position is found, then the XRT_Pos_Nack is issued,
and the Image, Spectrum and Lightcurve are always issued.
7) The image accumulated in the previous step is also sent down TDRSS as the XRT Image Notice.
8) After the XRT_Image accumulation, the XRT starts the Spectrum accumulations
(first the LRPD spectrum then the WT spectrum). The durations of the accumulations
depend on the flux of the afterglow source.
9) After the s/c slew has settled on target, the UVOT takes a quick 100-sec integration.
This image is scanned for clusters of pixels above a selectable threshold level.
That list of pixel clusters is transmitted through TDRSS as the UVOT Source List.
10) An 80x80 pixel subarray of that same image is transmitted with full pixel resolution
(ie no thresholding) as the UVOT Image Notice. (The 80x80 pixels may or maynot have pre-binning.
If none, then it is 40x40arcsec, else it is 320x320arcsec.)
11) The UVOT Position Notice is issued after ground-processing and humans have looked
at the TDRSS data products. If no afterglow is detected, then a UVOT_Pos_Nack is issued.

The Swift-to-GCN-to-World Procedure:
Notices: GCN receives the Swift messages directly from the Swift spacecraft (through a TDRSS tlm connection),
reformats the messages into the standard GCN_Notice formats, and
distributes them to the sites using the usual distribution methods and filtering.
The total amount of time from the TDRSS transmitter on the s/c to the output port
on the GCN system is in the 1-3 sec range.
Circulars: For each trigger, members from each Instrument team are paged
and respond by dialing into the Burst Response Telecon.
The first decision made in the telcon is: Is this trigger a real GRB?
If it was correctly identified as a known source, then nothing further is done.
If it is a false-positive (noise, etc), then a Retraction Noitce and sometimes a Circular are issued.
If it is a real GRB, then an Initial Circular is issued that contains said dcision,
a description of the prompt BAT lightcurve, and improved XRT position and a statement
about x-ray variability (fading, etc), and UVOT information (detection or uppler limit).
All of this is based only on the TDRSS data products.
This Circular is issued with 20-40 min after the burst.
Then 1-8 hrs later, after some/all of the full data set (via Malindi) has been received and processed,
a set of 3 "second/refined" Circulars is issued (one from each instrument)
that contains more detailed information about the burst (improved positions, spectral information,
fluence, etc.).
Reports: After all the Swift follow-up observations have been completed (2-10 days),
a Report is issued. This contains slight improvments over the information in the Refined Circulars
plus lightcurves.

Ack, Nack, Update, Retraction

All 3 instruments have Position Notices (ie RA,Dec locations of the burst, transient, or afterglow).
They come in 4 variations: Ack, Nack, Update, and Retraction.
This section describes the contents of these 4 variations and how they are used/occur in practice.

ACK          A position was found.
NACK A position was NOT found.
UPDATE A new position was determined (a revised position from the initial ACK position).
RETRACTION The initial identification of a burst/transient/afterglow is no longer true, ie retracting it.

The table below shows which variation from each instrument is produced on-board (ie F for flight)
and which are produced on the ground (G).

====      =====     ====      ======      ==========
BAT       F & G      F         G             G

XRT       F & G      F         G             G

UVOT          G      G         G             G
Theoretically, all combinations/sequences of these 4 variations are possible,
but in reality many of those combinations would be too complicated for the recipients to understand
what is really being put forward by the instruments teams. Hence, after the 2nd issuance,
the description of what is going on with a given trigger will transition over to the Circulars form
for getting the information out to the public.


Samples of the E-mail, Pager, Short-form Pager, & Subject-only distribution methods of the 25 GCN/Swift Notice types are included below. The format is very similar to the other spacecraft-instrument sources of GRB locations -- the GCN-standard "TOKEN: value" format.

The email format has a new feature for the Swift mission -- using email attachments to actually include the image, spectrum, or lightcurve in the sending of the email to the recipient. The recipient can choose which format for the attachment: Text, Postscript, GIF, JPEG, PDF, or FITS. See the table below for which Notice-types have which attachment-formats. The attachment technique within GCN works such that you will receive all the various attachments in the same format. (If you have elected to receive GIF, then all the images, spectra, and lightcurves will be in the GIF format. You can not get some in GIF and others in FITS.)

The socket packet contents and format are similar to the other mission-specific packet types and are described in detail in the socket packet definition document. This document also has explanations of the various fields in the packet (their content, values, and implications for use), and those same fields are manifested in the email and pager formats. (Therefore, it is useful for email/pager recipients to read the socket packet definition document to understand the contents of the email/pager notifications are.)

                                  w/Txt  w/PS   w/GIF w/JPEG w/PDF  w/FITS        (all 4 variants)

60   BAT_Alert           P        B                                               B
61   BAT_Pos             P        B                                               B
62   BAT_Pos_Nack        P        B                                               B
98   BAT_SubThresh_Pos   P        B                                               B
63   BAT_Lightcurve      P+U      B+U    A1     A1    A1     A1    A1     A1      B+U
65   FOM_To_Observe      P        B                                               B
66   SC_To_Slew          P        B                                               B
67   XRT_Pos             P        B                                               B
71   XRT_Pos_Nack        P        B             
68   XRT_Spectrum        P+U      B+U    A            A      A     A      A       B+U
69   XRT_Image           P+U      B+U                 A      A     A      A       B+U
70   XRT_Lightcurve      P+U      B+U    A            A      A     A      A       B+U
72   UVOT_Image          P+U      B+U                 A2     A2    A2     A2      B+U
73   UVOT_SrcList        P+U      B+U                 A2     A2    A2     A2      B+U
81   UVOT_Pos            P        B                                               B
89   UVOT_Pos_Nack       P        B                                               B
84   BAT_Trans           P        B                                               B
76   BAT_Proc_Lightcurve P+U      B+U    A            A      A     A      A       B+U
77   XRT_Proc_Spectrum   P+U      B+U    A            A      A     A      A       B+U
78   XRT_Proc_Image      P+U      B+U                 A      A     A      A       B+U
79   UVOT_Proc_Image     P+U      B+U                 A2     A2    A2     A2      B+U
80   UVOT_Proc_SrcList   P+U      B+U                 A2     A2    A2     A2      B+U

82   BAT_Pos_Test        P        B                                               B
83   SC_PointDir         P        B                                               B

99   BAT_Slew_Pos        P        B                                               B

P = Packet (the GCN-standard 40 longword socket packet format)
B = Body of email (the GCN-standard "TOKEN: value" format)
U = URL (the URL is contained in the packet and the body of the email)
A = Attachment (the actual data product is optionally attached to the email)
A1 = Attachment (the BAT_LC has 2 attachments: the LC and the s/c_attitude files)
A2 = Attachment (the UVOT_Image/_SrcList have 4 attachments: the image, 2 src catalog lists, & ??? files)


Sites can elect to receive each of the 25 Swift Notice types on a Notice-by-Notice basis.
There is a separate dis/enable bit for each type.
This filtering applies to all the existing distribution methods/media.

Error Boxes

The uncertainty in the location will depend on:
(a) the burst_intensity,
(b) its position in the FOV (only in BAT), and
(c) the relative locations and intensities of other sources in the BAT FOV (BAT positions only).
The typical error is:
1-3 arcmin (diameter, 90% containment) for the BAT_Position Notice,
~7 arcsec (diameter, 90% containment) for on-board generated XRT_Position Notices,
~4 arcsec (diameter, 90% containment) for initial ground-generated XRT_Position Notices,
~3 arcsec (diameter, 90% containment) for ground-generated UVOT-pointing-corrected XRT_Position Notices, and
~2 arcsec (diameter, ??% containment) for the UVOT_Position Notices.
The systematic uncertainty depends on the satellite attitude knowledge and varies from 0 arcsec to TBD arcsec (diameter) in the worst situations. The errors quoted in the Position Notices includes only the statistical contribution.

Test Notices

To allow sites to "practice" on Swift Notices, there is Swift Test Notice. The BAT_GRB_POS_TEST Notice duplicates the BAT_GRB_POS Notice (all socket packet, email, and cell/page formats). Sites can elect to receive this Test Notice. These Test Notices are issued every ~2.8 hours. The RA,Dec positions rotate through a grid on the Northern & Southern celestial skies. So far, this is the only "test"version Notice -- none of the 20 other Notices have "test" versions.

Observing Strategy

The Swift spacecraft pointing direction (ie FOV) is always known via the POINTDIR Notices. It is therefore possible to minimize the slewing time of a ground-based telescope by having it looking at the RA,Dec listed in the POINTDIR Notices. Further, the telescope can continuously tile the FOV in a "patrol" mode all night long thereby obtaining images just prior to the burst. This is most suitable for automated systems.

Subthreshold Triggers

Swift-BAT can now trigger on a lower range of image-domain significances.
These are the so-called Subthreshold triggers.
More information can be found here..


Sites are encouraged to acknowledge Swift and GCN in their publications based on follow-up observations using these GCN/Swift locations.

Further Help

For further information on this, please contact
Scott Barthelmy (for GCN issues),
or see the
Swift (main/US site), and
Swift (Italian site), and
Swift (UK site), and
Swift (NASA site), and
Swift (SDC site), and
these GCN web pages, and
GCN/Swift GRB table.

E-mail Examples

Examples of the 25 Notice types of the e-mail formats are shown below.
The "/////" divider bars are NOT part of the messages.

Do not take the actual values shown in these examples as real GRBs.
While based on ground-test data from the mission,
they have been adjusted to provide a broader representation
of the various combinations of fields and value ranges.

For those sites/people that use demons and/or incoming e-mail filters (e.g. procmail),
the "Subject" lines for the all notice types are constant.
The subject-line strings are (respectively):
The 'raw' versions:
GCN/SWIFT_BAT_GRB_POSITION (same for both the BAT_Pos and BAT_Pos_Test Notices)
The 'processed' versions:
The 'special' notices:
The 'misc' notices:

/////////////////////////BAT_Alert e-mail format////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 21:31:42 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-BAT Alert
TRIGGER_NUM:    100004,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_DATE:       13186 TJD;   182 DOY;   04/06/30
GRB_TIME:       77478.27 SOD {21:31:18.27} UT
RATE_SIGNIF:    20.71 [sigma]
/////////////////////////BAT_Pos (or BAT_SubThreshold) e-mail format////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 14:46:36 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-BAT GRB Position        (or   Swift-BAT GRB Sub-Threshold Position)
TRIGGER_NUM:    100004,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_RA:          88.67d {+05h 54m 42s} (J2000),
                 88.68d {+05h 54m 44s} (current),
                 88.20d {+05h 52m 49s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:        -31.27d {-31d 16' 10"} (J2000),
                -31.27d {-31d 16' 09"} (current),
                -31.28d {-31d 16' 37"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:      3.00 [arcmin radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:      893 [cnts]    Peak=123 [cnts/sec] 
BKG_INTEN:      364 [cnts]
BKG_TIME:       77450.00 SOD {21:31:00.00} UT
BKG_DUR:        16 [sec]
GRB_DATE:       13186 TJD;   182 DOY;   04/06/30
GRB_TIME:       77478.27 SOD {21:31:18.27} UT
GRB_PHI:        123.10 [deg]
GRB_THETA:       11.54 [deg]
RATE_SIGNIF:    12.31 [sigma]
IMAGE_SIGNIF:   9.80 [sigma]
MERIT_PARAMS:    +1  -2  +3  -4  +5  -6  +7  -8  +9 -10 
SUN_POSTN:      281.57d {+18h 46m 17s}  -23.01d {-23d 00' 44"}
SUN_DIST:       124.33 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     351.51d {+23h 26m 01s}   -8.87d {-08d 52' 19"}
MOON_DIST:       91.46 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     236.79,-25.03 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
ECL_COORDS:      88.04,-54.70 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
COMMENTS:       SWIFT-BAT GRB Coordinates.
COMMENTS:       This is a rate trigger.
COMMENTS:       A point_source was found.
COMMENTS:       This does not match any source in the on-board catalog.
COMMENTS:       This is a GRB.
/////////////////////////BAT_Transient e-mail format//////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:     Tue 08 Apr 08 21:34:13 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:     Swift-BAT Transient Position
TRIGGER_NUM:     308797,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_RA:          264.842d {+17h 39m 22s} (J2000),
                 264.975d {+17h 39m 54s} (current),
                 264.039d {+17h 36m 09s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:         -30.366d {-30d 21' 55"} (J2000),
                 -30.370d {-30d 22' 10"} (current),
                 -30.339d {-30d 20' 18"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:       3.00 [arcmin radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:       0 [cnts]    Image_Peak=5125 [image_cnts]
TRIGGER_DUR:     320.000 [sec]   (=5.3 [min])
TRIGGER_INDEX:   20000     E_range: 15-50 keV
BKG_INTEN:       0 [cnts]
BKG_TIME:        0.00 SOD {00:00:00.00} UT
BKG_DUR:         0 [sec]
GRB_DATE:        14564 TJD;    99 DOY;   08/04/08
GRB_TIME:        77293.29 SOD {21:28:13.29} UT
GRB_PHI:         -157.24 [deg]
GRB_THETA:        11.61 [deg]
SOLN_STATUS:     0x111
RATE_SIGNIF:     0.00 [sigma]
IMAGE_SIGNIF:    7.83 [sigma]
MERIT_PARAMS:     +0  +1  +0  +6  +1  -2  +0  +1 +40  +1 
SUN_POSTN:        17.92d {+01h 11m 41s}   +7.60d {+07d 35' 51"}
SUN_DIST:        113.59 [deg]   Sun_angle= 7.5 [hr] (West of Sun)
MOON_POSTN:       54.05d {+03h 36m 11s}  +24.57d {+24d 34' 29"}
MOON_DIST:       152.05 [deg]
MOON_ILLUM:      11 [%]
GAL_COORDS:      358.07,  0.40 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
ECL_COORDS:      265.52, -7.01 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
COMMENTS:        SWIFT-BAT Transient Coordinates.  
COMMENTS:        This is an image trigger.  (The RATE_SIGNIF & BKG_{INTEN, TIME, DUR} are undefined.)  
COMMENTS:        A point_source was found.  
COMMENTS:        This does not match any source in the on-board catalog.  
COMMENTS:        This matches a source in the ground catalog: IGR17391-3021,   delta=0.045 [deg].  
COMMENTS:        This is not a GRB -- it is a hard x-ray transient.  
COMMENTS:        This trigger occurred at longitude,latitude = 146.22,1.27 [deg].
/////////////////////////BAT_Pos_Nack e-mail format/////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 21:31:59 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-BAT GRB Nack-Position
TRIGGER_NUM:    100005,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_DATE:       13186 TJD;   182 DOY;   04/06/30
GRB_TIME:       77478.27 SOD {21:31:18.27} UT
RATE_SIGNIF:    20.71 [sigma]
IMAGE_SIGNIF:   0.00 [sigma]
MERIT_PARAMS:    +0  +0  +0  +0  +0  +0  +0  +0  +0  +0
COMMENTS:       SWIFT-BAT GRB Nack Position.
COMMENTS:       A point_source was not found.
/////////////////////////BAT_LC e-mail format///////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:     Fri 18 Mar 05 15:47:13 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:     Swift-BAT GRB Lightcurve
TRIGGER_NUM:     111529,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_RA:           49.678d {+03h 18m 43s} (J2000),
                  49.722d {+03h 18m 53s} (current),
                  49.261d {+03h 17m 03s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:         -46.403d {-46d 24' 11"} (J2000),
                 -46.385d {-46d 23' 03"} (current),
                 -46.584d {-46d 35' 02"} (1950)
GRB_DATE:        13447 TJD;    77 DOY;   05/03/18
GRB_TIME:        56677.17 SOD {15:44:37.17} UT
GRB_PHI:         -78.86 [deg]
GRB_THETA:        22.20 [deg]
DELTA_TIME:      19.00 [sec]
LC_URL:          sw00111529000msb.lc
SUN_POSTN:       358.30d {+23h 53m 12s}   -0.74d {-00d 44' 14"}
SUN_DIST:         63.93 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:       98.42d {+06h 33m 42s}  +28.27d {+28d 16' 09"}
MOON_DIST:        86.67 [deg]
MOON_ILLUM:      58 [%]
GAL_COORDS:      256.48,-55.24 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
ECL_COORDS:       23.53,-60.88 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
COMMENTS:        SWIFT-BAT GRB Lightcurve.  
COMMENTS:        This does not match any source in the ground catalog. 
/////////////////////////FOM_Observe e-mail format//////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:     Fri 18 Mar 05 15:45:37 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:     Swift-FOM Will_Observe
TRIGGER_NUM:     111529,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_RA:           49.678d {+03h 18m 43s} (J2000),
                  49.722d {+03h 18m 53s} (current),
                  49.261d {+03h 17m 03s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:         -46.403d {-46d 24' 11"} (J2000),
                 -46.385d {-46d 23' 03"} (current),
                 -46.584d {-46d 35' 02"} (1950)
GRB_DATE:        13447 TJD;    77 DOY;   05/03/18
GRB_TIME:        56676.60 SOD {15:44:36.60} UT
RATE_SIGNIF:     16.82 [sigma]
FLAGS:           0x3
MERIT:           100.00
SUN_POSTN:       358.30d {+23h 53m 12s}   -0.74d {-00d 44' 14"}
SUN_DIST:         63.93 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:       98.42d {+06h 33m 42s}  +28.27d {+28d 16' 09"}
MOON_DIST:        86.67 [deg]
MOON_ILLUM:      58 [%]
GAL_COORDS:      256.48,-55.24 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
ECL_COORDS:       23.53,-60.88 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
COMMENTS:        SWIFT Figure-of-Merit decision.  
COMMENTS:        This was of sufficient merit to become the new Automated Target.  
COMMENTS:        FOM will request the s/c to slew.  
COMMENTS:        The S/C has yet to make its decision about safe to slew or not.  
COMMENTS:        This does not match any source in the ground catalog.
/////////////////////////SC_Slew e-mail format//////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:     Fri 18 Mar 05 15:45:39 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:     Swift-S/C Will_NOT_Slew
TRIGGER_NUM:     111529,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_RA:           49.678d {+03h 18m 43s} (J2000),
                  49.722d {+03h 18m 53s} (current),
                  49.261d {+03h 17m 03s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:         -46.403d {-46d 24' 11"} (J2000),
                 -46.385d {-46d 23' 03"} (current),
                 -46.584d {-46d 35' 02"} (1950)
GRB_DATE:        13447 TJD;    77 DOY;   05/03/18
GRB_TIME:        56676.60 SOD {15:44:36.60} UT
RATE_SIGNIF:     16.82 [sigma]
SLEW_QUERY:      0x2
WAIT_TIME:       83.00 [sec]
OBS_TIME:        0.00 [sec]
INST_MODES:      BAT: 0   XRT: 0   UVOT: 32768
MERIT:           100.00
SUN_POSTN:       358.30d {+23h 53m 12s}   -0.74d {-00d 44' 14"}
SUN_DIST:         63.93 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:       98.42d {+06h 33m 42s}  +28.27d {+28d 16' 09"}
MOON_DIST:        86.67 [deg]
MOON_ILLUM:      58 [%]
GAL_COORDS:      256.48,-55.24 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
ECL_COORDS:       23.53,-60.88 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
COMMENTS:        SWIFT SC Slew decision.  
COMMENTS:        SC will NOT slew immediately to this target; Earth_limb constraint.  
COMMENTS:        There maybe a delayed slew or no slew at all; see WAIT_TIME.  
COMMENTS:        This does not match any source in the ground catalog.
/////////////////////////XRT_Pos e-mail format//////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 14:47:16 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-XRT Position
TRIGGER_NUM:    100081,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_RA:          88.4207d {+05h 53m 41s} (J2000),
                 88.4630d {+05h 53m 51s} (current),
                 87.9501d {+05h 51m 48s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:        -31.4043d {-31d 24' 14"} (J2000),
                -31.4036d {-31d 24' 12"} (current),
                -31.4131d {-31d 24' 46"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:      7.1 [arcsec radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:      2.15e-11 [erg/cm2/sec]                       <==The switch from 'arb' to 'cgs' units was 14nov05
GRB_SIGNIF:     3.60 [sigma]
IMG_START_DATE: 13187 TJD;   183 DOY;   04/07/01
IMG_START_TIME: 3373.16 SOD {00:56:13.16} UT,   91.8 [sec] since BAT Trigger Time
TAM[0-3]:       327.38  236.13  260.73  256.29
WAVEFORM:       134
SUN_POSTN:      100.38d {+06h 41m 31s}  +23.10d {+23d 05' 43"}
SUN_DIST:        55.68 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     258.03d {+17h 12m 07s}  -26.29d {-26d 17' 26"}
MOON_DIST:      121.45 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     236.86,-25.28 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst
ECL_COORDS:      87.66,-54.83 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst
COMMENTS:       SWIFT-XRT Coordinates.
/////////////////////////XRT_Pos_Nack e-mail format/////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 14:47:16 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-XRT Nack-Position
TRIGGER_NUM:    100012,   Seg_Num: 0
POINT_RA:        88.4207d {+05h 53m 41s} (J2000)
POINT_DEC:      -31.4043d {-31d 24' 14"} (J2000)
IMG_START_DATE: 13187 TJD;   183 DOY;   04/07/01
IMG_START_TIME: 3373.16 SOD {00:56:13.16} UT
COUNTS:         12    Min_needed= 40
STD_DEV:        12.89   Max_StdDev_for_Good=50.00
PH2_ITER:       8    Max_iter_allowed= 12
SUN_POSTN:      100.38d {+06h 41m 31s}  +23.10d {+23d 05' 43"}
SUN_DIST:        55.68 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     258.03d {+17h 12m 07s}  -26.29d {-26d 17' 26"}
MOON_DIST:      121.45 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     236.86,-25.28 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst
ECL_COORDS:      87.66,-54.83 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst
COMMENTS:       SWIFT-XRT Nack-Position.
COMMENTS:       No source found in the image.
/////////////////////////UPDATED XRT_Pos e-mail format//////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 14:49:56 UT
TRIGGER_NUM:    100081,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_RA:          88.4207d {+05h 53m 41s} (J2000),
                 88.4630d {+05h 53m 51s} (current),
                 87.9501d {+05h 51m 48s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:        -31.4043d {-31d 24' 14"} (J2000),
                -31.4036d {-31d 24' 12"} (current),
                -31.4131d {-31d 24' 46"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:      3.8 [arcsec radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:      2.15e-11 [erg/cm2/sec]                       <==The switch from 'arb' to 'cgs' units was 14nov05
GRB_SIGNIF:     3.60 [sigma]
IMG_START_DATE: 13187 TJD;   183 DOY;   04/07/01
IMG_START_TIME: 3373.16 SOD {00:56:13.16} UT,   91.8 [sec] since BAT Trigger Time
TAM[0-3]:       327.38  236.13  260.73  256.29
WAVEFORM:       134
SUN_POSTN:      100.38d {+06h 41m 31s}  +23.10d {+23d 05' 43"}
SUN_DIST:        55.68 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     258.03d {+17h 12m 07s}  -26.29d {-26d 17' 26"}
MOON_DIST:      121.45 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     236.86,-25.28 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst
ECL_COORDS:      87.66,-54.83 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst
COMMENTS:       SWIFT-XRT Coordinates.
/////////////////////////XRT_Image e-mail format////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 14:47:19 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-XRT Image 
TRIGGER_NUM:    100081,   Seg_Num: 0 
GRB_RA:          88.4207d {+05h 53m 41s} (J2000),
                 88.4630d {+05h 53m 51s} (current),
                 87.9501d {+05h 51m 48s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:        -31.4043d {-31d 24' 14"} (J2000),
                -31.4036d {-31d 24' 12"} (current),
                -31.4131d {-31d 24' 46"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:      27.3 [arcsec, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:      13 [cnts]
IMG_START_DATE: 13187 TJD;   183 DOY;   04/07/01
IMG_START_TIME: 3372.79 SOD {00:56:12.79} UT
CENTRIOD_X:     551.22,  raw= 551  [pixels]
CENTRIOD_Y:     576.27,  raw= 576  [pixels]
ROLL:           13.08 [deg]
GAIN:           1
MODE:           3, Long Image
WAVEFORM:       134
EXPO_TIME:      0.00 [sec]
GRB_POS_XRT_Y:  652.67
GRB_POS_XRT_Z:  593.91
IMAGE_URL:      sw00010008100msxim.img
SUN_POSTN:      100.38d {+06h 41m 31s}  +23.10d {+23d 05' 43"}
SUN_DIST:        55.68 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     258.03d {+17h 12m 07s}  -26.29d {-26d 17' 26"}
MOON_DIST:      121.45 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     236.86,-25.28 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst
ECL_COORDS:      87.66,-54.83 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst
/////////////////////////XRT_Spectrum e-mail format/////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 14:47:26 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-XRT Spectrum
TRIGGER_NUM:    100081,   Seg_Num: 0
SPEC_START_DATE:13187 TJD;   183 DOY;   04/07/01
SPEC_START_TIME:3383.79 SOD {00:56:23.79} UT,     105.1 [sec] since BAT Trigger Time
SPEC_STOP_DATE: 13187 TJD;   183 DOY;   04/07/01
SPEC_STOP_TIME: 3383.79 SOD {00:56:23.79} UT
LIVETIME:         8.26 [sec]
POINT_RA:        88.67d {+05h 54m 42s} (J2000)
POINT_DEC:      -31.24d {-31d 14' 33"} (J2000)
MODE:           5, Low Rate Photodiode
WAVEFORM:       50
BIAS:           0
TERM_COND:      1
SPEC_URL:       sw00010008100msx.pha
SUN_POSTN:      100.38d {+06h 41m 31s}  +23.10d {+23d 05' 43"}
SUN_DIST:        55.47 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     258.03d {+17h 12m 07s}  -26.29d {-26d 17' 27"}
MOON_DIST:      121.57 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     236.76,-25.02 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the pointing direction
ECL_COORDS:      88.04,-54.67 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the pointing direction
COMMENTS:       SWIFT-XRT Spectrum.
COMMENTS:       This spectrum accumulation was terminated by the 'Time' condition.
/////////////////////////XRT_Lightcurve e-mail format///////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 14:52:31 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-XRT Lightcurve
TRIGGER_NUM:    100081,   Seg_Num: 0
POINT_RA:        88.674d {+05h 54m 42s} (J2000)
POINT_DEC:      -31.254d {-31d 15' 15"} (J2000)
LC_START_DATE:  13187 TJD;   183 DOY;   04/07/01
LC_START_TIME:  3375.78 SOD {00:56:15.78} UT,   97.1 [sec] since BAT Trigger Time
LC_STOP_DATE:   13187 TJD;   183 DOY;   04/07/01
LC_STOP_TIME:   3677.47 SOD {01:01:17.47} UT
LC_LIVE_TIME:   146.69 [sec], 49.8%
DELTA_TIME:     86098.31 [sec]
N_BINS:         76
TERM_COND:      1
LC_URL:         sw00010008100msx.lc
SUN_POSTN:      100.38d {+06h 41m 31s}  +23.10d {+23d 05' 43"}
SUN_DIST:        55.49 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     258.03d {+17h 12m 07s}  -26.29d {-26d 17' 26"}
MOON_DIST:      121.56 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     236.77,-25.03 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the pointing direction
ECL_COORDS:      88.04,-54.68 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the pointing direction
COMMENTS:       SWIFT-XRT Lightcurve.
COMMENTS:       This lightcurve was terminated by the 'Time' condition.
/////////////////////////UVOT_SrcList e-mail format////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 14:47:42 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-UVOT Source List
TRIGGER_NUM:    100081,   Seg_Num: 0
POINT_RA:        88.651d {+05h 54m 36s} (J2000)
POINT_DEC:      -31.288d {-31d 17' 16"} (J2000)
POINT_ROLL:     13.091d
IMG_START_DATE: 13187 TJD;   183 DOY;   04/07/01
IMG_START_TIME: 3373.79 SOD {00:56:13.79} UT,   98.5 [sec] since BAT Trigger Time
FILTER:         4, UVM2
N_STARS:        2
X_OFFSET:       1088 [pixels]
Y_OFFSET:       380 [pixels]
X_MAX:          0 [pixels]
Y_MAX:          2 [pixels]
SL_URL:         sw00010008100msufc.fits
SUN_POSTN:      100.38d {+06h 41m 31s}  +23.10d {+23d 05' 43"}
SUN_DIST:        55.52 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     258.03d {+17h 12m 07s}  -26.29d {-26d 17' 26"}
MOON_DIST:      121.53 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     236.80,-25.05 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the pointing direction
ECL_COORDS:      88.00,-54.72 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the pointing direction
COMMENTS:       SWIFT-UVOT Source List.
/////////////////////////UVOT_Image e-mail format///////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:    Fri 01 Oct 04 14:50:24 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-UVOT Image
TRIGGER_NUM:    100081,   Seg_Num: 0
POINT_RA:        88.651d {+05h 54m 36s} (J2000)
POINT_DEC:      -31.288d {-31d 17' 16"} (J2000)
ROLL:           0.000d
IMG_START_DATE: 13187 TJD;   183 DOY;   04/07/01
IMG_START_TIME: 3374.25 SOD {00:56:14.25} UT,   98.5 [sec] since BAT Trigger Time
FILTER:         4, UVM2
X_OFFSET:       1088 [pixels]
Y_OFFSET:       380 [pixels]
X_MAX:          0 [pixels]
Y_MAX:          2 [pixels]
IM_URL:         sw00010008100msuni.fits
SUN_POSTN:      100.38d {+06h 41m 31s}  +23.10d {+23d 05' 43"}
SUN_DIST:        55.52 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     258.03d {+17h 12m 07s}  -26.29d {-26d 17' 26"}
MOON_DIST:      121.53 [deg]
GAL_COORDS:     236.80,-25.05 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the pointing direction
ECL_COORDS:      88.00,-54.72 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the pointing direction
/////////////////////////UVOT_Pos e-mail format/////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:     Fri 07 Jul 06 17:05:27 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:     Swift-UVOT Position
TRIGGER_NUM:     12349,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_RA:           82.3449d {+05h 29m 22.77s} (J2000),
                  82.5208d {+05h 30m 05.00s} (current),
                  80.9754d {+05h 23m 54.08s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:         +69.3209d {+69d 19' 15.2"} (J2000),
                 +69.3256d {+69d 19' 32.1"} (current),
                 +69.2805d {+69d 16' 49.8"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:       1.1 [arcsec radius, statistical only]
GRB_MAG:         14.00 +/- 0.50 [mag]
FILTER:          10, White
IMG_START_DATE:  13886 TJD;   151 DOY;   06/05/31
IMG_START_TIME:  63404.00 SOD {17:36:44.00} UT,   63404.0 [sec] since BAT Trigger Time
SUN_POSTN:       106.76d {+07h 07m 01s}  +22.54d {+22d 32' 39"}
SUN_DIST:         49.00 [deg]   Sun_angle= 1.6 [hr] (West of Sun)
MOON_POSTN:      238.38d {+15h 53m 30s}  -24.85d {-24d 50' 46"}
MOON_DIST:       133.27 [deg]
MOON_ILLUM:      86 [%]
GAL_COORDS:      143.34, 18.45 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
ECL_COORDS:       86.12, 45.98 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
COMMENTS:        SWIFT UVOT Position Notice.  
COMMENTS:        This Notice was ground-generated -- not flight-generated.  
COMMENTS:        This is a fake GRB  
/////////////////////////UVOT_Pos-Nack e-mail format/////////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:     Wed 28 Jun 06 14:39:21 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:     Swift-UVOT Nack-Position
TRIGGER_NUM:     100081,   Seg_Num: 2
REGION_RA:        88.4206d {+05h 53m 40.9s} (J2000),
                  88.4755d {+05h 53m 54.1s} (current),
                  87.9500d {+05h 51m 47.9s} (1950)
REGION_DEC:      -31.4042d {-31d 24' 15.1"} (J2000),
                 -31.4033d {-31d 24' 11.9"} (current),
                 -31.4130d {-31d 24' 46.8"} (1950)
REGION_ERROR:    180.0 [arcsec search radius]
MAG_LIMIT:       19.51 [mag]   5.00 [sigma]
FILTER:          4, UVM2
IMG_START_DATE:  13674 TJD;   -61 DOY;   06/01/-61
IMG_START_TIME:  3373.78 SOD {00:56:13.78} UT,   3373.8 [sec] since BAT Trigger Time
SUN_POSTN:        97.37d {+06h 29m 28s}  +23.27d {+23d 15' 55"}
SUN_DIST:         55.33 [deg]   Sun_angle= 0.6 [hr] (West of Sun)
MOON_POSTN:      134.60d {+08h 58m 23s}  +20.96d {+20d 57' 26"}
MOON_DIST:        68.52 [deg]
MOON_ILLUM:      9 [%]
GAL_COORDS:      236.86,-25.28 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
ECL_COORDS:       87.66,-54.83 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
COMMENTS:        SWIFT-UVOT Nack Position.
COMMENTS:        A point_source was not found.
COMMENTS:        The search was complicated by a nearby 7th mag star.
/////////////////////////BAT_Slew_Pos e-mail format////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:     Thu 17 Apr 08 17:49:31 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:     Swift-BAT Slew GRB Position
ID_NUM:          4
GRB_RA:          223.800d {+14h 55m 12s} (J2000),
                 223.870d {+14h 55m 29s} (current),
                 223.377d {+14h 53m 30s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:         +48.410d {+48d 24' 36"} (J2000),
                 +48.377d {+48d 22' 36"} (current),
                 +48.612d {+48d 36' 42"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:       6.77 [arcmin radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:       785889 [cnts]    Image_Peak=0 [image_cnts]
TRIGGER_DUR:     70.596 [sec] 
TRIGGER_INDEX:   8     Criteria: (S(15-50) OR H(50-150)) > 5.0 sigma AND B(15-150) > 4.0 sigma
ENERGY_RANGE:    15-150 keV
BKG_INTEN:       0 [cnts]
BKG_TIME:        0.00 SOD {00:00:00.00} UT
BKG_DUR:         0 [sec]
GRB_DATE:        14573 TJD;   108 DOY;   08/04/17
GRB_TIME:        37993.18 SOD {10:33:13.18} UT
SOLN_STATUS:     0x4011
RATE_SIGNIF:     0.00 [sigma]
IMAGE_SIGNIF:    4.59 [sigma]
SUN_POSTN:        26.08d {+01h 44m 20s}  +10.79d {+10d 47' 28"}
SUN_DIST:        118.77 [deg]   Sun_angle= 10.8 [hr] (West of Sun)
MOON_POSTN:      176.72d {+11h 46m 53s}   -1.54d {-01d 32' 09"}
MOON_DIST:        64.44 [deg]
MOON_ILLUM:      93 [%]
GAL_COORDS:       82.88, 57.97 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
ECL_COORDS:      194.51, 60.34 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst (or transient)
COMMENTS:        SWIFT-BAT Slew GRB Coordinates.  
COMMENTS:        A point_source was found.  
COMMENTS:        This does not match any source in the ground catalog.  
COMMENTS:        This is not a GRB.  
COMMENTS:        Very high confidence of reality (silver-plated).  
COMMENTS:        This Notice was ground-processed from flight-data.
///////////////////////Swift_POINTDIR e-mail format/////////////////////////
NOTICE_DATE:     Fri 10 Feb 06 23:27:42 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:     SWIFT Pointing Direction
NEXT_POINT_RA:   272.164d {+18h 08m 39s} (J2000)
NEXT_POINT_DEC:  -20.411d {-20d 24' 39"} (J2000)
SLEW_TIME:       84480.00 SOD {23:28:00.00} UT
SLEW_DATE:       13776 TJD;    41 DOY;   06/02/10
OBS_TIME:        540.00 [sec]   (=9.0 [min])
TGT_NAME:        SGR1806-20 
TGT_NUM:         35315,   Seg_Num: 1
MERIT:           50.00
INST_MODES:      BAT=0=0x0  XRT=0=0x0  UVOT=4101=0x1005
SUN_POSTN:       324.46d {+21h 37m 49s}  -14.15d {-14d 08' 43"}
SUN_DIST:         50.04 [deg]   Sun_angle= 3.5 [hr] (West of Sun)
MOON_POSTN:      120.85d {+08h 03m 24s}  +25.25d {+25d 15' 05"}
MOON_DIST:       153.26 [deg]
MOON_ILLUM:      96 [%]
GAL_COORDS:       10.00, -0.24 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the pointing direction
ECL_COORDS:      272.03,  3.01 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the pointing direction
COMMENTS:        SWIFT Slew Notice.  
COMMENTS:        The spacecraft longitude,latitude at Notice_time is 150.74,-10.52 [deg]. 

Pager Examples

Examples of the (regular) pager formats are shown below.
There are no "Subject" lines for these e-mails sent to the pager companies
because the Subject line would use up valuable character counts
from the maximum displayable for the body of the message.

/////////////////////////BAT_Alert Pager format////////////////////////////
GRB Alert
TIME: 13:31:15.52 UT
R_Signif=5.56 sigma
/////////////////////////BAT_Pos Pager format//////////////////////////////
GRB Position
RA=74.707d  DEC=-36.245d
TIME: 14:47:58.40 UT
/////////////////////////BAT_Pos_Nack Pager format/////////////////////////
GRB Nack Position
TIME: 13:31:16.41 UT
/////////////////////////BAT_LC Pager format///////////////////////////////
GRB Lightcurve
RA=66.783d  DEC=-19.459d
TIME: 13:25:48.99 UT
/////////////////////////FOM_Observe Pager format//////////////////////////
RA=131.405d  DEC=-19.631d
TIME: 14:56:24.38 UT
RATE_SIGNIF=12.31 sigma
/////////////////////////SC_Slew Pager format//////////////////////////////
RA=74.707d  DEC=-36.245d
TIME: 14:47:58.40 UT
WAIT_T=0 [sec]
OBS_T=1135 [sec]
RATE_SIGNIF=255.99 sigma
/////////////////////////XRT_Pos Pager format//////////////////////////////
RA=121.966d  DEC=-19.534d
TIME: 13:28:45.77 UT
I=36.48 sigma
/////////////////////////XRT_Pos_Nack Pager format/////////////////////////
Nack Position
TIME: 13:28:45.77 UT
I=3.48 sigma
/////////////////////////XRT_Image Pager format////////////////////////////
PNT: RA=121.966d  DEC=-19.534d
TIME: 13:28:45.00 UT
/////////////////////////XRT_Spectrum Pager format/////////////////////////
PNT: RA=121.966d  DEC=-19.534d
TIME: 13:28:45.00 UT
/////////////////////////XRT_Lightcurve Pager format///////////////////////
PNT: RA=121.966d  DEC=-19.534d
TIME: 13:28:45.00 UT
/////////////////////////UVOT_SourceList Pager format//////////////////////
Source List
PNT: RA=122.224d  DEC=-19.558d
TIME: 13:28:44.00 UT
DeltaT: 211.23 [sec]
N_bin= 89,  Term= 2
/////////////////////////UVOT_Image Pager format///////////////////////////
PNT: RA=122.224d  DEC=-19.558d
TIME: 13:28:44.89 UT
I=0.00 sigma
/////////////////////////UVOT_Pos Pager format/////////////////////////////
PNT: RA=123.524d  DEC=-19.124d
TIME: 13:28:44.89 UT
I=19.23 mag
/////////////////////////UVOT_Pos-Nack Pager format////////////////////////
/////////////////////Swift_PointDir Pager format///////////////////////////
NEXT_RA=243.781d  DEC=+65.706d
T=05/03/24 21:23:00.00 UT
Obs=1320.00 sec

Short-form Pager Examples

Examples of the short-form pager format are shown below.
There are no "Subject" lines for these e-mails sent to the pager companies,
because the Subject-line would use up valuable character counts
from the maximum displayable for the body of the message.
And it was the very limited display character count of some companies
that motivated the short-form pager method in the first place.

[i need to fill in the rest of these examples!!!]
/////////////////////////BAT_Alert Short-Pager format///////////////////////
T=13:31:15.52 Signif=5.56
/////////////////////////BAT_Pos Short-Pager format/////////////////////////
BAT GRB Position
RA=74.707  DEC=-36.245
/////////////////////////BAT_Pos_Nack Short-Pager format////////////////////
/////////////////////////BAT_LC Short-Pager format//////////////////////////
/////////////////////////FOM_Observe Short-Pager format/////////////////////
/////////////////////////SC_Slew Short-Pager format/////////////////////////
SC Will Slew
T=02:54:19.30 RateSignif=15.65
/////////////////////////XRT_Pos Short-Pager format/////////////////////////
XRT Position
RA=74.715  DEC=-36.255
/////////////////////////XRT_Pos_Nack Short-Pager format////////////////////
/////////////////////////XRT_Image Short-Pager format///////////////////////
/////////////////////////XRT_Spectrum Short-Pager format////////////////////
/////////////////////////XRT_Lightcurve Short-Pager format//////////////////
/////////////////////////UVOT_SrcList Short-Pager format////////////////////
/////////////////////////UVOT_Image Short-Pager format//////////////////////
/////////////////////////UVOT_Pos Short-Pager format////////////////////////
/////////////////////////UVOT_Pos-Nack Short-Pager format///////////////////

Subject-only Examples

There are two variations of the Subject-only format: decimal degrees
and RA=hh:mm:ss Dec=DDdMMmSSs format. The two variations are shown below:

[i need to fill in these examples!!!]
/////////////////////////BAT_Alert Subject-only format///////////////////////
/////////////////////////BAT_Pos Subject-only format/////////////////////////
/////////////////////////BAT_Pos_Nack Subject-only format////////////////////
/////////////////////////BAT_LC Subject-only format//////////////////////////
/////////////////////////FOM_Observe Subject-only format/////////////////////
/////////////////////////SC_Slew Subject-only format/////////////////////////
/////////////////////////XRT_Pos Subject-only format/////////////////////////
/////////////////////////XRT_Pos_Nack Subject-only format////////////////////
/////////////////////////XRT_Image Subject-only format///////////////////////
/////////////////////////XRT_Spectrum Subject-only format////////////////////
/////////////////////////XRT_Lightcurve Subject-only format//////////////////
/////////////////////////UVOT_SrcList Subject-only format////////////////////
/////////////////////////UVOT_Image Subject-only format//////////////////////
/////////////////////////UVOT_Pos Subject-only format////////////////////////
/////////////////////////UVOT_Pos-Nack Subject-only format///////////////////

Test Notice Example

Here is an example of the Swift BAT Position Test Notice (e_mail format).

NOTICE_DATE:    Sun 24 Oct 04 16:14:37 UT
NOTICE_TYPE:    Swift-BAT GRB Test Position 
TRIGGER_NUM:    99999,   Seg_Num: 0
GRB_RA:         252.000d {+16h 47m 60s} (J2000),
                252.044d {+16h 48m 11s} (current),
                251.545d {+16h 46m 11s} (1950)
GRB_DEC:        +35.000d {+34d 59' 60"} (J2000),
                +34.992d {+34d 59' 30"} (current),
                +35.087d {+35d 05' 13"} (1950)
GRB_ERROR:      3.00 [arcmin radius, statistical only]
GRB_INTEN:      1000 [cnts]    Peak=123 [cnts/sec] 
BKG_INTEN:      500 [cnts]
BKG_TIME:       77450.00 SOD {21:31:00.00} UT
BKG_DUR:        16 [sec]
GRB_DATE:       13302 TJD;   298 DOY;   04/10/24
GRB_TIME:       58477.00 SOD {16:14:37.00} UT
GRB_PHI:        123.54 [deg]
GRB_THETA:       12.34 [deg]
RATE_SIGNIF:    12.31 [sigma]
IMAGE_SIGNIF:   9.80 [sigma]
MERIT_PARAMS:    +1  -2  +3  -4  +5  -6  +7  -8  +9 -10 
SUN_POSTN:      209.44d {+13h 57m 45s}  -12.03d {-12d 01' 40"}
SUN_DIST:        61.95 [deg]
MOON_POSTN:     352.11d {+23h 28m 27s}   -7.26d {-07d 15' 46"}
MOON_DIST:      102.39 [deg]
MOON_ILLUM:     87 [%]
GAL_COORDS:     57.33,39.46 [deg] galactic lon,lat of the burst
ECL_COORDS:     242.52,56.73 [deg] ecliptic lon,lat of the burst
COMMENTS:       This is a rate trigger.
COMMENTS:       A point_source was found.
COMMENTS:       This does not match any source in the on-board catalog.
COMMENTS:       This is a GRB.

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This file was last modified on 26-Aug-08.